Module control.cust.criteriaentry_record

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from config import Config as C, Names as N
from control.html import HtmlElements as H
from control.utils import pick as G, E, DOT, Q, NBSP
from control.record import Record

CW = C.web

MESSAGES = CW.messages

class CriteriaEntryR(Record):
    """Logic for criteriaEntry records.

    Criteria entry records have a customised title, with the sequence number
    of the criteria in it, plus the score the assessor has entered and an icon
    to show whether there is evidence or not.

    There is also a `compact` method to present these records, with a collapsible
    legend, fitting on one line, so that a series of criteriaEntry records shows
    up as a tidy list on the page.

    !!! hint
        If the `criteriaEntry` record is not part of the workflow, the behaviour
        of this class falls back to the base class `control.record.Record`.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        context = self.context
        record = self.record
        mkTable = self.mkTable

        if mkTable:
            critObj = mkTable(context, N.criteria)
            critId = G(record, N.criteria)
            critRecord = critObj.record(eid=critId)
            self.critId = critId
            """*ObjectId* The id of the `criteria` record to which this entry refers.

            self.critRecord = critRecord
            """*dict* The `criteria` record to which this entry refers.

    def title(self, *args, **kwargs):
        record = self.record
        critRecord = self.critRecord

        markup = kwargs.get("markup", True)
        if markup:
            withEvidence = H.icon(
                N.missing if self.field(N.evidence).isBlank() else N.check
            status = H.span(f"""evidence{NBSP}{withEvidence}""", cls="right small")
            seq = G(record, N.seq, default=(E if markup is None else Q))
            scoreRep = self.field(N.score).wrapBare()

            return H.span(
                        [f"""{seq}{DOT}{NBSP}""", critRecord.title(**kwargs)],
                    H.span(scoreRep, cls="col2"),
                cls="centrytitle criteria",
            hasEvidence = "without" if self.field(N.evidence).isBlank() else "with"
            evidence = f"""{hasEvidence} evidence"""
            scoreRep = self.field(N.score).wrapBare(markup=markup)
            critRep = critRecord.title(markup=markup, **kwargs)
            return f"""{seq}{DOT} {critRep} {scoreRep}, {evidence}"""

    def bodyCompact(self, **kwargs):
        critId = self.critId
        critRecord = self.critRecord
        perm = self.perm

        critData = critRecord.record
        actual = G(critData, N.actual, default=False)
        msg = E if actual else G(MESSAGES, N.legacyCriterion)

        critKey = f"""{N.criteria}/{critId}/help"""
        (infoShow, infoHide, infoBody) = H.detailx(
            (, N.dismiss),
            openAtts=dict(cls="button small", title="Explanation and scoring guide"),
            closeAtts=dict(cls="button small", title="Hide criteria explanation"),

        score = H.div(self.field(N.score).wrap(asEdit=G(perm, N.isEdit)))
        evidence = H.div(self.field(N.evidence).wrap(asEdit=G(perm, N.isEdit)))
        entry = H.div(
                H.div(H.he(msg), cls="heavy") if msg else E,

        return entry


class CriteriaEntryR (*args, **kwargs)

Logic for criteriaEntry records.

Criteria entry records have a customised title, with the sequence number of the criteria in it, plus the score the assessor has entered and an icon to show whether there is evidence or not.

There is also a compact method to present these records, with a collapsible legend, fitting on one line, so that a series of criteriaEntry records shows up as a tidy list on the page.


If the criteriaEntry record is not part of the workflow, the behaviour of this class falls back to the base class Record.


Store the incoming information.

A number of properties will be inherited from the table object that spawns a record object.


tableObj : object
See below.
eid, record, withDetails, readonly, bodyMethod
See Table.record()
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class CriteriaEntryR(Record):
    """Logic for criteriaEntry records.

    Criteria entry records have a customised title, with the sequence number
    of the criteria in it, plus the score the assessor has entered and an icon
    to show whether there is evidence or not.

    There is also a `compact` method to present these records, with a collapsible
    legend, fitting on one line, so that a series of criteriaEntry records shows
    up as a tidy list on the page.

    !!! hint
        If the `criteriaEntry` record is not part of the workflow, the behaviour
        of this class falls back to the base class `control.record.Record`.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        context = self.context
        record = self.record
        mkTable = self.mkTable

        if mkTable:
            critObj = mkTable(context, N.criteria)
            critId = G(record, N.criteria)
            critRecord = critObj.record(eid=critId)
            self.critId = critId
            """*ObjectId* The id of the `criteria` record to which this entry refers.

            self.critRecord = critRecord
            """*dict* The `criteria` record to which this entry refers.

    def title(self, *args, **kwargs):
        record = self.record
        critRecord = self.critRecord

        markup = kwargs.get("markup", True)
        if markup:
            withEvidence = H.icon(
                N.missing if self.field(N.evidence).isBlank() else N.check
            status = H.span(f"""evidence{NBSP}{withEvidence}""", cls="right small")
            seq = G(record, N.seq, default=(E if markup is None else Q))
            scoreRep = self.field(N.score).wrapBare()

            return H.span(
                        [f"""{seq}{DOT}{NBSP}""", critRecord.title(**kwargs)],
                    H.span(scoreRep, cls="col2"),
                cls="centrytitle criteria",
            hasEvidence = "without" if self.field(N.evidence).isBlank() else "with"
            evidence = f"""{hasEvidence} evidence"""
            scoreRep = self.field(N.score).wrapBare(markup=markup)
            critRep = critRecord.title(markup=markup, **kwargs)
            return f"""{seq}{DOT} {critRep} {scoreRep}, {evidence}"""

    def bodyCompact(self, **kwargs):
        critId = self.critId
        critRecord = self.critRecord
        perm = self.perm

        critData = critRecord.record
        actual = G(critData, N.actual, default=False)
        msg = E if actual else G(MESSAGES, N.legacyCriterion)

        critKey = f"""{N.criteria}/{critId}/help"""
        (infoShow, infoHide, infoBody) = H.detailx(
            (, N.dismiss),
            openAtts=dict(cls="button small", title="Explanation and scoring guide"),
            closeAtts=dict(cls="button small", title="Hide criteria explanation"),

        score = H.div(self.field(N.score).wrap(asEdit=G(perm, N.isEdit)))
        evidence = H.div(self.field(N.evidence).wrap(asEdit=G(perm, N.isEdit)))
        entry = H.div(
                H.div(H.he(msg), cls="heavy") if msg else E,

        return entry



def bodyCompact(self, **kwargs)
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def bodyCompact(self, **kwargs):
    critId = self.critId
    critRecord = self.critRecord
    perm = self.perm

    critData = critRecord.record
    actual = G(critData, N.actual, default=False)
    msg = E if actual else G(MESSAGES, N.legacyCriterion)

    critKey = f"""{N.criteria}/{critId}/help"""
    (infoShow, infoHide, infoBody) = H.detailx(
        (, N.dismiss),
        openAtts=dict(cls="button small", title="Explanation and scoring guide"),
        closeAtts=dict(cls="button small", title="Hide criteria explanation"),

    score = H.div(self.field(N.score).wrap(asEdit=G(perm, N.isEdit)))
    evidence = H.div(self.field(N.evidence).wrap(asEdit=G(perm, N.isEdit)))
    entry = H.div(
            H.div(H.he(msg), cls="heavy") if msg else E,

    return entry

Inherited members