Module control.record

Records in tables.

  • Rendering
  • Modification
  • Deletion
Expand source code
"""Records in tables.

*   Rendering
*   Modification
*   Deletion

from config import Config as C, Names as N
from control.perm import permRecord
from control.utils import pick as G, cap1, E, ELLIPS, ONE, S
from control.html import HtmlElements as H
from control.field import Field

from control.cust.factory_details import factory as detailsFactory

CT = C.tables
CW = C.web

MASTERS = CT.masters
MAIN_TABLE = CT.userTables[0]
ACTUAL_TABLES = set(CT.actualTables)
REFRESH_TABLES = set(CT.refreshTables)

# an easy way to go from assessment to contrib and from contrib to assessment
# used in deleteButton

    for i in range(len(USER_TABLES_LIST) - 1)

class Record:
    """Deals with records."""

    inheritProps = (

    def __init__(
        """## Initialization

        Store the incoming information.

        A number of properties will be inherited from the table object
        that spawns a record object.

        tableObj: object
            See below.
        eid, record, withDetails, readonly, bodyMethod
            See `control.table.Table.record`

        for prop in Record.inheritProps:
            setattr(self, prop, getattr(tableObj, prop, None))

        self.tableObj = tableObj
        """*object* A `control.table.Table` object (or one of a derived class)

        self.withDetails = withDetails
        """*boolean* Whether to present a list of detail records below the record.

        self.readonly = readonly
        """*boolean* Whether to present the complete record in readonly mode.

        self.bodyMethod = bodyMethod
        """*function* How to compose the HTML for the body of the record.

        context = self.context
        table = self.table

        self.DetailsClass = detailsFactory(table)
        """*class* The class used for presenting details of this record.

        It might be the base class `control.details.Details`  or one of its
        derived classes.

        if record is None:
            record = context.getItem(table, eid)
        self.record = record
        """*dict* The data of the record, keyed by field names.

        self.eid = G(record, N._id)
        """*ObjectId* The id of the record.


        self.mayDelete = self.getDelPerm()
        """*boolean* Whether the user may delete the record.

    def getDelPerm(self):
        """Compute the delete permission for this record.

        The unbreakable rule is:
        *   Records with dependencies cannot be deleted if the dependencies
            are not configured as `cascade-delete` in tables.yaml.

        The next rules are workflow rules:

        *   if a record is fixed due to workflow constraints, no one can delete it;
        *   if a record is unfixed due to workflow, a user may delete it,
            irrespective of normal permissions; workflow will determine
            which records will appear unfixed to which users;

        If these rules do not clinch it, the normal permission rules will
        be applied:

        *   authenticated users may delete their own records in the
            `contrib`, `assessment` and `review` tables
        *   superusers may delete records if the configured edit
            permissions allow them

        context = self.context
        auth = context.auth
        isUserTable = self.isUserTable
        isUserEntryTable = self.isUserEntryTable
        readonly = self.readonly
        perm = self.perm
        fixed = self.fixed

        isAuthenticated = auth.authenticated()
        isSuperuser = auth.superuser()

        normalDelPerm = (
            not isUserEntryTable
            and not readonly
            and isAuthenticated
            and (isSuperuser or isUserTable and G(perm, N.isEdit))
        return False if fixed else normalDelPerm

    def reload(
        """Re-initializes a record object if its underlying data has changed.

        This might be caused by an update in the record itself,
        or a change in workflow conditions.

        self.record = record
        self.mayDelete = self.getDelPerm()

    def getDependencies(self):
        """Compute dependent records.

        See `control.db.Db.dependencies`.

        context = self.context
        db = context.db
        table = self.table
        record = self.record

        return db.dependencies(table, record)

    def setPerm(self):
        """Compute permission info for this record.

        See `control.perm.permRecord`.

        context = self.context
        table = self.table
        record = self.record

        self.perm = permRecord(context, table, record)

    def setWorkflow(self):
        """Compute a workflow item for this record.

        The workflow item corresponds to this record
        if it is in the contrib table, otherwise to the
        contrib that is the (grand)master of this record.

        See `control.context.Context.getWorkflowItem` and

            The attribute `wfitem` will point to the workflow item.
            If the record is not a valid part of any workflow,
            or if there is no workflow item found,
            `wfitem` will be set to `None`.

        context = self.context
        perm = self.perm
        table = self.table
        eid = self.eid
        record = self.record

        contribId = G(perm, N.contribId)

        self.kind = None
        self.fixed = None
        valid = False

        wfitem = context.getWorkflowItem(contribId)
        if wfitem:
            self.kind = wfitem.getKind(table, record)
            valid = wfitem.isValid(table, eid, record)
            self.mayRead = wfitem.checkReadable(self)
            valid = False if table in USER_TABLES - {MAIN_TABLE} else True
            self.mayRead = None

        if valid and wfitem:
            self.fixed = wfitem.checkFixed(self)
            self.wfitem = wfitem
            self.wfitem = None

        self.valid = valid

    def adjustWorkflow(self, update=True, delete=False):
        """Recompute workflow information.

        When this record or some other record has changed, it could have had
        an impact on the workflow.
        If there is reason to assume this has happened, this function can be called
        to recompute the workflow item.

        !!! warning
            Do not confuse this method with the one with the same name in Tables:
            `control.table.Table.adjustWorkflow` which does its work after the
            insertion of a record.

        update: boolean, optional `True`
            If `True`, reset the attribute `wfitem` to the recomputed workflow.
            Otherwise, recomputation is done, but the attribute is not reset.
            This is done if there is no use of the workflow info for the remaining
            steps in processing the request.
        delete: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, delete the workflow item and set the attribute `wfitem`
            to `None`

            The attribute `wfitem` will be set again.

        context = self.context
        wf =
        perm = self.perm

        contribId = G(perm, N.contribId)
        if delete:
            self.wfitem = None
            if update:
                self.wfitem = context.getWorkflowItem(contribId, requireFresh=True)

    def task(self, task):
        """Perform a workflow task.

        See `control.workflow.apply.WorkflowItem.doTask`.

        wfitem = self.wfitem

        url = None
        good = False

        if wfitem:
            url = wfitem.doTask(task, self)

        if url is None:
            table = self.table
            eid = self.eid
            url = f"""/{table}/{N.item}/{eid}"""
            good = True
        return (good, url)

    def field(self, fieldName, **kwargs):
        """Factory function to wrap a field object around the data of a field.

        !!! note
            Workflow information will be checked whether this record is fixated.
            If so, the new field object will be initialized with parameters
            to make it uneditable.

        !!! note
            It will also be checked whether the field is a workflow field.
            Such fields are not shown and edited in the normal way,
            hence they will be set to unreadable and uneditable.
            The manipulation of such fields is under control of workflow.
            See `control.workflow.apply.WorkflowItem.isTask`.

        !!! caution
            The name of the field must be one for which field specs are defined
            in the yaml file for the table.

        fieldName: string

            A `control.field.Field` object.

        fields = self.fields
        if fieldName not in fields:
            return None

        table = self.table
        wfitem = self.wfitem

        forceEdit = G(kwargs, N.mayEdit)

        if wfitem:
            fixed = wfitem.checkFixed(self, field=fieldName)
            if fixed:
                kwargs[N.mayEdit] = False
            if wfitem.isTask(table, fieldName):
                kwargs[N.mayRead] = False
                kwargs[N.mayEdit] = forceEdit or not fixed
        return Field(self, fieldName, **kwargs)

    def delete(self):
        """Delete a record.

        Permissions and dependencies will be checked, as a result,
        the deletion may be prevented.
        See `Record.getDependencies` and `Record.getDelPerm`.

        If deletion happens, workflow information will be adapted afterwards.
        See `Record.adjustWorkflow`.

        mayDelete = self.mayDelete
        if not mayDelete:
            return False

        dependencies = self.getDependencies()
        nRef = G(dependencies, N.reference, default=0)

        if nRef:
            return False

        nCas = G(dependencies, N.cascade, default=0)
        if nCas:
            if not self.deleteDetails():
                return False

        context = self.context
        table = self.table
        eid = self.eid

        good = context.deleteItem(table, eid)

        if table == MAIN_TABLE:
        elif table in WORKFLOW_TABLES:

        return good

    def deleteDetails(self):
        """Delete the details of a record.

        Permissions and dependencies will be checked, as a result,
        the deletion may be prevented.
        See `Record.getDependencies` and `Record.getDelPerm`.

            Whether there are still dependencies after deleting the details.

        context = self.context
        db = context.db
        table = self.table
        eid = self.eid

        for dtable in G(CASCADE_SPECS, table, default=[]):
            db.deleteMany(dtable, {table: eid})
        dependencies = self.getDependencies()
        nRef = G(dependencies, N.reference, default=0)
        return nRef == 0

    def body(self, myMasters=None, hideMasters=False):
        """Wrap the body of the record in HTML.

        This is the part without the provenance information and without
        the detail records.

        This method can be overridden by `body` methods in derived classes.

        myMasters: iterable of string, optional `None`
            A declaration of which fields must be treated as master fields.
        hideMaster: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, all master fields as declared in `myMasters` will be left out.


        fieldSpecs = self.fields
        provSpecs = self.prov

        return H.join(
            self.field(field, asMaster=field in myMasters).wrap()
            for field in fieldSpecs
            if (field not in provSpecs and not (hideMasters and field in myMasters))

    def wrap(
        """Wrap the record into HTML.

        A record can be displayed in several states:

        expanded | effect
        --- | ---
        `-1` | only a title with a control to get the full details
        `0` | full details, no control to collapse/expand
        `1` | full details, with a control to collapse to the title

        !!! note
            When a record in state `1` or `-1` is sent to the client,
            only the material that is displayed is sent. When the user clicks on the
            expand/collapse control, the other part is fetched from the server
            *at that very moment*.
            So collapsing/expanding can be used to refresh the view on a record
            if things have happened.

        !!! caution
            The triggering of the fetch actions for expanded/collapsed material
            is done by the Javascript in `index.js`.
            A single function does it all, and it is sensitive to the exact attributes
            of the summary and the detail.
            If you tamper with this code, you might end up with an infinite loop of
            expanding and collapsing.

        !!! hint
            Pay extra attention to the attribute `fat`!
            When it is present, it is an indication that the expanded material
            is already on the client, and that it does not have to be fetched.

        !!! note
            There are several ways to customise the effect of `wrap` for specific
            tables. Start with writing a derived class for that table with
            `Record` as base class.

            *   write an alternative for `Record.body`,
                e.g. `control.cust.review_record.ReviewR.bodyCompact`, and
                initialize the `Record` with `(bodyMethod='compact')`.
                Just specify the part of the name after `body` as string starting
                with a lower case.
            *   override `Record.body`. This app does not do this currently.
            *   use a custom `wrap` function, by defining it in your derived class,
                e.g. `control.cust.score_record.ScoreR.wrapHelp`.
                Use it by calling `Record.wrap(wrapMethod=scoreObj.wrapHelp)`.

        inner: boolean, optional `True`
            Whether to add the CSS class `inner` to the outer `<div>` of the result.
        wrapMethod: function, optional `None`
            The method to compose the result out of all its components.
            Typically defined in a derived class.
            If passed, this function will be called to deliver the result.
            Otherwise, `wrap` does the composition itself.
        expanded: {-1, 0, 1}
            Whether to expand the record.
            See the table above.
        withProv: boolean, optional `True`
            Include a display of the provenance fields.
        hideMasters: boolean, optional `False`
            Whether to hide the master fields.
            If they are not hidden, they will be presented as hyperlinks to the
            master record.
        extraCls: string, optional `''`
            An extra class to add to the outer `<div>`.


        table = self.table
        eid = self.eid
        record = self.record
        provSpecs = self.prov
        valid = self.valid
        withDetails = self.withDetails

        withRefresh = table in REFRESH_TABLES

        func = getattr(self, wrapMethod, None) if wrapMethod else None
        if func:
            return func()

        bodyMethod = self.bodyMethod
        urlExtra = f"""?method={bodyMethod}""" if bodyMethod else E
        fetchUrl = f"""/api/{table}/{N.item}/{eid}"""

        itemKey = f"""{table}/{G(record, N._id)}"""
        theTitle = self.title()

        if expanded == -1:
            return H.details(

        bodyFunc = (
            getattr(self, f"""{N.body}{cap1(bodyMethod)}""", self.body)
            if bodyMethod
            else self.body
        myMasters = G(MASTERS, table, default=[])

        deleteButton = self.deleteButton()

        innerCls = " inner" if inner else E
        warningCls = E if valid else " warning "

        provenance = (
                    (N.prov, N.dismiss),
                        [self.field(field).wrap() for field in provSpecs], cls="prov"
                    f"""{table}/{G(record, N._id)}/{N.prov}""",
                        cls="button small",
                        title="Provenance and editors of this record",
                    closeAtts=dict(cls="button small", title="Hide provenance"),
            if withProv
            else E

        main = H.div(
                    H.join(bodyFunc(myMasters=myMasters, hideMasters=hideMasters)),
            cls=f"record{innerCls} {extraCls} {warningCls}",

        rButton = H.iconr(itemKey, "#main", msg=table) if withRefresh else E
        details = (
            self.DetailsClass(self).wrap(showTable=showTable, showEid=showEid)
            if withDetails
            else E

        return (
                rButton + theTitle,
                H.div(main + details),
            if expanded == 1
            else H.div(main + details)

    def wrapLogical(self):
        """Wrap the record into a dict.

        A record can be displayed in several states:

        full details


        table = self.table
        fieldSpecs = self.fields
        provSpecs = self.prov
        myMasters = G(MASTERS, table, default=[])

        record = {
            field: self.field(field, asMaster=field in myMasters).wrapBare(markup=None)
            for field in fieldSpecs
            if (field not in provSpecs and not (field in myMasters))
        record["id"] = self.eid
        return record

    def deleteButton(self):
        """Show the delete button and/or the number of dependencies.

        Check the permissions in order to not show a delete button if the user
        cannot delete the record.


        mayDelete = self.mayDelete

        if not mayDelete:
            return E

        record = self.record
        table = self.table
        itemSingle = self.itemLabels[0]

        dependencies = self.getDependencies()

        nCas = G(dependencies, N.cascade, default=0)
        cascadeMsg = (
                f"""{nCas} detail record{E if nCas == 1 else S}""",
                title="""Detail records will be deleted with the master record""",
                cls="label small warning-o right",
            if nCas
            else E
        cascadeMsgShort = (
            f""" and {nCas} dependent record{E if nCas == 1 else S}""" if nCas else E

        nRef = G(dependencies, N.reference, default=0)

        if nRef:
            plural = E if nRef == 1 else S
            return H.span(
                        cls="medium right",
                        title=f"""Cannot delete because of {nRef} dependent record{plural}""",
                        f"""{nRef} dependent record{plural}""",
                        cls="label small warning-o right",

        if table in TO_MASTER:
            masterTable = G(TO_MASTER, table)
            masterId = G(record, masterTable)
            masterTable = None
            masterId = None

        url = (
            f"""/api/{table}/{N.delete}/{G(record, N._id)}"""
            if masterTable is None or masterId is None
            else f"""/api/{masterTable}/{masterId}/{table}/{N.delete}/{G(record, N._id)}"""
        return H.span(
                    cls="medium right warning",
                    title=f"""delete this {itemSingle}{cascadeMsgShort}""",

    def title(self, markup=True, **kwargs):
        """Generate a title for the record."""
        record = self.record
        valid = self.valid

        warningCls = E if valid else " warning "

        return Record.titleRaw(self, record, cls=warningCls, markup=markup, **kwargs)

    def inActualCls(self, record):
        """Get a CSS class name for a record based on whether it is *actual*.

        Actual records belong to the current `package`, a record that specifies
        which contribution types, and criteria are currently part of the workflow.

        record: dict | `None`
            If `self` does not have a `record` attribute, the record data must
            be passed here.
            `inactual` if the record is not actual, else the empty string.

        table = self.table
        if record is None:
            record = self.record

        isActual = (
            table not in ACTUAL_TABLES
            or not record
            or G(record, N.actual, default=False)
        return E if isActual else "inactual"

    def titleRaw(obj, record, cls=E, markup=True, **kwargs):
        """Generate a title for a different record.

        This is fast title generation.
        No record object will be created.

        The title will be based on the fields in the record,
        and its formatting is assisted by the appropriate
        type class in `control.typ.types`.

        !!! hint
            If the record is  not "actual", its title will get a warning
            background color.
            See `control.db.Db.collect`.

        obj: object
            Any object that has a table and context attribute, e.g. a table object
            or a record object
        record: dict
        cls: string, optional, `''`
            A CSS class to add to the outer element of the result

        table = obj.table
        context = obj.context
        types = context.types
        typesObj = getattr(types, table, None)
        valueBare = typesObj.title(record=record, **kwargs)

        if markup is None:
            return valueBare

        inActualCls = Record.inActualCls(obj, record)
        atts = dict(cls=f"{cls} {inActualCls}")

        return H.span(valueBare, **atts, **kwargs)


class Record (tableObj, eid=None, record=None, withDetails=False, readonly=False, bodyMethod=None)

Deals with records.


Store the incoming information.

A number of properties will be inherited from the table object that spawns a record object.


tableObj : object
See below.
eid, record, withDetails, readonly, bodyMethod
See Table.record()
Expand source code
class Record:
    """Deals with records."""

    inheritProps = (

    def __init__(
        """## Initialization

        Store the incoming information.

        A number of properties will be inherited from the table object
        that spawns a record object.

        tableObj: object
            See below.
        eid, record, withDetails, readonly, bodyMethod
            See `control.table.Table.record`

        for prop in Record.inheritProps:
            setattr(self, prop, getattr(tableObj, prop, None))

        self.tableObj = tableObj
        """*object* A `control.table.Table` object (or one of a derived class)

        self.withDetails = withDetails
        """*boolean* Whether to present a list of detail records below the record.

        self.readonly = readonly
        """*boolean* Whether to present the complete record in readonly mode.

        self.bodyMethod = bodyMethod
        """*function* How to compose the HTML for the body of the record.

        context = self.context
        table = self.table

        self.DetailsClass = detailsFactory(table)
        """*class* The class used for presenting details of this record.

        It might be the base class `control.details.Details`  or one of its
        derived classes.

        if record is None:
            record = context.getItem(table, eid)
        self.record = record
        """*dict* The data of the record, keyed by field names.

        self.eid = G(record, N._id)
        """*ObjectId* The id of the record.


        self.mayDelete = self.getDelPerm()
        """*boolean* Whether the user may delete the record.

    def getDelPerm(self):
        """Compute the delete permission for this record.

        The unbreakable rule is:
        *   Records with dependencies cannot be deleted if the dependencies
            are not configured as `cascade-delete` in tables.yaml.

        The next rules are workflow rules:

        *   if a record is fixed due to workflow constraints, no one can delete it;
        *   if a record is unfixed due to workflow, a user may delete it,
            irrespective of normal permissions; workflow will determine
            which records will appear unfixed to which users;

        If these rules do not clinch it, the normal permission rules will
        be applied:

        *   authenticated users may delete their own records in the
            `contrib`, `assessment` and `review` tables
        *   superusers may delete records if the configured edit
            permissions allow them

        context = self.context
        auth = context.auth
        isUserTable = self.isUserTable
        isUserEntryTable = self.isUserEntryTable
        readonly = self.readonly
        perm = self.perm
        fixed = self.fixed

        isAuthenticated = auth.authenticated()
        isSuperuser = auth.superuser()

        normalDelPerm = (
            not isUserEntryTable
            and not readonly
            and isAuthenticated
            and (isSuperuser or isUserTable and G(perm, N.isEdit))
        return False if fixed else normalDelPerm

    def reload(
        """Re-initializes a record object if its underlying data has changed.

        This might be caused by an update in the record itself,
        or a change in workflow conditions.

        self.record = record
        self.mayDelete = self.getDelPerm()

    def getDependencies(self):
        """Compute dependent records.

        See `control.db.Db.dependencies`.

        context = self.context
        db = context.db
        table = self.table
        record = self.record

        return db.dependencies(table, record)

    def setPerm(self):
        """Compute permission info for this record.

        See `control.perm.permRecord`.

        context = self.context
        table = self.table
        record = self.record

        self.perm = permRecord(context, table, record)

    def setWorkflow(self):
        """Compute a workflow item for this record.

        The workflow item corresponds to this record
        if it is in the contrib table, otherwise to the
        contrib that is the (grand)master of this record.

        See `control.context.Context.getWorkflowItem` and

            The attribute `wfitem` will point to the workflow item.
            If the record is not a valid part of any workflow,
            or if there is no workflow item found,
            `wfitem` will be set to `None`.

        context = self.context
        perm = self.perm
        table = self.table
        eid = self.eid
        record = self.record

        contribId = G(perm, N.contribId)

        self.kind = None
        self.fixed = None
        valid = False

        wfitem = context.getWorkflowItem(contribId)
        if wfitem:
            self.kind = wfitem.getKind(table, record)
            valid = wfitem.isValid(table, eid, record)
            self.mayRead = wfitem.checkReadable(self)
            valid = False if table in USER_TABLES - {MAIN_TABLE} else True
            self.mayRead = None

        if valid and wfitem:
            self.fixed = wfitem.checkFixed(self)
            self.wfitem = wfitem
            self.wfitem = None

        self.valid = valid

    def adjustWorkflow(self, update=True, delete=False):
        """Recompute workflow information.

        When this record or some other record has changed, it could have had
        an impact on the workflow.
        If there is reason to assume this has happened, this function can be called
        to recompute the workflow item.

        !!! warning
            Do not confuse this method with the one with the same name in Tables:
            `control.table.Table.adjustWorkflow` which does its work after the
            insertion of a record.

        update: boolean, optional `True`
            If `True`, reset the attribute `wfitem` to the recomputed workflow.
            Otherwise, recomputation is done, but the attribute is not reset.
            This is done if there is no use of the workflow info for the remaining
            steps in processing the request.
        delete: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, delete the workflow item and set the attribute `wfitem`
            to `None`

            The attribute `wfitem` will be set again.

        context = self.context
        wf =
        perm = self.perm

        contribId = G(perm, N.contribId)
        if delete:
            self.wfitem = None
            if update:
                self.wfitem = context.getWorkflowItem(contribId, requireFresh=True)

    def task(self, task):
        """Perform a workflow task.

        See `control.workflow.apply.WorkflowItem.doTask`.

        wfitem = self.wfitem

        url = None
        good = False

        if wfitem:
            url = wfitem.doTask(task, self)

        if url is None:
            table = self.table
            eid = self.eid
            url = f"""/{table}/{N.item}/{eid}"""
            good = True
        return (good, url)

    def field(self, fieldName, **kwargs):
        """Factory function to wrap a field object around the data of a field.

        !!! note
            Workflow information will be checked whether this record is fixated.
            If so, the new field object will be initialized with parameters
            to make it uneditable.

        !!! note
            It will also be checked whether the field is a workflow field.
            Such fields are not shown and edited in the normal way,
            hence they will be set to unreadable and uneditable.
            The manipulation of such fields is under control of workflow.
            See `control.workflow.apply.WorkflowItem.isTask`.

        !!! caution
            The name of the field must be one for which field specs are defined
            in the yaml file for the table.

        fieldName: string

            A `control.field.Field` object.

        fields = self.fields
        if fieldName not in fields:
            return None

        table = self.table
        wfitem = self.wfitem

        forceEdit = G(kwargs, N.mayEdit)

        if wfitem:
            fixed = wfitem.checkFixed(self, field=fieldName)
            if fixed:
                kwargs[N.mayEdit] = False
            if wfitem.isTask(table, fieldName):
                kwargs[N.mayRead] = False
                kwargs[N.mayEdit] = forceEdit or not fixed
        return Field(self, fieldName, **kwargs)

    def delete(self):
        """Delete a record.

        Permissions and dependencies will be checked, as a result,
        the deletion may be prevented.
        See `Record.getDependencies` and `Record.getDelPerm`.

        If deletion happens, workflow information will be adapted afterwards.
        See `Record.adjustWorkflow`.

        mayDelete = self.mayDelete
        if not mayDelete:
            return False

        dependencies = self.getDependencies()
        nRef = G(dependencies, N.reference, default=0)

        if nRef:
            return False

        nCas = G(dependencies, N.cascade, default=0)
        if nCas:
            if not self.deleteDetails():
                return False

        context = self.context
        table = self.table
        eid = self.eid

        good = context.deleteItem(table, eid)

        if table == MAIN_TABLE:
        elif table in WORKFLOW_TABLES:

        return good

    def deleteDetails(self):
        """Delete the details of a record.

        Permissions and dependencies will be checked, as a result,
        the deletion may be prevented.
        See `Record.getDependencies` and `Record.getDelPerm`.

            Whether there are still dependencies after deleting the details.

        context = self.context
        db = context.db
        table = self.table
        eid = self.eid

        for dtable in G(CASCADE_SPECS, table, default=[]):
            db.deleteMany(dtable, {table: eid})
        dependencies = self.getDependencies()
        nRef = G(dependencies, N.reference, default=0)
        return nRef == 0

    def body(self, myMasters=None, hideMasters=False):
        """Wrap the body of the record in HTML.

        This is the part without the provenance information and without
        the detail records.

        This method can be overridden by `body` methods in derived classes.

        myMasters: iterable of string, optional `None`
            A declaration of which fields must be treated as master fields.
        hideMaster: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, all master fields as declared in `myMasters` will be left out.


        fieldSpecs = self.fields
        provSpecs = self.prov

        return H.join(
            self.field(field, asMaster=field in myMasters).wrap()
            for field in fieldSpecs
            if (field not in provSpecs and not (hideMasters and field in myMasters))

    def wrap(
        """Wrap the record into HTML.

        A record can be displayed in several states:

        expanded | effect
        --- | ---
        `-1` | only a title with a control to get the full details
        `0` | full details, no control to collapse/expand
        `1` | full details, with a control to collapse to the title

        !!! note
            When a record in state `1` or `-1` is sent to the client,
            only the material that is displayed is sent. When the user clicks on the
            expand/collapse control, the other part is fetched from the server
            *at that very moment*.
            So collapsing/expanding can be used to refresh the view on a record
            if things have happened.

        !!! caution
            The triggering of the fetch actions for expanded/collapsed material
            is done by the Javascript in `index.js`.
            A single function does it all, and it is sensitive to the exact attributes
            of the summary and the detail.
            If you tamper with this code, you might end up with an infinite loop of
            expanding and collapsing.

        !!! hint
            Pay extra attention to the attribute `fat`!
            When it is present, it is an indication that the expanded material
            is already on the client, and that it does not have to be fetched.

        !!! note
            There are several ways to customise the effect of `wrap` for specific
            tables. Start with writing a derived class for that table with
            `Record` as base class.

            *   write an alternative for `Record.body`,
                e.g. `control.cust.review_record.ReviewR.bodyCompact`, and
                initialize the `Record` with `(bodyMethod='compact')`.
                Just specify the part of the name after `body` as string starting
                with a lower case.
            *   override `Record.body`. This app does not do this currently.
            *   use a custom `wrap` function, by defining it in your derived class,
                e.g. `control.cust.score_record.ScoreR.wrapHelp`.
                Use it by calling `Record.wrap(wrapMethod=scoreObj.wrapHelp)`.

        inner: boolean, optional `True`
            Whether to add the CSS class `inner` to the outer `<div>` of the result.
        wrapMethod: function, optional `None`
            The method to compose the result out of all its components.
            Typically defined in a derived class.
            If passed, this function will be called to deliver the result.
            Otherwise, `wrap` does the composition itself.
        expanded: {-1, 0, 1}
            Whether to expand the record.
            See the table above.
        withProv: boolean, optional `True`
            Include a display of the provenance fields.
        hideMasters: boolean, optional `False`
            Whether to hide the master fields.
            If they are not hidden, they will be presented as hyperlinks to the
            master record.
        extraCls: string, optional `''`
            An extra class to add to the outer `<div>`.


        table = self.table
        eid = self.eid
        record = self.record
        provSpecs = self.prov
        valid = self.valid
        withDetails = self.withDetails

        withRefresh = table in REFRESH_TABLES

        func = getattr(self, wrapMethod, None) if wrapMethod else None
        if func:
            return func()

        bodyMethod = self.bodyMethod
        urlExtra = f"""?method={bodyMethod}""" if bodyMethod else E
        fetchUrl = f"""/api/{table}/{N.item}/{eid}"""

        itemKey = f"""{table}/{G(record, N._id)}"""
        theTitle = self.title()

        if expanded == -1:
            return H.details(

        bodyFunc = (
            getattr(self, f"""{N.body}{cap1(bodyMethod)}""", self.body)
            if bodyMethod
            else self.body
        myMasters = G(MASTERS, table, default=[])

        deleteButton = self.deleteButton()

        innerCls = " inner" if inner else E
        warningCls = E if valid else " warning "

        provenance = (
                    (N.prov, N.dismiss),
                        [self.field(field).wrap() for field in provSpecs], cls="prov"
                    f"""{table}/{G(record, N._id)}/{N.prov}""",
                        cls="button small",
                        title="Provenance and editors of this record",
                    closeAtts=dict(cls="button small", title="Hide provenance"),
            if withProv
            else E

        main = H.div(
                    H.join(bodyFunc(myMasters=myMasters, hideMasters=hideMasters)),
            cls=f"record{innerCls} {extraCls} {warningCls}",

        rButton = H.iconr(itemKey, "#main", msg=table) if withRefresh else E
        details = (
            self.DetailsClass(self).wrap(showTable=showTable, showEid=showEid)
            if withDetails
            else E

        return (
                rButton + theTitle,
                H.div(main + details),
            if expanded == 1
            else H.div(main + details)

    def wrapLogical(self):
        """Wrap the record into a dict.

        A record can be displayed in several states:

        full details


        table = self.table
        fieldSpecs = self.fields
        provSpecs = self.prov
        myMasters = G(MASTERS, table, default=[])

        record = {
            field: self.field(field, asMaster=field in myMasters).wrapBare(markup=None)
            for field in fieldSpecs
            if (field not in provSpecs and not (field in myMasters))
        record["id"] = self.eid
        return record

    def deleteButton(self):
        """Show the delete button and/or the number of dependencies.

        Check the permissions in order to not show a delete button if the user
        cannot delete the record.


        mayDelete = self.mayDelete

        if not mayDelete:
            return E

        record = self.record
        table = self.table
        itemSingle = self.itemLabels[0]

        dependencies = self.getDependencies()

        nCas = G(dependencies, N.cascade, default=0)
        cascadeMsg = (
                f"""{nCas} detail record{E if nCas == 1 else S}""",
                title="""Detail records will be deleted with the master record""",
                cls="label small warning-o right",
            if nCas
            else E
        cascadeMsgShort = (
            f""" and {nCas} dependent record{E if nCas == 1 else S}""" if nCas else E

        nRef = G(dependencies, N.reference, default=0)

        if nRef:
            plural = E if nRef == 1 else S
            return H.span(
                        cls="medium right",
                        title=f"""Cannot delete because of {nRef} dependent record{plural}""",
                        f"""{nRef} dependent record{plural}""",
                        cls="label small warning-o right",

        if table in TO_MASTER:
            masterTable = G(TO_MASTER, table)
            masterId = G(record, masterTable)
            masterTable = None
            masterId = None

        url = (
            f"""/api/{table}/{N.delete}/{G(record, N._id)}"""
            if masterTable is None or masterId is None
            else f"""/api/{masterTable}/{masterId}/{table}/{N.delete}/{G(record, N._id)}"""
        return H.span(
                    cls="medium right warning",
                    title=f"""delete this {itemSingle}{cascadeMsgShort}""",

    def title(self, markup=True, **kwargs):
        """Generate a title for the record."""
        record = self.record
        valid = self.valid

        warningCls = E if valid else " warning "

        return Record.titleRaw(self, record, cls=warningCls, markup=markup, **kwargs)

    def inActualCls(self, record):
        """Get a CSS class name for a record based on whether it is *actual*.

        Actual records belong to the current `package`, a record that specifies
        which contribution types, and criteria are currently part of the workflow.

        record: dict | `None`
            If `self` does not have a `record` attribute, the record data must
            be passed here.
            `inactual` if the record is not actual, else the empty string.

        table = self.table
        if record is None:
            record = self.record

        isActual = (
            table not in ACTUAL_TABLES
            or not record
            or G(record, N.actual, default=False)
        return E if isActual else "inactual"

    def titleRaw(obj, record, cls=E, markup=True, **kwargs):
        """Generate a title for a different record.

        This is fast title generation.
        No record object will be created.

        The title will be based on the fields in the record,
        and its formatting is assisted by the appropriate
        type class in `control.typ.types`.

        !!! hint
            If the record is  not "actual", its title will get a warning
            background color.
            See `control.db.Db.collect`.

        obj: object
            Any object that has a table and context attribute, e.g. a table object
            or a record object
        record: dict
        cls: string, optional, `''`
            A CSS class to add to the outer element of the result

        table = obj.table
        context = obj.context
        types = context.types
        typesObj = getattr(types, table, None)
        valueBare = typesObj.title(record=record, **kwargs)

        if markup is None:
            return valueBare

        inActualCls = Record.inActualCls(obj, record)
        atts = dict(cls=f"{cls} {inActualCls}")

        return H.span(valueBare, **atts, **kwargs)


Class variables

var inheritProps

Static methods

def titleRaw(obj, record, cls='', markup=True, **kwargs)

Generate a title for a different record.

This is fast title generation. No record object will be created.

The title will be based on the fields in the record, and its formatting is assisted by the appropriate type class in control.typ.types.


If the record is not "actual", its title will get a warning background color. See Db.collect().


obj : object
Any object that has a table and context attribute, e.g. a table object or a record object
record : dict
cls : string, optional, ''``
A CSS class to add to the outer element of the result
Expand source code
def titleRaw(obj, record, cls=E, markup=True, **kwargs):
    """Generate a title for a different record.

    This is fast title generation.
    No record object will be created.

    The title will be based on the fields in the record,
    and its formatting is assisted by the appropriate
    type class in `control.typ.types`.

    !!! hint
        If the record is  not "actual", its title will get a warning
        background color.
        See `control.db.Db.collect`.

    obj: object
        Any object that has a table and context attribute, e.g. a table object
        or a record object
    record: dict
    cls: string, optional, `''`
        A CSS class to add to the outer element of the result

    table = obj.table
    context = obj.context
    types = context.types
    typesObj = getattr(types, table, None)
    valueBare = typesObj.title(record=record, **kwargs)

    if markup is None:
        return valueBare

    inActualCls = Record.inActualCls(obj, record)
    atts = dict(cls=f"{cls} {inActualCls}")

    return H.span(valueBare, **atts, **kwargs)

Instance variables

var DetailsClass

class The class used for presenting details of this record.

It might be the base class Details or one of its derived classes.

var bodyMethod

function How to compose the HTML for the body of the record.

var eid

ObjectId The id of the record.

var mayDelete

boolean Whether the user may delete the record.

var readonly

boolean Whether to present the complete record in readonly mode.

var record

dict The data of the record, keyed by field names.

var tableObj

object A Table object (or one of a derived class)

var withDetails

boolean Whether to present a list of detail records below the record.


def adjustWorkflow(self, update=True, delete=False)

Recompute workflow information.

When this record or some other record has changed, it could have had an impact on the workflow. If there is reason to assume this has happened, this function can be called to recompute the workflow item.


Do not confuse this method with the one with the same name in Tables: Table.adjustWorkflow() which does its work after the insertion of a record.


update : boolean, optional True
If True, reset the attribute wfitem to the recomputed workflow. Otherwise, recomputation is done, but the attribute is not reset. This is done if there is no use of the workflow info for the remaining steps in processing the request.
delete : boolean, optional False
If True, delete the workflow item and set the attribute wfitem to None


The attribute wfitem will be set again.
Expand source code
def adjustWorkflow(self, update=True, delete=False):
    """Recompute workflow information.

    When this record or some other record has changed, it could have had
    an impact on the workflow.
    If there is reason to assume this has happened, this function can be called
    to recompute the workflow item.

    !!! warning
        Do not confuse this method with the one with the same name in Tables:
        `control.table.Table.adjustWorkflow` which does its work after the
        insertion of a record.

    update: boolean, optional `True`
        If `True`, reset the attribute `wfitem` to the recomputed workflow.
        Otherwise, recomputation is done, but the attribute is not reset.
        This is done if there is no use of the workflow info for the remaining
        steps in processing the request.
    delete: boolean, optional `False`
        If `True`, delete the workflow item and set the attribute `wfitem`
        to `None`

        The attribute `wfitem` will be set again.

    context = self.context
    wf =
    perm = self.perm

    contribId = G(perm, N.contribId)
    if delete:
        self.wfitem = None
        if update:
            self.wfitem = context.getWorkflowItem(contribId, requireFresh=True)
def body(self, myMasters=None, hideMasters=False)

Wrap the body of the record in HTML.

This is the part without the provenance information and without the detail records.

This method can be overridden by body methods in derived classes.


myMasters : iterable of string, optional None
A declaration of which fields must be treated as master fields.
hideMaster : boolean, optional False
If True, all master fields as declared in myMasters will be left out.


Expand source code
def body(self, myMasters=None, hideMasters=False):
    """Wrap the body of the record in HTML.

    This is the part without the provenance information and without
    the detail records.

    This method can be overridden by `body` methods in derived classes.

    myMasters: iterable of string, optional `None`
        A declaration of which fields must be treated as master fields.
    hideMaster: boolean, optional `False`
        If `True`, all master fields as declared in `myMasters` will be left out.


    fieldSpecs = self.fields
    provSpecs = self.prov

    return H.join(
        self.field(field, asMaster=field in myMasters).wrap()
        for field in fieldSpecs
        if (field not in provSpecs and not (hideMasters and field in myMasters))
def delete(self)

Delete a record.

Permissions and dependencies will be checked, as a result, the deletion may be prevented. See Record.getDependencies() and Record.getDelPerm().

If deletion happens, workflow information will be adapted afterwards. See Record.adjustWorkflow().

Expand source code
def delete(self):
    """Delete a record.

    Permissions and dependencies will be checked, as a result,
    the deletion may be prevented.
    See `Record.getDependencies` and `Record.getDelPerm`.

    If deletion happens, workflow information will be adapted afterwards.
    See `Record.adjustWorkflow`.

    mayDelete = self.mayDelete
    if not mayDelete:
        return False

    dependencies = self.getDependencies()
    nRef = G(dependencies, N.reference, default=0)

    if nRef:
        return False

    nCas = G(dependencies, N.cascade, default=0)
    if nCas:
        if not self.deleteDetails():
            return False

    context = self.context
    table = self.table
    eid = self.eid

    good = context.deleteItem(table, eid)

    if table == MAIN_TABLE:
    elif table in WORKFLOW_TABLES:

    return good
def deleteButton(self)

Show the delete button and/or the number of dependencies.

Check the permissions in order to not show a delete button if the user cannot delete the record.


Expand source code
def deleteButton(self):
    """Show the delete button and/or the number of dependencies.

    Check the permissions in order to not show a delete button if the user
    cannot delete the record.


    mayDelete = self.mayDelete

    if not mayDelete:
        return E

    record = self.record
    table = self.table
    itemSingle = self.itemLabels[0]

    dependencies = self.getDependencies()

    nCas = G(dependencies, N.cascade, default=0)
    cascadeMsg = (
            f"""{nCas} detail record{E if nCas == 1 else S}""",
            title="""Detail records will be deleted with the master record""",
            cls="label small warning-o right",
        if nCas
        else E
    cascadeMsgShort = (
        f""" and {nCas} dependent record{E if nCas == 1 else S}""" if nCas else E

    nRef = G(dependencies, N.reference, default=0)

    if nRef:
        plural = E if nRef == 1 else S
        return H.span(
                    cls="medium right",
                    title=f"""Cannot delete because of {nRef} dependent record{plural}""",
                    f"""{nRef} dependent record{plural}""",
                    cls="label small warning-o right",

    if table in TO_MASTER:
        masterTable = G(TO_MASTER, table)
        masterId = G(record, masterTable)
        masterTable = None
        masterId = None

    url = (
        f"""/api/{table}/{N.delete}/{G(record, N._id)}"""
        if masterTable is None or masterId is None
        else f"""/api/{masterTable}/{masterId}/{table}/{N.delete}/{G(record, N._id)}"""
    return H.span(
                cls="medium right warning",
                title=f"""delete this {itemSingle}{cascadeMsgShort}""",
def deleteDetails(self)

Delete the details of a record.

Permissions and dependencies will be checked, as a result, the deletion may be prevented. See Record.getDependencies() and Record.getDelPerm().


Whether there are still dependencies after deleting the details.
Expand source code
def deleteDetails(self):
    """Delete the details of a record.

    Permissions and dependencies will be checked, as a result,
    the deletion may be prevented.
    See `Record.getDependencies` and `Record.getDelPerm`.

        Whether there are still dependencies after deleting the details.

    context = self.context
    db = context.db
    table = self.table
    eid = self.eid

    for dtable in G(CASCADE_SPECS, table, default=[]):
        db.deleteMany(dtable, {table: eid})
    dependencies = self.getDependencies()
    nRef = G(dependencies, N.reference, default=0)
    return nRef == 0
def field(self, fieldName, **kwargs)

Factory function to wrap a field object around the data of a field.


Workflow information will be checked whether this record is fixated. If so, the new field object will be initialized with parameters to make it uneditable.


It will also be checked whether the field is a workflow field. Such fields are not shown and edited in the normal way, hence they will be set to unreadable and uneditable. The manipulation of such fields is under control of workflow. See WorkflowItem.isTask().


The name of the field must be one for which field specs are defined in the yaml file for the table.


fieldName : string


A Field object.
Expand source code
def field(self, fieldName, **kwargs):
    """Factory function to wrap a field object around the data of a field.

    !!! note
        Workflow information will be checked whether this record is fixated.
        If so, the new field object will be initialized with parameters
        to make it uneditable.

    !!! note
        It will also be checked whether the field is a workflow field.
        Such fields are not shown and edited in the normal way,
        hence they will be set to unreadable and uneditable.
        The manipulation of such fields is under control of workflow.
        See `control.workflow.apply.WorkflowItem.isTask`.

    !!! caution
        The name of the field must be one for which field specs are defined
        in the yaml file for the table.

    fieldName: string

        A `control.field.Field` object.

    fields = self.fields
    if fieldName not in fields:
        return None

    table = self.table
    wfitem = self.wfitem

    forceEdit = G(kwargs, N.mayEdit)

    if wfitem:
        fixed = wfitem.checkFixed(self, field=fieldName)
        if fixed:
            kwargs[N.mayEdit] = False
        if wfitem.isTask(table, fieldName):
            kwargs[N.mayRead] = False
            kwargs[N.mayEdit] = forceEdit or not fixed
    return Field(self, fieldName, **kwargs)
def getDelPerm(self)

Compute the delete permission for this record.

The unbreakable rule is: * Records with dependencies cannot be deleted if the dependencies are not configured as cascade-delete in tables.yaml.

The next rules are workflow rules:

  • if a record is fixed due to workflow constraints, no one can delete it;
  • if a record is unfixed due to workflow, a user may delete it, irrespective of normal permissions; workflow will determine which records will appear unfixed to which users;

If these rules do not clinch it, the normal permission rules will be applied:

  • authenticated users may delete their own records in the contrib, assessment and review tables
  • superusers may delete records if the configured edit permissions allow them
Expand source code
def getDelPerm(self):
    """Compute the delete permission for this record.

    The unbreakable rule is:
    *   Records with dependencies cannot be deleted if the dependencies
        are not configured as `cascade-delete` in tables.yaml.

    The next rules are workflow rules:

    *   if a record is fixed due to workflow constraints, no one can delete it;
    *   if a record is unfixed due to workflow, a user may delete it,
        irrespective of normal permissions; workflow will determine
        which records will appear unfixed to which users;

    If these rules do not clinch it, the normal permission rules will
    be applied:

    *   authenticated users may delete their own records in the
        `contrib`, `assessment` and `review` tables
    *   superusers may delete records if the configured edit
        permissions allow them

    context = self.context
    auth = context.auth
    isUserTable = self.isUserTable
    isUserEntryTable = self.isUserEntryTable
    readonly = self.readonly
    perm = self.perm
    fixed = self.fixed

    isAuthenticated = auth.authenticated()
    isSuperuser = auth.superuser()

    normalDelPerm = (
        not isUserEntryTable
        and not readonly
        and isAuthenticated
        and (isSuperuser or isUserTable and G(perm, N.isEdit))
    return False if fixed else normalDelPerm
def getDependencies(self)

Compute dependent records.

See Db.dependencies().

Expand source code
def getDependencies(self):
    """Compute dependent records.

    See `control.db.Db.dependencies`.

    context = self.context
    db = context.db
    table = self.table
    record = self.record

    return db.dependencies(table, record)
def inActualCls(self, record)

Get a CSS class name for a record based on whether it is actual.

Actual records belong to the current package, a record that specifies which contribution types, and criteria are currently part of the workflow.


record : dict |None``
If self does not have a record attribute, the record data must be passed here.


inactual if the record is not actual, else the empty string.
Expand source code
def inActualCls(self, record):
    """Get a CSS class name for a record based on whether it is *actual*.

    Actual records belong to the current `package`, a record that specifies
    which contribution types, and criteria are currently part of the workflow.

    record: dict | `None`
        If `self` does not have a `record` attribute, the record data must
        be passed here.
        `inactual` if the record is not actual, else the empty string.

    table = self.table
    if record is None:
        record = self.record

    isActual = (
        table not in ACTUAL_TABLES
        or not record
        or G(record, N.actual, default=False)
    return E if isActual else "inactual"
def reload(self, record)

Re-initializes a record object if its underlying data has changed.

This might be caused by an update in the record itself, or a change in workflow conditions.

Expand source code
def reload(
    """Re-initializes a record object if its underlying data has changed.

    This might be caused by an update in the record itself,
    or a change in workflow conditions.

    self.record = record
    self.mayDelete = self.getDelPerm()
def setPerm(self)

Compute permission info for this record.

See permRecord().

Expand source code
def setPerm(self):
    """Compute permission info for this record.

    See `control.perm.permRecord`.

    context = self.context
    table = self.table
    record = self.record

    self.perm = permRecord(context, table, record)
def setWorkflow(self)

Compute a workflow item for this record.

The workflow item corresponds to this record if it is in the contrib table, otherwise to the contrib that is the (grand)master of this record.

See Context.getWorkflowItem() and WorkflowItem.


The attribute wfitem will point to the workflow item. If the record is not a valid part of any workflow, or if there is no workflow item found, wfitem will be set to None.
Expand source code
def setWorkflow(self):
    """Compute a workflow item for this record.

    The workflow item corresponds to this record
    if it is in the contrib table, otherwise to the
    contrib that is the (grand)master of this record.

    See `control.context.Context.getWorkflowItem` and

        The attribute `wfitem` will point to the workflow item.
        If the record is not a valid part of any workflow,
        or if there is no workflow item found,
        `wfitem` will be set to `None`.

    context = self.context
    perm = self.perm
    table = self.table
    eid = self.eid
    record = self.record

    contribId = G(perm, N.contribId)

    self.kind = None
    self.fixed = None
    valid = False

    wfitem = context.getWorkflowItem(contribId)
    if wfitem:
        self.kind = wfitem.getKind(table, record)
        valid = wfitem.isValid(table, eid, record)
        self.mayRead = wfitem.checkReadable(self)
        valid = False if table in USER_TABLES - {MAIN_TABLE} else True
        self.mayRead = None

    if valid and wfitem:
        self.fixed = wfitem.checkFixed(self)
        self.wfitem = wfitem
        self.wfitem = None

    self.valid = valid
def task(self, task)

Perform a workflow task.

See WorkflowItem.doTask().

Expand source code
def task(self, task):
    """Perform a workflow task.

    See `control.workflow.apply.WorkflowItem.doTask`.

    wfitem = self.wfitem

    url = None
    good = False

    if wfitem:
        url = wfitem.doTask(task, self)

    if url is None:
        table = self.table
        eid = self.eid
        url = f"""/{table}/{N.item}/{eid}"""
        good = True
    return (good, url)
def title(self, markup=True, **kwargs)

Generate a title for the record.

Expand source code
def title(self, markup=True, **kwargs):
    """Generate a title for the record."""
    record = self.record
    valid = self.valid

    warningCls = E if valid else " warning "

    return Record.titleRaw(self, record, cls=warningCls, markup=markup, **kwargs)
def wrap(self, inner=True, wrapMethod=None, expanded=1, withProv=True, hideMasters=False, showTable=None, showEid=None, extraCls='')

Wrap the record into HTML.

A record can be displayed in several states:

expanded effect
-1 only a title with a control to get the full details
0 full details, no control to collapse/expand
1 full details, with a control to collapse to the title


When a record in state 1 or -1 is sent to the client, only the material that is displayed is sent. When the user clicks on the expand/collapse control, the other part is fetched from the server at that very moment. So collapsing/expanding can be used to refresh the view on a record if things have happened.


The triggering of the fetch actions for expanded/collapsed material is done by the Javascript in index.js. A single function does it all, and it is sensitive to the exact attributes of the summary and the detail. If you tamper with this code, you might end up with an infinite loop of expanding and collapsing.


Pay extra attention to the attribute fat! When it is present, it is an indication that the expanded material is already on the client, and that it does not have to be fetched.


There are several ways to customise the effect of wrap for specific tables. Start with writing a derived class for that table with Record as base class.

  • write an alternative for Record.body(), e.g. ReviewR.bodyCompact(), and initialize the Record with (bodyMethod='compact'). Just specify the part of the name after body as string starting with a lower case.
  • override Record.body(). This app does not do this currently.
  • use a custom wrap function, by defining it in your derived class, e.g. ScoreR.wrapHelp(). Use it by calling Record.wrap(wrapMethod=scoreObj.wrapHelp).


inner : boolean, optional True
Whether to add the CSS class inner to the outer <div> of the result.
wrapMethod : function, optional None
The method to compose the result out of all its components. Typically defined in a derived class. If passed, this function will be called to deliver the result. Otherwise, wrap does the composition itself.
expanded : {-1, 0, 1}
Whether to expand the record. See the table above.
withProv : boolean, optional True
Include a display of the provenance fields.
hideMasters : boolean, optional False
Whether to hide the master fields. If they are not hidden, they will be presented as hyperlinks to the master record.
extraCls : string, optional ''
An extra class to add to the outer <div>.


Expand source code
def wrap(
    """Wrap the record into HTML.

    A record can be displayed in several states:

    expanded | effect
    --- | ---
    `-1` | only a title with a control to get the full details
    `0` | full details, no control to collapse/expand
    `1` | full details, with a control to collapse to the title

    !!! note
        When a record in state `1` or `-1` is sent to the client,
        only the material that is displayed is sent. When the user clicks on the
        expand/collapse control, the other part is fetched from the server
        *at that very moment*.
        So collapsing/expanding can be used to refresh the view on a record
        if things have happened.

    !!! caution
        The triggering of the fetch actions for expanded/collapsed material
        is done by the Javascript in `index.js`.
        A single function does it all, and it is sensitive to the exact attributes
        of the summary and the detail.
        If you tamper with this code, you might end up with an infinite loop of
        expanding and collapsing.

    !!! hint
        Pay extra attention to the attribute `fat`!
        When it is present, it is an indication that the expanded material
        is already on the client, and that it does not have to be fetched.

    !!! note
        There are several ways to customise the effect of `wrap` for specific
        tables. Start with writing a derived class for that table with
        `Record` as base class.

        *   write an alternative for `Record.body`,
            e.g. `control.cust.review_record.ReviewR.bodyCompact`, and
            initialize the `Record` with `(bodyMethod='compact')`.
            Just specify the part of the name after `body` as string starting
            with a lower case.
        *   override `Record.body`. This app does not do this currently.
        *   use a custom `wrap` function, by defining it in your derived class,
            e.g. `control.cust.score_record.ScoreR.wrapHelp`.
            Use it by calling `Record.wrap(wrapMethod=scoreObj.wrapHelp)`.

    inner: boolean, optional `True`
        Whether to add the CSS class `inner` to the outer `<div>` of the result.
    wrapMethod: function, optional `None`
        The method to compose the result out of all its components.
        Typically defined in a derived class.
        If passed, this function will be called to deliver the result.
        Otherwise, `wrap` does the composition itself.
    expanded: {-1, 0, 1}
        Whether to expand the record.
        See the table above.
    withProv: boolean, optional `True`
        Include a display of the provenance fields.
    hideMasters: boolean, optional `False`
        Whether to hide the master fields.
        If they are not hidden, they will be presented as hyperlinks to the
        master record.
    extraCls: string, optional `''`
        An extra class to add to the outer `<div>`.


    table = self.table
    eid = self.eid
    record = self.record
    provSpecs = self.prov
    valid = self.valid
    withDetails = self.withDetails

    withRefresh = table in REFRESH_TABLES

    func = getattr(self, wrapMethod, None) if wrapMethod else None
    if func:
        return func()

    bodyMethod = self.bodyMethod
    urlExtra = f"""?method={bodyMethod}""" if bodyMethod else E
    fetchUrl = f"""/api/{table}/{N.item}/{eid}"""

    itemKey = f"""{table}/{G(record, N._id)}"""
    theTitle = self.title()

    if expanded == -1:
        return H.details(

    bodyFunc = (
        getattr(self, f"""{N.body}{cap1(bodyMethod)}""", self.body)
        if bodyMethod
        else self.body
    myMasters = G(MASTERS, table, default=[])

    deleteButton = self.deleteButton()

    innerCls = " inner" if inner else E
    warningCls = E if valid else " warning "

    provenance = (
                (N.prov, N.dismiss),
                    [self.field(field).wrap() for field in provSpecs], cls="prov"
                f"""{table}/{G(record, N._id)}/{N.prov}""",
                    cls="button small",
                    title="Provenance and editors of this record",
                closeAtts=dict(cls="button small", title="Hide provenance"),
        if withProv
        else E

    main = H.div(
                H.join(bodyFunc(myMasters=myMasters, hideMasters=hideMasters)),
        cls=f"record{innerCls} {extraCls} {warningCls}",

    rButton = H.iconr(itemKey, "#main", msg=table) if withRefresh else E
    details = (
        self.DetailsClass(self).wrap(showTable=showTable, showEid=showEid)
        if withDetails
        else E

    return (
            rButton + theTitle,
            H.div(main + details),
        if expanded == 1
        else H.div(main + details)
def wrapLogical(self)

Wrap the record into a dict.

A record can be displayed in several states:

full details


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def wrapLogical(self):
    """Wrap the record into a dict.

    A record can be displayed in several states:

    full details


    table = self.table
    fieldSpecs = self.fields
    provSpecs = self.prov
    myMasters = G(MASTERS, table, default=[])

    record = {
        field: self.field(field, asMaster=field in myMasters).wrapBare(markup=None)
        for field in fieldSpecs
        if (field not in provSpecs and not (field in myMasters))
    record["id"] = self.eid
    return record