Module control.workflow.apply

Applying workflow

  • Compute workflow permissions
  • Show workflow state
  • Perform workflow tasks
  • Enforce workflow constraints

Workflow tasks

The heart of the tool consists of a set of workflow tasks that can be executed safely by a workflow engine.

A task is is triggered by a url:


Here the eid is the id of the central record of the task, e.g. a particular contribution, assessment, or review.

Workflow tasks are listed in workflow.yaml, under tasks. Every task name is associated with properties, which are used in determining the permissions of a task. They also steer the execution of the task.

Properties of workflow tasks

Here is a list that explains the task properties.


There are two kinds of operator: add and set.

The effect of add is the insertion of a new record in a table given in the detail property.

The effect of set is the setting of specific fields in a record in the table inndicated by the table property. The fields are indicated in the field and date properties.

The table in which the record resides that is central to the task.
The detail table in case the operator is add: it will add a detail record of the central record into this table.
In case the task operates on reviews: whether the task is relevant for an expert review or a final review.
In case the operator is set: the field in the central record that will be changed.
In case the operator is set: the new value for the field in the central record that will be changed.
In case the operator is set: the name of the field that will receive the timestamp.
All set tasks are not meant to be revoked. But there is some leeway: Within the amount of hours specified here, the user can revoke the task.
How the task is called on the interface.
An acronym of the task to be used in flash messages.
A CSS class that determines the color of the workflow button, usually info, good, warning, error. info is the neutral color.

Workflow stages

Workflow stages are listed in workflow.yaml, under stageAtts.

The stage of a record is stored in the workflow attribute stage, so the only thing needed is to ask for that attribute with

Expand source code
"""Applying workflow

*   Compute workflow permissions
*   Show workflow state
*   Perform workflow tasks
*   Enforce workflow constraints

## Workflow tasks

The heart of the tool consists of a set of workflow tasks
that can be executed safely by a workflow engine.

A task is is triggered by a url:


Here the *eid* is the id of the central record of the task, e.g. a particular
contribution, assessment, or review.

Workflow tasks are listed in workflow.yaml, under `tasks`.
Every task name is associated with properties,
which are used in determining the permissions of a task.
They also steer the execution of the task.

### Properties of workflow tasks

Here is a list that explains the task properties.

:   There are two kinds of operator: `add` and `set`.

    The effect of `add` is the insertion of a new record in a
    table given in the `detail` property.

    The effect of `set` is the setting of specific fields in a record in
    the table inndicated by the `table` property.
    The fields are indicated in the `field` and `date` properties.

:   The table in which the record resides that is central to the task.

:   The detail table in case the operator is `add`: it will add a detail
    record of the central record into this table.

:   In case the task operates on reviews: whether the task is relevant for
    an `expert` review or a `final` review.

:   In case the operator is `set`: the field in the central record that will be changed.

:   In case the operator is `set`: the new value for the field in the central
    record that will be changed.

:   In case the operator is `set`: the name of the field that will receive the

:   All `set` tasks are not meant to be revoked. But there is some leeway:
    Within the amount of hours specified here, the user can revoke the task.

:   How the task is called on the interface.

:   An acronym of the task to be used in flash messages.

:   A CSS class that determines the color of the workflow button, usually
    `info`, `good`, `warning`, `error`. `info` is the neutral color.

## Workflow stages

Workflow stages are listed in workflow.yaml, under `stageAtts`.

The stage of a record is stored in the workflow attribute `stage`,
so the only thing needed is to ask for that attribute with

from datetime import timedelta
from flask import flash

from config import Config as C, Names as N
from control.utils import pick as G, E, now
from control.html import HtmlElements as H
from control.typ.datetime import Datetime
from control.cust.score import presentScore
from control.cust.factory_table import make as mkTable

CT = C.tables
CF = C.workflow


USER_ENTRY_TABLES = set(CT.userEntryTables)

STAGE_ATTS = CF.stageAtts
TASKS = CF.tasks
TASK_FIELDS = CF.taskFields
STATUS_REP = CF.statusRep
DECISION_DELAY = CF.decisionDelay

datetime = Datetime()

def execute(context, task, eid):
    """Executes a workflow task.

    First a table object is constructed, based on the `table` property
    of the task, using `context`.

    Then a record object is constructed in that table, based on the `eid`

    If that all succeeds, all information is at hand to verify permissions
    and perform the task.

    context: object
        A `control.context.Context` singleton
    task: string
        The name of the task
    eid: string(objectId)
        The id of the relevant record

    taskInfo = G(TASKS, task)
    acro = G(taskInfo, N.acro)
    table = G(taskInfo, N.table)
    if table not in ALL_TABLES:
        flash(f"""Workflow {acro} operates on wrong table: "{table or E}""", "error")
        return (False, None)
    return mkTable(context, table).record(eid=eid).task(task)

class WorkflowItem:
    """Supports the application of workflow information.

    A WorkflowItem singleton has a bunch of workflow attributes as dict in its
    attribute `data` and offers methods to

    *   address selected pieces of that information;
    *   compute permissions for workflow actions and database actions;
    *   determine the workflow stage the contribution is in.

    data: dict
        All workflow attributes.
    myKind: string
        The kind of reviewer the current user is, if any.

    def __init__(self, context, data):
        """## Initialization

        Wraps a workflow item record around a workflow data record.

        Workflow item records are created per contribution,
        but they will be referenced by contribution, assessment and review records
        in their attribute `wfitem`.

        Workflow items also store details of the current user, which will be needed
        for the computation of permissions.

        !!! note
            The user attributes `uid` and `eppn` will be stored in this `WorkflowItem`
            At this point, it is also possible to what kind of reviewer the current
            user is, if any, and store that in attribute `myKind`.

        context: object
            The `control.context.Context singleton`, from which the
            `control.auth.Auth` singleton can be picked up, from which the
            details of the current user can be read off.
        data: dict
            See below.

        db = context.db
        auth = context.auth
        user = auth.user

        self.db = db
        """*object* The `control.db.Db` singleton

        Provides methods to deal with values  from the table `decision`.

        self.auth = auth
        """*object* The `control.auth.Auth` singleton

        Provides methods to access the attributes of the current user.

        self.uid = G(user, N._id)
        """*ObjectId* The id of the current user.

        self.eppn = G(user, N.eppn)
        """*ObjectId* The eppn of the current user.

        !!! hint
            The eppn is the user identifying attribute from the identity provider.

        self.isSuperuser = auth.superuser()
        """*boolean* Whether the current user is a superuser.

        See `control.auth.Auth.superuser`.
        """ = data
        """*dict* The  workflow attributes.

        self.myKind = self.myReviewerKind()
        """*dict* The kind of reviewer that the current user is.

        A user is `expert` reviewer or `final` reviewer, or `None`.

    def getKind(self, table, record):
        """Determine whether a review(Entry) is `expert` or `final`.

        !!! warning
            The value `None` (not a string!) is returned for reviews that are
            no (longer) part of the workflow.
            They could be reviews with a type that does not match the type
            of the contribution, or reviews that have been superseded by newer

        table: string
            Either `review` or `reviewEntry`.
        record: dict
            Either a `review` record or a `reviewEntry` record.

        string {`expert`, `final`}
            Or `None`.

        if table in {, N.reviewEntry}:
            eid = G(record, N._id) if table == else G(record,
            data = self.getWf(N.assessment)
            reviews = G(data,, default={})
            kind = (
                if G(G(reviews,, N._id) == eid
                if G(G(reviews,, N._id) == eid
                else None
            kind = None
        return kind

    def isValid(self, table, eid, record):
        """Is a record a valid part of the workflow?

        Valid parts are contributions, assessment and review detail records of
        contributions satisfying:

        *   they have the same type as their master contribution
        *   they are not superseded by other assessments or reviews
            with the correct type

        table: string {`review`, `assessment`, `criteriaEntry`, `reviewEntry`}.
        eid: ObjectId
            (Entity) id of the record to be validated.
        record: dict
            The full record to be validated.
            Only needed for `reviewEntry` and `criteriaEntry` in order to look
            up the master `review` or `assessment` record.

        if eid is None:
            return False

        refId = (
            G(record, N.assessment)
            if table == N.criteriaEntry
            else G(record,
            if table == N.reviewEntry
            else eid
        if refId is None:
            return False

        if table in {N.contrib, N.assessment, N.criteriaEntry}:
            data = self.getWf(table)
            return refId == G(data, N._id)
        elif table in {, N.reviewEntry}:
            data = self.getWf(N.assessment)
            reviews = G(data,, default={})
            return refId in {
                G(reviewInfo, N._id) for (kind, reviewInfo) in reviews.items()

    def info(self, table, *atts, kind=None):
        """Retrieve selected attributes of the workflow

        A workflow record contains attributes at the outermost level,
        but also within its enclosed assessment workflow record and
        the enclosed review workflow records.

        table: string
            In order to read attributes, we must specify the source of those
            attributes: `contrib` (outermost), `assessment` or `review`.
        *atts: iterable
            The workflow attribute names to fetch.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes

            Yields attribute values, corresponding to `*atts`.

        thisData = self.getWf(table, kind=kind)
        return (G(thisData, att) for att in atts)

    def checkReadable(self, recordObj):
        """Whether a record is readable because of workflow.

        When a contribution, assessment, review is in a certain stage
        in the workflow, its record may be closed to others than the owner, and
        after finalization,  some fields may be open to authenticated users or
        the public.

        This method determines the record is readable by the current user.

        If the record is not part of the workflow, `None` is returned, and
        the normal permission rules apply.

        !!! note
            It also depends on the current user.
            Power users will not be prevented to read records because of
            workflow conditions.

        Here are the rules:

        #### Assessment, Criteria Entry

        Not submitted and not in revision:
        : authors and editors only

        Submitted, review not yet complete, or negative outcome
        :   authors, editors, reviewers, national coordinator only

        Review with positive outcome
        :   public

        In revision, or review with a negative outcome
        :   authors, editors, reviewers, national coordinator only

        #### Review, Review Entry

        Review has no decision and there is no final decision
        :   authors, editors, the other reviewer

        Review in question has a decision, but still no final positive decision
        :   authors/editors, other reviewer, authors/editors of the assessment,
            national coordinator

        There is a positive final decision
        :   public

        !!! caution "The influence of selection is nihil"
            Whether a contribution is selected or not has no influence on the
            readability of the assessment and review.

        !!! caution "The influence on the contribution records is nihil"
            Whether a contribution is readable does not depend on the
            workflow, only on the normal rules.

        recordObj: object
            The record in question (from which the table and the kind
            maybe inferred. It should be the record that contains this
            WorkflowItem object as its `wfitem` attribute.
        field: string, optional `None`
            If None, we check for the readability of the record as a whole.
            Otherwise, we check for the readability of this field in the record.

        boolean | `None`

        isSuperuser = self.isSuperuser
        if isSuperuser:
            return None

        table = recordObj.table
        if table not in SENSITIVE_TABLES:
            return None

        kind = recordObj.kind
        perm = recordObj.perm
        uid = self.uid

        (stage,) =, N.stage, kind=kind)

        if table in {N.assessment, N.criteriaEntry}:
            (r2Stage,) =, N.stage,
            return (
                if r2Stage == N.reviewAccept
                else perm[N.isOur]
                if stage
                in {
                else perm[N.isEdit]

        if table in {, N.reviewEntry}:
            (creators,) =, N.creators)
            (r2Stage,) =, N.stage,
            result = (
                if r2Stage == N.reviewAccept
                else uid in creators or perm[N.isOur]
                if stage
                in {
                or r2Stage in {N.reviewRevise, N.reviewReject}
                else perm[N.isReviewer] or perm[N.isEdit]
            return result
        return None

    def checkFixed(self, recordObj, field=None):
        """Whether a record or field is fixed because of workflow.

        When a contribution, assessment, review is in a certain stage
        in the workflow, its record or some fields in its record may be
        fixated, either temporarily or permanently.

        This method checks whether a record or field is currently fixed,
        i.e. whether editing is possible.

        !!! note
            It might also depend on the current user.

        !!! caution
            Here is a case where the sysadmin and the root are less powerful
            than the office users: only the office users can assign reviewers,
            i.e. only they can update `reviewerE` and `reviewerF` inn assessment fields.

        recordObj: object
            The record in question (from which the table and the kind
            maybe inferred. It should be the record that contains this
            WorkflowItem object as its `wfitem` attribute.
        field: string, optional `None`
            If None, we check for the fixity of the record as a whole.
            Otherwise, we check for the fixity of this field in the record.


        auth = self.auth
        table = recordObj.table
        kind = recordObj.kind

        (frozen, done, locked) =, N.frozen, N.done, N.locked, kind=kind)

        if field is None:
            return frozen or done or locked

        if frozen or done:
            return True

        if not locked:
            return False

        isOffice = auth.officeuser()
        if isOffice and table == N.assessment:
            return field not in {N.reviewerE, N.reviewerF}

        return True

    def permission(self, task, kind=None):
        """Checks whether a workflow task is permitted.

        Note that the tasks are listed per kind of record they apply to:
        contrib, assessment, review.
        They are typically triggered by big workflow buttons on the interface.

        When the request to execute such a task reaches the server, it will
        check whether the current user is allowed to execute this task
        on the records in question.

        !!! hint
            See above for explanation of the properties of the tasks.

        !!! note
            If you try to run a task on a kind of record that it is not
            designed for, it will be detected and no permission will be given.

        !!! note
            Some tasks are designed to set a field to a value.
            If that field already has that value, the task will not be permitted.
            This already rules out a lot of things and relieves the burden of
            prohibiting non-sensical tasks.

        It may be that the task is only permitted for some limited time from now on.
        Then a timedelta object with the amount of time left is returned.

        More precisely, the workflow configuration table (yaml/workflow.yaml)
        my specify a set of delays for a set of user roles.

        *   `all` specifies the default for users
            whose role has not got a corresponding delay
        *   `coord` is national coordinator of the relevant country
        *   `office` is any office user
        *   `super` is any super user, i.e. `system` or `root`

        The value specified for each of these roles is either an integer,
        which is the amount of hours of the delay.
        Or it is `false` (no delay) or `true` (infinite delay).

        table: string
            In order to check permissions, we must specify the kind of record that
            the task acts on: contrib, assessment, or review.
        task: string
            An string consisting of the name of a task.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes

        boolean | timedelta | string

        db = self.db
        auth = self.auth
        uid = self.uid

        if task not in TASKS:
            return False

        taskInfo = TASKS[task]
        table = G(taskInfo, N.table)

        if uid is None or table not in USER_TABLES:
            return False

        taskField = (
            if table == N.contrib
            else N.submitted
            if table == N.assessment
            else N.decision
            if table ==
            else None
        myKind = self.myKind

        ) =

        operator = G(taskInfo, N.operator)
        value = G(taskInfo, N.value)
        if operator == N.set:
            if taskField == N.decision:
                value = G(db.decisionInv, value)

        (contribId,) =, N._id)

        isOwn = creators and uid in creators
        isCoord = countryId and auth.coordinator(countryId=countryId)
        isSuper = auth.superuser()
        isOffice = auth.officeuser()
        isSysadmin = auth.sysadmin()

        decisionDelay = G(taskInfo, N.delay, False)
        if decisionDelay:
            if type(decisionDelay) is int:
                decisionDelay = timedelta(hours=decisionDelay)
            elif type(decisionDelay) is dict:
                defaultDecisionDelay = G(decisionDelay, N.all, False)
                decisionDelay = (
                    G(decisionDelay, N.coord, defaultDecisionDelay)
                    if isCoord
                    else G(decisionDelay, N.sysadmin, defaultDecisionDelay)
                    if isSysadmin
                    else G(decisionDelay,, defaultDecisionDelay)
                    if isOffice
                    else defaultDecisionDelay
                if type(decisionDelay) is int:
                    decisionDelay = timedelta(hours=decisionDelay)
            elif type(decisionDelay) is not bool:
                decisionDelay = False

        justNow = now()
        remaining = False
        if decisionDelay and stageDate:
            if type(decisionDelay) is bool:
                remaining = True
                remaining = stageDate + decisionDelay - justNow
                if remaining <= timedelta(hours=0):
                    remaining = False

        forbidden = frozen or done

        if forbidden:
            if (
                task == N.unselectContrib
                and table == N.contrib
                if remaining is True:
                    return "as intervention"
                if remaining:
                    return remaining
            if not remaining:
                return False

        if table == N.contrib:
            if not isOwn and not isCoord and not isSuper:
                return False

            if task == N.startAssessment:
                return not forbidden and isOwn and mayAdd

            if value == taskValue:
                return False

            if not isCoord:
                return False

            answer = not frozen or remaining

            if task == N.selectContrib:
                return stage != N.selectYes and answer

            if task == N.deselectContrib:
                return stage != N.selectNo and answer

            if task == N.unselectContrib:
                return stage != N.selectNone and answer

            return False

        if table == N.assessment:
            forbidden = frozen or done
            if forbidden:
                return False

            if task == N.startReview:
                return not forbidden and G(mayAdd, myKind)

            if value == taskValue:
                return False

            if uid not in creators:
                return False

            answer = not locked or remaining
            if not answer:
                return False

            if task == N.submitAssessment:
                return stage == N.complete and answer

            if task == N.resubmitAssessment:
                return stage == N.completeWithdrawn and answer

            if task == N.submitRevised:
                return stage == N.completeRevised and answer

            if task == N.withdrawAssessment:
                return (
                    stage in {N.submitted, N.submittedRevised}
                    and stage not in {N.incompleteWithdrawn, N.completeWithdrawn}
                    and answer

            return False

        if table ==
            if frozen:
                return False

            if done and not remaining:
                return False

            taskKind = G(taskInfo, N.kind)
            if not kind or kind != taskKind or kind != myKind:
                return False

            answer = remaining or not done or remaining
            if not answer:
                return False

            (aStage, aStageDate) =, N.stage, N.stageDate)
            (finalStage,) =, N.stage,
            (expertStage, expertStageDate) =
                table, N.stage, N.stageDate,
            xExpertStage = N.expertReviewRevoke if expertStage is None else expertStage
            xFinalStage = N.finalReviewRevoke if finalStage is None else finalStage
            revision = finalStage == N.reviewRevise
            zFinalStage = finalStage and not revision
            submitted = aStage == N.submitted
            submittedRevised = aStage == N.submittedRevised
            mayDecideExpert = (
                submitted and not finalStage or submittedRevised and revision

            if value == taskValue:
                if not revision:
                    return False

            if (
                in {
                - {xExpertStage}
                return (
                    kind == and not zFinalStage and mayDecideExpert and answer

            if (
                in {
                - {xFinalStage}
                return (
                    kind ==
                    and not not expertStage
                    and (not aStageDate or expertStageDate > aStageDate)
                    and (
                            (not finalStage and submitted)
                            or (revision and submittedRevised)
                        or remaining
                    and answer

            return False

        return False

    def stage(self, table, kind=None):
        """Find the workflow stage that a record is in.

        !!! hint
            See above for a description of the stages.

        table: string
            We must specify the kind of record for which we want to see the stage:
            contrib, assessment, or review.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes

        string {`selectYes`, `submittedRevised`, `reviewAccept`, ...}
            See above for the complete list.

        return list(, N.stage, kind=kind))[0]

    def creators(self, table, kind=None):
        """Find the creators from a workflow related record.

        table: string
            We must specify the kind of record for which we want to see the creators:
            contrib, assessment, or review.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes

        (list of ObjectId)

        return list(, N.creators, kind=kind))[0]

    def status(self, table, kind=None):
        """Present all workflow info and controls relevant to the record.

        table: string
            We must specify the kind of record for which we want to see the status:
            contrib, assessment, or review.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes


        eid = list(, N._id, kind=kind))[0]
        itemKey = f"""{table}/{eid}"""
        rButton = H.iconr(itemKey, "#workflow", msg=N.status)

        return H.div(
                self.statusOverview(table, kind=kind),
                self.tasks(table, kind=kind),

    def isTask(table, field):
        """Whether a field in a record is involved in a workflow task.

        Fields that are involved in workflow tasks can not be read or edited

        *   they are represented as workflow status, not as a value
            (see `control.workflow.apply.WorkflowItem.status`);
        *   they only change as a result of a  workflow task
            (see `control.workflow.apply.WorkflowItem.doTask`).

        !!! hint
            Workflow tasks are described above.

        !!! caution
            If a record is not a valid part of a workflow, then all its fields
            are represented and actionable in the normal way.

        table: string
            The table in question.
        field: string
            The field in question.


        taskFields = G(TASK_FIELDS, table, default=set())
        return field in taskFields

    def doTask(self, task, recordObj):
        """Execute a workflow task on a record.

        The permission to execute the task will be checked first.

        !!! hint
            Workflow tasks are described above.

        recordObj: object
            The record must be passed as a record object.

        url | `None`
            To navigate to after the action has been performed.
            If the action has not been performed, `None` is returned.

        context = recordObj.context
        table = recordObj.table
        eid = recordObj.eid
        kind = recordObj.kind
        (contribId,) =, N._id)

        taskInfo = G(TASKS, task)
        acro = G(taskInfo, N.acro)

        urlExtra = E

        executed = False
        if self.permission(task, kind=kind):
            operator = G(taskInfo, N.operator)
            if operator == N.add:
                dtable = G(taskInfo, N.detail)
                tableObj = mkTable(context, dtable)
                deid = tableObj.insert(masterTable=table, masterId=eid, force=True) or E
                if deid:
                    urlExtra = f"""/{}/{dtable}/{deid}"""
                    executed = True
            elif operator == N.set:
                field = G(taskInfo, N.field)
                value = G(taskInfo, N.value)
                if recordObj.field(field, mayEdit=True).save(value):
                    executed = True
            if executed:
                flash(f"""<{acro}> executed""", "message")
                flash(f"""<{acro}> failed""", "error")
            flash(f"""<{acro}> not permitted""", "error")

        return f"""/{N.contrib}/{N.item}/{contribId}{urlExtra}""" if executed else None

    def statusOverview(self, table, kind=None):
        """Present the current status of a record on the interface.

        table: string
            We must specify the kind of record for which we want to present the stage:
            contrib, assessment, or review.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes


        (stage, stageDate, locked, done, frozen, score, eid) =
        stageInfo = G(STAGE_ATTS, stage)
        statusCls = G(stageInfo, N.cls)
        stageOn = (
            H.span(f""" on {datetime.toDisplay(stageDate)}""", cls="date")
            if stageDate
            else E
        statusMsg = H.span(
            [G(stageInfo, N.msg) or E, stageOn], cls=f"large status {statusCls}"
        lockedCls = N.locked if locked else E
        lockedMsg = (
            H.span(G(STATUS_REP, N.locked), cls=f"large status {lockedCls}")
            if locked
            else E
        doneCls = N.done if done else E
        doneMsg = (
            H.span(G(STATUS_REP, N.done), cls=f"large status {doneCls}") if done else E
        frozenCls = N.frozen if frozen else E
        frozenMsg = (
            H.span(G(STATUS_REP, N.frozen), cls="large status info") if frozen else E

        statusRep = f"<!-- stage:{stage} -->" + H.div(
            [statusMsg, lockedMsg, doneMsg, frozenMsg], cls=frozenCls

        scorePart = E
        if table == N.assessment:
            scoreParts = presentScore(score, eid)
            scorePart = (
                if table == N.assessment
                else (scoreParts[0] if scoreParts else E)
                if table == N.contrib
                else E

        return H.div([statusRep, scorePart], cls="workflow-line")

    def tasks(self, table, kind=None):
        """Present the currently available tasks as buttons on the interface.

        !!! hint "easy comments"
            We also include a comment `<!-- task~!taskName:eid -->
            for the ease of testing.

        table: string
            We must specify the table for which we want to present the
            tasks: contrib, assessment, or review.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes


        uid = self.uid

        if not uid or table not in USER_TABLES:
            return E

        eid = list(, N._id, kind=kind))[0]
        taskParts = []

        allowedTasks = sorted(
            (task, taskInfo)
            for (task, taskInfo) in TASKS.items()
            if G(taskInfo, N.table) == table
        justNow = now()

        for (task, taskInfo) in allowedTasks:
            permitted = self.permission(task, kind=kind)
            if not permitted:

            remaining = type(permitted) is timedelta and permitted
            remark = type(permitted) is str and permitted
            taskExtra = E
            if remaining:
                remainingRep = datetime.toDisplay(justNow + remaining)
                taskExtra = H.span(f""" before {remainingRep}""", cls="datex")
            elif remark:
                taskExtra = H.span(f""" {remark}""", cls="datex")
            taskMsg = G(taskInfo, N.msg)
            taskCls = G(taskInfo, N.cls)

            taskPart = (
                    [taskMsg, taskExtra],
                    cls=f"large task {taskCls}",
                + f"""<!-- task!{task}:{eid} -->"""

        return H.join(taskParts)

    def getWf(self, table, kind=None):
        """Select a source of attributes within a workflow item.

        table: string
            We must specify the kind of record for which we want the attributes:
            contrib, assessment, or review.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes


        data =
        if table == N.contrib:
            return data

        data = G(data, N.assessment)
        if table in {N.assessment, N.criteriaEntry}:
            return data

        if table in {, N.reviewEntry}:
            data = G(G(data,, kind)
            return data

        return None

    def myReviewerKind(self, reviewer=None):
        """Determine whether the current user is `expert` or `final`.

        reviewer: dict, optional `None`
            If absent, the assessment in the workflow info will be inspected
            to get a dict of its reviewers by kind.
            Otherwise, it should be a dict of user ids keyed by `expert` and

        string {`expert`, `final`} | `None`
            Depending on whether the current user is such a reviewer of the
            assessment of this contribution. Or `None` if (s)he is not a reviewer
            at all.
        uid = self.uid

        if reviewer is None:
            reviewer = G(self.getWf(N.assessment), N.reviewer)

        return (
            if G(reviewer, == uid
            if G(reviewer, == uid
            else None


def execute(context, task, eid)

Executes a workflow task.

First a table object is constructed, based on the table property of the task, using context.

Then a record object is constructed in that table, based on the eid parameter.

If that all succeeds, all information is at hand to verify permissions and perform the task.


context : object
A Context singleton
task : string
The name of the task
eid : string(objectId)
The id of the relevant record
Expand source code
def execute(context, task, eid):
    """Executes a workflow task.

    First a table object is constructed, based on the `table` property
    of the task, using `context`.

    Then a record object is constructed in that table, based on the `eid`

    If that all succeeds, all information is at hand to verify permissions
    and perform the task.

    context: object
        A `control.context.Context` singleton
    task: string
        The name of the task
    eid: string(objectId)
        The id of the relevant record

    taskInfo = G(TASKS, task)
    acro = G(taskInfo, N.acro)
    table = G(taskInfo, N.table)
    if table not in ALL_TABLES:
        flash(f"""Workflow {acro} operates on wrong table: "{table or E}""", "error")
        return (False, None)
    return mkTable(context, table).record(eid=eid).task(task)


class WorkflowItem (context, data)

Supports the application of workflow information.

A WorkflowItem singleton has a bunch of workflow attributes as dict in its attribute data and offers methods to

  • address selected pieces of that information;
  • compute permissions for workflow actions and database actions;
  • determine the workflow stage the contribution is in.


data : dict
All workflow attributes.
myKind : string
The kind of reviewer the current user is, if any.


Wraps a workflow item record around a workflow data record.

Workflow item records are created per contribution, but they will be referenced by contribution, assessment and review records in their attribute wfitem.

Workflow items also store details of the current user, which will be needed for the computation of permissions.


The user attributes uid and eppn will be stored in this WorkflowItem object. At this point, it is also possible to what kind of reviewer the current user is, if any, and store that in attribute myKind.


context : object
The Context singleton, from which the Auth singleton can be picked up, from which the details of the current user can be read off.
data : dict
See below.
Expand source code
class WorkflowItem:
    """Supports the application of workflow information.

    A WorkflowItem singleton has a bunch of workflow attributes as dict in its
    attribute `data` and offers methods to

    *   address selected pieces of that information;
    *   compute permissions for workflow actions and database actions;
    *   determine the workflow stage the contribution is in.

    data: dict
        All workflow attributes.
    myKind: string
        The kind of reviewer the current user is, if any.

    def __init__(self, context, data):
        """## Initialization

        Wraps a workflow item record around a workflow data record.

        Workflow item records are created per contribution,
        but they will be referenced by contribution, assessment and review records
        in their attribute `wfitem`.

        Workflow items also store details of the current user, which will be needed
        for the computation of permissions.

        !!! note
            The user attributes `uid` and `eppn` will be stored in this `WorkflowItem`
            At this point, it is also possible to what kind of reviewer the current
            user is, if any, and store that in attribute `myKind`.

        context: object
            The `control.context.Context singleton`, from which the
            `control.auth.Auth` singleton can be picked up, from which the
            details of the current user can be read off.
        data: dict
            See below.

        db = context.db
        auth = context.auth
        user = auth.user

        self.db = db
        """*object* The `control.db.Db` singleton

        Provides methods to deal with values  from the table `decision`.

        self.auth = auth
        """*object* The `control.auth.Auth` singleton

        Provides methods to access the attributes of the current user.

        self.uid = G(user, N._id)
        """*ObjectId* The id of the current user.

        self.eppn = G(user, N.eppn)
        """*ObjectId* The eppn of the current user.

        !!! hint
            The eppn is the user identifying attribute from the identity provider.

        self.isSuperuser = auth.superuser()
        """*boolean* Whether the current user is a superuser.

        See `control.auth.Auth.superuser`.
        """ = data
        """*dict* The  workflow attributes.

        self.myKind = self.myReviewerKind()
        """*dict* The kind of reviewer that the current user is.

        A user is `expert` reviewer or `final` reviewer, or `None`.

    def getKind(self, table, record):
        """Determine whether a review(Entry) is `expert` or `final`.

        !!! warning
            The value `None` (not a string!) is returned for reviews that are
            no (longer) part of the workflow.
            They could be reviews with a type that does not match the type
            of the contribution, or reviews that have been superseded by newer

        table: string
            Either `review` or `reviewEntry`.
        record: dict
            Either a `review` record or a `reviewEntry` record.

        string {`expert`, `final`}
            Or `None`.

        if table in {, N.reviewEntry}:
            eid = G(record, N._id) if table == else G(record,
            data = self.getWf(N.assessment)
            reviews = G(data,, default={})
            kind = (
                if G(G(reviews,, N._id) == eid
                if G(G(reviews,, N._id) == eid
                else None
            kind = None
        return kind

    def isValid(self, table, eid, record):
        """Is a record a valid part of the workflow?

        Valid parts are contributions, assessment and review detail records of
        contributions satisfying:

        *   they have the same type as their master contribution
        *   they are not superseded by other assessments or reviews
            with the correct type

        table: string {`review`, `assessment`, `criteriaEntry`, `reviewEntry`}.
        eid: ObjectId
            (Entity) id of the record to be validated.
        record: dict
            The full record to be validated.
            Only needed for `reviewEntry` and `criteriaEntry` in order to look
            up the master `review` or `assessment` record.

        if eid is None:
            return False

        refId = (
            G(record, N.assessment)
            if table == N.criteriaEntry
            else G(record,
            if table == N.reviewEntry
            else eid
        if refId is None:
            return False

        if table in {N.contrib, N.assessment, N.criteriaEntry}:
            data = self.getWf(table)
            return refId == G(data, N._id)
        elif table in {, N.reviewEntry}:
            data = self.getWf(N.assessment)
            reviews = G(data,, default={})
            return refId in {
                G(reviewInfo, N._id) for (kind, reviewInfo) in reviews.items()

    def info(self, table, *atts, kind=None):
        """Retrieve selected attributes of the workflow

        A workflow record contains attributes at the outermost level,
        but also within its enclosed assessment workflow record and
        the enclosed review workflow records.

        table: string
            In order to read attributes, we must specify the source of those
            attributes: `contrib` (outermost), `assessment` or `review`.
        *atts: iterable
            The workflow attribute names to fetch.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes

            Yields attribute values, corresponding to `*atts`.

        thisData = self.getWf(table, kind=kind)
        return (G(thisData, att) for att in atts)

    def checkReadable(self, recordObj):
        """Whether a record is readable because of workflow.

        When a contribution, assessment, review is in a certain stage
        in the workflow, its record may be closed to others than the owner, and
        after finalization,  some fields may be open to authenticated users or
        the public.

        This method determines the record is readable by the current user.

        If the record is not part of the workflow, `None` is returned, and
        the normal permission rules apply.

        !!! note
            It also depends on the current user.
            Power users will not be prevented to read records because of
            workflow conditions.

        Here are the rules:

        #### Assessment, Criteria Entry

        Not submitted and not in revision:
        : authors and editors only

        Submitted, review not yet complete, or negative outcome
        :   authors, editors, reviewers, national coordinator only

        Review with positive outcome
        :   public

        In revision, or review with a negative outcome
        :   authors, editors, reviewers, national coordinator only

        #### Review, Review Entry

        Review has no decision and there is no final decision
        :   authors, editors, the other reviewer

        Review in question has a decision, but still no final positive decision
        :   authors/editors, other reviewer, authors/editors of the assessment,
            national coordinator

        There is a positive final decision
        :   public

        !!! caution "The influence of selection is nihil"
            Whether a contribution is selected or not has no influence on the
            readability of the assessment and review.

        !!! caution "The influence on the contribution records is nihil"
            Whether a contribution is readable does not depend on the
            workflow, only on the normal rules.

        recordObj: object
            The record in question (from which the table and the kind
            maybe inferred. It should be the record that contains this
            WorkflowItem object as its `wfitem` attribute.
        field: string, optional `None`
            If None, we check for the readability of the record as a whole.
            Otherwise, we check for the readability of this field in the record.

        boolean | `None`

        isSuperuser = self.isSuperuser
        if isSuperuser:
            return None

        table = recordObj.table
        if table not in SENSITIVE_TABLES:
            return None

        kind = recordObj.kind
        perm = recordObj.perm
        uid = self.uid

        (stage,) =, N.stage, kind=kind)

        if table in {N.assessment, N.criteriaEntry}:
            (r2Stage,) =, N.stage,
            return (
                if r2Stage == N.reviewAccept
                else perm[N.isOur]
                if stage
                in {
                else perm[N.isEdit]

        if table in {, N.reviewEntry}:
            (creators,) =, N.creators)
            (r2Stage,) =, N.stage,
            result = (
                if r2Stage == N.reviewAccept
                else uid in creators or perm[N.isOur]
                if stage
                in {
                or r2Stage in {N.reviewRevise, N.reviewReject}
                else perm[N.isReviewer] or perm[N.isEdit]
            return result
        return None

    def checkFixed(self, recordObj, field=None):
        """Whether a record or field is fixed because of workflow.

        When a contribution, assessment, review is in a certain stage
        in the workflow, its record or some fields in its record may be
        fixated, either temporarily or permanently.

        This method checks whether a record or field is currently fixed,
        i.e. whether editing is possible.

        !!! note
            It might also depend on the current user.

        !!! caution
            Here is a case where the sysadmin and the root are less powerful
            than the office users: only the office users can assign reviewers,
            i.e. only they can update `reviewerE` and `reviewerF` inn assessment fields.

        recordObj: object
            The record in question (from which the table and the kind
            maybe inferred. It should be the record that contains this
            WorkflowItem object as its `wfitem` attribute.
        field: string, optional `None`
            If None, we check for the fixity of the record as a whole.
            Otherwise, we check for the fixity of this field in the record.


        auth = self.auth
        table = recordObj.table
        kind = recordObj.kind

        (frozen, done, locked) =, N.frozen, N.done, N.locked, kind=kind)

        if field is None:
            return frozen or done or locked

        if frozen or done:
            return True

        if not locked:
            return False

        isOffice = auth.officeuser()
        if isOffice and table == N.assessment:
            return field not in {N.reviewerE, N.reviewerF}

        return True

    def permission(self, task, kind=None):
        """Checks whether a workflow task is permitted.

        Note that the tasks are listed per kind of record they apply to:
        contrib, assessment, review.
        They are typically triggered by big workflow buttons on the interface.

        When the request to execute such a task reaches the server, it will
        check whether the current user is allowed to execute this task
        on the records in question.

        !!! hint
            See above for explanation of the properties of the tasks.

        !!! note
            If you try to run a task on a kind of record that it is not
            designed for, it will be detected and no permission will be given.

        !!! note
            Some tasks are designed to set a field to a value.
            If that field already has that value, the task will not be permitted.
            This already rules out a lot of things and relieves the burden of
            prohibiting non-sensical tasks.

        It may be that the task is only permitted for some limited time from now on.
        Then a timedelta object with the amount of time left is returned.

        More precisely, the workflow configuration table (yaml/workflow.yaml)
        my specify a set of delays for a set of user roles.

        *   `all` specifies the default for users
            whose role has not got a corresponding delay
        *   `coord` is national coordinator of the relevant country
        *   `office` is any office user
        *   `super` is any super user, i.e. `system` or `root`

        The value specified for each of these roles is either an integer,
        which is the amount of hours of the delay.
        Or it is `false` (no delay) or `true` (infinite delay).

        table: string
            In order to check permissions, we must specify the kind of record that
            the task acts on: contrib, assessment, or review.
        task: string
            An string consisting of the name of a task.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes

        boolean | timedelta | string

        db = self.db
        auth = self.auth
        uid = self.uid

        if task not in TASKS:
            return False

        taskInfo = TASKS[task]
        table = G(taskInfo, N.table)

        if uid is None or table not in USER_TABLES:
            return False

        taskField = (
            if table == N.contrib
            else N.submitted
            if table == N.assessment
            else N.decision
            if table ==
            else None
        myKind = self.myKind

        ) =

        operator = G(taskInfo, N.operator)
        value = G(taskInfo, N.value)
        if operator == N.set:
            if taskField == N.decision:
                value = G(db.decisionInv, value)

        (contribId,) =, N._id)

        isOwn = creators and uid in creators
        isCoord = countryId and auth.coordinator(countryId=countryId)
        isSuper = auth.superuser()
        isOffice = auth.officeuser()
        isSysadmin = auth.sysadmin()

        decisionDelay = G(taskInfo, N.delay, False)
        if decisionDelay:
            if type(decisionDelay) is int:
                decisionDelay = timedelta(hours=decisionDelay)
            elif type(decisionDelay) is dict:
                defaultDecisionDelay = G(decisionDelay, N.all, False)
                decisionDelay = (
                    G(decisionDelay, N.coord, defaultDecisionDelay)
                    if isCoord
                    else G(decisionDelay, N.sysadmin, defaultDecisionDelay)
                    if isSysadmin
                    else G(decisionDelay,, defaultDecisionDelay)
                    if isOffice
                    else defaultDecisionDelay
                if type(decisionDelay) is int:
                    decisionDelay = timedelta(hours=decisionDelay)
            elif type(decisionDelay) is not bool:
                decisionDelay = False

        justNow = now()
        remaining = False
        if decisionDelay and stageDate:
            if type(decisionDelay) is bool:
                remaining = True
                remaining = stageDate + decisionDelay - justNow
                if remaining <= timedelta(hours=0):
                    remaining = False

        forbidden = frozen or done

        if forbidden:
            if (
                task == N.unselectContrib
                and table == N.contrib
                if remaining is True:
                    return "as intervention"
                if remaining:
                    return remaining
            if not remaining:
                return False

        if table == N.contrib:
            if not isOwn and not isCoord and not isSuper:
                return False

            if task == N.startAssessment:
                return not forbidden and isOwn and mayAdd

            if value == taskValue:
                return False

            if not isCoord:
                return False

            answer = not frozen or remaining

            if task == N.selectContrib:
                return stage != N.selectYes and answer

            if task == N.deselectContrib:
                return stage != N.selectNo and answer

            if task == N.unselectContrib:
                return stage != N.selectNone and answer

            return False

        if table == N.assessment:
            forbidden = frozen or done
            if forbidden:
                return False

            if task == N.startReview:
                return not forbidden and G(mayAdd, myKind)

            if value == taskValue:
                return False

            if uid not in creators:
                return False

            answer = not locked or remaining
            if not answer:
                return False

            if task == N.submitAssessment:
                return stage == N.complete and answer

            if task == N.resubmitAssessment:
                return stage == N.completeWithdrawn and answer

            if task == N.submitRevised:
                return stage == N.completeRevised and answer

            if task == N.withdrawAssessment:
                return (
                    stage in {N.submitted, N.submittedRevised}
                    and stage not in {N.incompleteWithdrawn, N.completeWithdrawn}
                    and answer

            return False

        if table ==
            if frozen:
                return False

            if done and not remaining:
                return False

            taskKind = G(taskInfo, N.kind)
            if not kind or kind != taskKind or kind != myKind:
                return False

            answer = remaining or not done or remaining
            if not answer:
                return False

            (aStage, aStageDate) =, N.stage, N.stageDate)
            (finalStage,) =, N.stage,
            (expertStage, expertStageDate) =
                table, N.stage, N.stageDate,
            xExpertStage = N.expertReviewRevoke if expertStage is None else expertStage
            xFinalStage = N.finalReviewRevoke if finalStage is None else finalStage
            revision = finalStage == N.reviewRevise
            zFinalStage = finalStage and not revision
            submitted = aStage == N.submitted
            submittedRevised = aStage == N.submittedRevised
            mayDecideExpert = (
                submitted and not finalStage or submittedRevised and revision

            if value == taskValue:
                if not revision:
                    return False

            if (
                in {
                - {xExpertStage}
                return (
                    kind == and not zFinalStage and mayDecideExpert and answer

            if (
                in {
                - {xFinalStage}
                return (
                    kind ==
                    and not not expertStage
                    and (not aStageDate or expertStageDate > aStageDate)
                    and (
                            (not finalStage and submitted)
                            or (revision and submittedRevised)
                        or remaining
                    and answer

            return False

        return False

    def stage(self, table, kind=None):
        """Find the workflow stage that a record is in.

        !!! hint
            See above for a description of the stages.

        table: string
            We must specify the kind of record for which we want to see the stage:
            contrib, assessment, or review.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes

        string {`selectYes`, `submittedRevised`, `reviewAccept`, ...}
            See above for the complete list.

        return list(, N.stage, kind=kind))[0]

    def creators(self, table, kind=None):
        """Find the creators from a workflow related record.

        table: string
            We must specify the kind of record for which we want to see the creators:
            contrib, assessment, or review.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes

        (list of ObjectId)

        return list(, N.creators, kind=kind))[0]

    def status(self, table, kind=None):
        """Present all workflow info and controls relevant to the record.

        table: string
            We must specify the kind of record for which we want to see the status:
            contrib, assessment, or review.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes


        eid = list(, N._id, kind=kind))[0]
        itemKey = f"""{table}/{eid}"""
        rButton = H.iconr(itemKey, "#workflow", msg=N.status)

        return H.div(
                self.statusOverview(table, kind=kind),
                self.tasks(table, kind=kind),

    def isTask(table, field):
        """Whether a field in a record is involved in a workflow task.

        Fields that are involved in workflow tasks can not be read or edited

        *   they are represented as workflow status, not as a value
            (see `control.workflow.apply.WorkflowItem.status`);
        *   they only change as a result of a  workflow task
            (see `control.workflow.apply.WorkflowItem.doTask`).

        !!! hint
            Workflow tasks are described above.

        !!! caution
            If a record is not a valid part of a workflow, then all its fields
            are represented and actionable in the normal way.

        table: string
            The table in question.
        field: string
            The field in question.


        taskFields = G(TASK_FIELDS, table, default=set())
        return field in taskFields

    def doTask(self, task, recordObj):
        """Execute a workflow task on a record.

        The permission to execute the task will be checked first.

        !!! hint
            Workflow tasks are described above.

        recordObj: object
            The record must be passed as a record object.

        url | `None`
            To navigate to after the action has been performed.
            If the action has not been performed, `None` is returned.

        context = recordObj.context
        table = recordObj.table
        eid = recordObj.eid
        kind = recordObj.kind
        (contribId,) =, N._id)

        taskInfo = G(TASKS, task)
        acro = G(taskInfo, N.acro)

        urlExtra = E

        executed = False
        if self.permission(task, kind=kind):
            operator = G(taskInfo, N.operator)
            if operator == N.add:
                dtable = G(taskInfo, N.detail)
                tableObj = mkTable(context, dtable)
                deid = tableObj.insert(masterTable=table, masterId=eid, force=True) or E
                if deid:
                    urlExtra = f"""/{}/{dtable}/{deid}"""
                    executed = True
            elif operator == N.set:
                field = G(taskInfo, N.field)
                value = G(taskInfo, N.value)
                if recordObj.field(field, mayEdit=True).save(value):
                    executed = True
            if executed:
                flash(f"""<{acro}> executed""", "message")
                flash(f"""<{acro}> failed""", "error")
            flash(f"""<{acro}> not permitted""", "error")

        return f"""/{N.contrib}/{N.item}/{contribId}{urlExtra}""" if executed else None

    def statusOverview(self, table, kind=None):
        """Present the current status of a record on the interface.

        table: string
            We must specify the kind of record for which we want to present the stage:
            contrib, assessment, or review.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes


        (stage, stageDate, locked, done, frozen, score, eid) =
        stageInfo = G(STAGE_ATTS, stage)
        statusCls = G(stageInfo, N.cls)
        stageOn = (
            H.span(f""" on {datetime.toDisplay(stageDate)}""", cls="date")
            if stageDate
            else E
        statusMsg = H.span(
            [G(stageInfo, N.msg) or E, stageOn], cls=f"large status {statusCls}"
        lockedCls = N.locked if locked else E
        lockedMsg = (
            H.span(G(STATUS_REP, N.locked), cls=f"large status {lockedCls}")
            if locked
            else E
        doneCls = N.done if done else E
        doneMsg = (
            H.span(G(STATUS_REP, N.done), cls=f"large status {doneCls}") if done else E
        frozenCls = N.frozen if frozen else E
        frozenMsg = (
            H.span(G(STATUS_REP, N.frozen), cls="large status info") if frozen else E

        statusRep = f"<!-- stage:{stage} -->" + H.div(
            [statusMsg, lockedMsg, doneMsg, frozenMsg], cls=frozenCls

        scorePart = E
        if table == N.assessment:
            scoreParts = presentScore(score, eid)
            scorePart = (
                if table == N.assessment
                else (scoreParts[0] if scoreParts else E)
                if table == N.contrib
                else E

        return H.div([statusRep, scorePart], cls="workflow-line")

    def tasks(self, table, kind=None):
        """Present the currently available tasks as buttons on the interface.

        !!! hint "easy comments"
            We also include a comment `<!-- task~!taskName:eid -->
            for the ease of testing.

        table: string
            We must specify the table for which we want to present the
            tasks: contrib, assessment, or review.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes


        uid = self.uid

        if not uid or table not in USER_TABLES:
            return E

        eid = list(, N._id, kind=kind))[0]
        taskParts = []

        allowedTasks = sorted(
            (task, taskInfo)
            for (task, taskInfo) in TASKS.items()
            if G(taskInfo, N.table) == table
        justNow = now()

        for (task, taskInfo) in allowedTasks:
            permitted = self.permission(task, kind=kind)
            if not permitted:

            remaining = type(permitted) is timedelta and permitted
            remark = type(permitted) is str and permitted
            taskExtra = E
            if remaining:
                remainingRep = datetime.toDisplay(justNow + remaining)
                taskExtra = H.span(f""" before {remainingRep}""", cls="datex")
            elif remark:
                taskExtra = H.span(f""" {remark}""", cls="datex")
            taskMsg = G(taskInfo, N.msg)
            taskCls = G(taskInfo, N.cls)

            taskPart = (
                    [taskMsg, taskExtra],
                    cls=f"large task {taskCls}",
                + f"""<!-- task!{task}:{eid} -->"""

        return H.join(taskParts)

    def getWf(self, table, kind=None):
        """Select a source of attributes within a workflow item.

        table: string
            We must specify the kind of record for which we want the attributes:
            contrib, assessment, or review.
        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
            Only if we want review attributes


        data =
        if table == N.contrib:
            return data

        data = G(data, N.assessment)
        if table in {N.assessment, N.criteriaEntry}:
            return data

        if table in {, N.reviewEntry}:
            data = G(G(data,, kind)
            return data

        return None

    def myReviewerKind(self, reviewer=None):
        """Determine whether the current user is `expert` or `final`.

        reviewer: dict, optional `None`
            If absent, the assessment in the workflow info will be inspected
            to get a dict of its reviewers by kind.
            Otherwise, it should be a dict of user ids keyed by `expert` and

        string {`expert`, `final`} | `None`
            Depending on whether the current user is such a reviewer of the
            assessment of this contribution. Or `None` if (s)he is not a reviewer
            at all.
        uid = self.uid

        if reviewer is None:
            reviewer = G(self.getWf(N.assessment), N.reviewer)

        return (
            if G(reviewer, == uid
            if G(reviewer, == uid
            else None

Static methods

def isTask(table, field)

Whether a field in a record is involved in a workflow task.

Fields that are involved in workflow tasks can not be read or edited directly:


Workflow tasks are described above.


If a record is not a valid part of a workflow, then all its fields are represented and actionable in the normal way.


table : string
The table in question.
field : string
The field in question.


Expand source code
def isTask(table, field):
    """Whether a field in a record is involved in a workflow task.

    Fields that are involved in workflow tasks can not be read or edited

    *   they are represented as workflow status, not as a value
        (see `control.workflow.apply.WorkflowItem.status`);
    *   they only change as a result of a  workflow task
        (see `control.workflow.apply.WorkflowItem.doTask`).

    !!! hint
        Workflow tasks are described above.

    !!! caution
        If a record is not a valid part of a workflow, then all its fields
        are represented and actionable in the normal way.

    table: string
        The table in question.
    field: string
        The field in question.


    taskFields = G(TASK_FIELDS, table, default=set())
    return field in taskFields

Instance variables

var auth

object The Auth singleton

Provides methods to access the attributes of the current user.

var data

dict The workflow attributes.

var db

object The Db singleton

Provides methods to deal with values from the table decision.

var eppn

ObjectId The eppn of the current user.


The eppn is the user identifying attribute from the identity provider.

var isSuperuser

boolean Whether the current user is a superuser.

See Auth.superuser().

var myKind

dict The kind of reviewer that the current user is.

A user is expert reviewer or final reviewer, or None.

var uid

ObjectId The id of the current user.


def checkFixed(self, recordObj, field=None)

Whether a record or field is fixed because of workflow.

When a contribution, assessment, review is in a certain stage in the workflow, its record or some fields in its record may be fixated, either temporarily or permanently.

This method checks whether a record or field is currently fixed, i.e. whether editing is possible.


It might also depend on the current user.


Here is a case where the sysadmin and the root are less powerful than the office users: only the office users can assign reviewers, i.e. only they can update reviewerE and reviewerF inn assessment fields.


recordObj : object
The record in question (from which the table and the kind maybe inferred. It should be the record that contains this WorkflowItem object as its wfitem attribute.
field : string, optional None
If None, we check for the fixity of the record as a whole. Otherwise, we check for the fixity of this field in the record.


Expand source code
def checkFixed(self, recordObj, field=None):
    """Whether a record or field is fixed because of workflow.

    When a contribution, assessment, review is in a certain stage
    in the workflow, its record or some fields in its record may be
    fixated, either temporarily or permanently.

    This method checks whether a record or field is currently fixed,
    i.e. whether editing is possible.

    !!! note
        It might also depend on the current user.

    !!! caution
        Here is a case where the sysadmin and the root are less powerful
        than the office users: only the office users can assign reviewers,
        i.e. only they can update `reviewerE` and `reviewerF` inn assessment fields.

    recordObj: object
        The record in question (from which the table and the kind
        maybe inferred. It should be the record that contains this
        WorkflowItem object as its `wfitem` attribute.
    field: string, optional `None`
        If None, we check for the fixity of the record as a whole.
        Otherwise, we check for the fixity of this field in the record.


    auth = self.auth
    table = recordObj.table
    kind = recordObj.kind

    (frozen, done, locked) =, N.frozen, N.done, N.locked, kind=kind)

    if field is None:
        return frozen or done or locked

    if frozen or done:
        return True

    if not locked:
        return False

    isOffice = auth.officeuser()
    if isOffice and table == N.assessment:
        return field not in {N.reviewerE, N.reviewerF}

    return True
def checkReadable(self, recordObj)

Whether a record is readable because of workflow.

When a contribution, assessment, review is in a certain stage in the workflow, its record may be closed to others than the owner, and after finalization, some fields may be open to authenticated users or the public.

This method determines the record is readable by the current user.

If the record is not part of the workflow, None is returned, and the normal permission rules apply.


It also depends on the current user. Power users will not be prevented to read records because of workflow conditions.

Here are the rules:

Assessment, Criteria Entry

Not submitted and not in revision:
authors and editors only
Submitted, review not yet complete, or negative outcome
authors, editors, reviewers, national coordinator only
Review with positive outcome
In revision, or review with a negative outcome
authors, editors, reviewers, national coordinator only

Review, Review Entry

Review has no decision and there is no final decision
authors, editors, the other reviewer
Review in question has a decision, but still no final positive decision
authors/editors, other reviewer, authors/editors of the assessment, national coordinator
There is a positive final decision

The influence of selection is nihil

Whether a contribution is selected or not has no influence on the readability of the assessment and review.

The influence on the contribution records is nihil

Whether a contribution is readable does not depend on the workflow, only on the normal rules.


recordObj : object
The record in question (from which the table and the kind maybe inferred. It should be the record that contains this WorkflowItem object as its wfitem attribute.
field : string, optional None
If None, we check for the readability of the record as a whole. Otherwise, we check for the readability of this field in the record.


boolean | None

Expand source code
def checkReadable(self, recordObj):
    """Whether a record is readable because of workflow.

    When a contribution, assessment, review is in a certain stage
    in the workflow, its record may be closed to others than the owner, and
    after finalization,  some fields may be open to authenticated users or
    the public.

    This method determines the record is readable by the current user.

    If the record is not part of the workflow, `None` is returned, and
    the normal permission rules apply.

    !!! note
        It also depends on the current user.
        Power users will not be prevented to read records because of
        workflow conditions.

    Here are the rules:

    #### Assessment, Criteria Entry

    Not submitted and not in revision:
    : authors and editors only

    Submitted, review not yet complete, or negative outcome
    :   authors, editors, reviewers, national coordinator only

    Review with positive outcome
    :   public

    In revision, or review with a negative outcome
    :   authors, editors, reviewers, national coordinator only

    #### Review, Review Entry

    Review has no decision and there is no final decision
    :   authors, editors, the other reviewer

    Review in question has a decision, but still no final positive decision
    :   authors/editors, other reviewer, authors/editors of the assessment,
        national coordinator

    There is a positive final decision
    :   public

    !!! caution "The influence of selection is nihil"
        Whether a contribution is selected or not has no influence on the
        readability of the assessment and review.

    !!! caution "The influence on the contribution records is nihil"
        Whether a contribution is readable does not depend on the
        workflow, only on the normal rules.

    recordObj: object
        The record in question (from which the table and the kind
        maybe inferred. It should be the record that contains this
        WorkflowItem object as its `wfitem` attribute.
    field: string, optional `None`
        If None, we check for the readability of the record as a whole.
        Otherwise, we check for the readability of this field in the record.

    boolean | `None`

    isSuperuser = self.isSuperuser
    if isSuperuser:
        return None

    table = recordObj.table
    if table not in SENSITIVE_TABLES:
        return None

    kind = recordObj.kind
    perm = recordObj.perm
    uid = self.uid

    (stage,) =, N.stage, kind=kind)

    if table in {N.assessment, N.criteriaEntry}:
        (r2Stage,) =, N.stage,
        return (
            if r2Stage == N.reviewAccept
            else perm[N.isOur]
            if stage
            in {
            else perm[N.isEdit]

    if table in {, N.reviewEntry}:
        (creators,) =, N.creators)
        (r2Stage,) =, N.stage,
        result = (
            if r2Stage == N.reviewAccept
            else uid in creators or perm[N.isOur]
            if stage
            in {
            or r2Stage in {N.reviewRevise, N.reviewReject}
            else perm[N.isReviewer] or perm[N.isEdit]
        return result
    return None
def creators(self, table, kind=None)

Find the creators from a workflow related record.


table : string
We must specify the kind of record for which we want to see the creators: contrib, assessment, or review.
kind : string {expert, final}, optional None
Only if we want review attributes


(list of ObjectId)

Expand source code
def creators(self, table, kind=None):
    """Find the creators from a workflow related record.

    table: string
        We must specify the kind of record for which we want to see the creators:
        contrib, assessment, or review.
    kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
        Only if we want review attributes

    (list of ObjectId)

    return list(, N.creators, kind=kind))[0]
def doTask(self, task, recordObj)

Execute a workflow task on a record.

The permission to execute the task will be checked first.


Workflow tasks are described above.


recordObj : object
The record must be passed as a record object.


url | None To navigate to after the action has been performed. If the action has not been performed, None is returned.

Expand source code
def doTask(self, task, recordObj):
    """Execute a workflow task on a record.

    The permission to execute the task will be checked first.

    !!! hint
        Workflow tasks are described above.

    recordObj: object
        The record must be passed as a record object.

    url | `None`
        To navigate to after the action has been performed.
        If the action has not been performed, `None` is returned.

    context = recordObj.context
    table = recordObj.table
    eid = recordObj.eid
    kind = recordObj.kind
    (contribId,) =, N._id)

    taskInfo = G(TASKS, task)
    acro = G(taskInfo, N.acro)

    urlExtra = E

    executed = False
    if self.permission(task, kind=kind):
        operator = G(taskInfo, N.operator)
        if operator == N.add:
            dtable = G(taskInfo, N.detail)
            tableObj = mkTable(context, dtable)
            deid = tableObj.insert(masterTable=table, masterId=eid, force=True) or E
            if deid:
                urlExtra = f"""/{}/{dtable}/{deid}"""
                executed = True
        elif operator == N.set:
            field = G(taskInfo, N.field)
            value = G(taskInfo, N.value)
            if recordObj.field(field, mayEdit=True).save(value):
                executed = True
        if executed:
            flash(f"""<{acro}> executed""", "message")
            flash(f"""<{acro}> failed""", "error")
        flash(f"""<{acro}> not permitted""", "error")

    return f"""/{N.contrib}/{N.item}/{contribId}{urlExtra}""" if executed else None
def getKind(self, table, record)

Determine whether a review(Entry) is expert or final.


The value None (not a string!) is returned for reviews that are no (longer) part of the workflow. They could be reviews with a type that does not match the type of the contribution, or reviews that have been superseded by newer reviews.


table : string
Either review or reviewEntry.
record : dict
Either a review record or a reviewEntry record.


string {expert, final} Or None.

Expand source code
def getKind(self, table, record):
    """Determine whether a review(Entry) is `expert` or `final`.

    !!! warning
        The value `None` (not a string!) is returned for reviews that are
        no (longer) part of the workflow.
        They could be reviews with a type that does not match the type
        of the contribution, or reviews that have been superseded by newer

    table: string
        Either `review` or `reviewEntry`.
    record: dict
        Either a `review` record or a `reviewEntry` record.

    string {`expert`, `final`}
        Or `None`.

    if table in {, N.reviewEntry}:
        eid = G(record, N._id) if table == else G(record,
        data = self.getWf(N.assessment)
        reviews = G(data,, default={})
        kind = (
            if G(G(reviews,, N._id) == eid
            if G(G(reviews,, N._id) == eid
            else None
        kind = None
    return kind
def getWf(self, table, kind=None)

Select a source of attributes within a workflow item.


table : string
We must specify the kind of record for which we want the attributes: contrib, assessment, or review.
kind : string {expert, final}, optional None
Only if we want review attributes


Expand source code
def getWf(self, table, kind=None):
    """Select a source of attributes within a workflow item.

    table: string
        We must specify the kind of record for which we want the attributes:
        contrib, assessment, or review.
    kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
        Only if we want review attributes


    data =
    if table == N.contrib:
        return data

    data = G(data, N.assessment)
    if table in {N.assessment, N.criteriaEntry}:
        return data

    if table in {, N.reviewEntry}:
        data = G(G(data,, kind)
        return data

    return None
def info(self, table, *atts, kind=None)

Retrieve selected attributes of the workflow

A workflow record contains attributes at the outermost level, but also within its enclosed assessment workflow record and the enclosed review workflow records.


table : string
In order to read attributes, we must specify the source of those attributes: contrib (outermost), assessment or review.
*atts : iterable
The workflow attribute names to fetch.
kind : string {expert, final}, optional None
Only if we want review attributes


Yields attribute values, corresponding to *atts.
Expand source code
def info(self, table, *atts, kind=None):
    """Retrieve selected attributes of the workflow

    A workflow record contains attributes at the outermost level,
    but also within its enclosed assessment workflow record and
    the enclosed review workflow records.

    table: string
        In order to read attributes, we must specify the source of those
        attributes: `contrib` (outermost), `assessment` or `review`.
    *atts: iterable
        The workflow attribute names to fetch.
    kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
        Only if we want review attributes

        Yields attribute values, corresponding to `*atts`.

    thisData = self.getWf(table, kind=kind)
    return (G(thisData, att) for att in atts)
def isValid(self, table, eid, record)

Is a record a valid part of the workflow?

Valid parts are contributions, assessment and review detail records of contributions satisfying:

  • they have the same type as their master contribution
  • they are not superseded by other assessments or reviews with the correct type


table: string {review, assessment, criteriaEntry, reviewEntry}.
eid : ObjectId
(Entity) id of the record to be validated.
record : dict
The full record to be validated. Only needed for reviewEntry and criteriaEntry in order to look up the master review or assessment record.


Expand source code
def isValid(self, table, eid, record):
    """Is a record a valid part of the workflow?

    Valid parts are contributions, assessment and review detail records of
    contributions satisfying:

    *   they have the same type as their master contribution
    *   they are not superseded by other assessments or reviews
        with the correct type

    table: string {`review`, `assessment`, `criteriaEntry`, `reviewEntry`}.
    eid: ObjectId
        (Entity) id of the record to be validated.
    record: dict
        The full record to be validated.
        Only needed for `reviewEntry` and `criteriaEntry` in order to look
        up the master `review` or `assessment` record.

    if eid is None:
        return False

    refId = (
        G(record, N.assessment)
        if table == N.criteriaEntry
        else G(record,
        if table == N.reviewEntry
        else eid
    if refId is None:
        return False

    if table in {N.contrib, N.assessment, N.criteriaEntry}:
        data = self.getWf(table)
        return refId == G(data, N._id)
    elif table in {, N.reviewEntry}:
        data = self.getWf(N.assessment)
        reviews = G(data,, default={})
        return refId in {
            G(reviewInfo, N._id) for (kind, reviewInfo) in reviews.items()
def myReviewerKind(self, reviewer=None)

Determine whether the current user is expert or final.


reviewer : dict, optional None
If absent, the assessment in the workflow info will be inspected to get a dict of its reviewers by kind. Otherwise, it should be a dict of user ids keyed by expert and final.


string {expert, final} | None Depending on whether the current user is such a reviewer of the assessment of this contribution. Or None if (s)he is not a reviewer at all.

Expand source code
def myReviewerKind(self, reviewer=None):
    """Determine whether the current user is `expert` or `final`.

    reviewer: dict, optional `None`
        If absent, the assessment in the workflow info will be inspected
        to get a dict of its reviewers by kind.
        Otherwise, it should be a dict of user ids keyed by `expert` and

    string {`expert`, `final`} | `None`
        Depending on whether the current user is such a reviewer of the
        assessment of this contribution. Or `None` if (s)he is not a reviewer
        at all.
    uid = self.uid

    if reviewer is None:
        reviewer = G(self.getWf(N.assessment), N.reviewer)

    return (
        if G(reviewer, == uid
        if G(reviewer, == uid
        else None
def permission(self, task, kind=None)

Checks whether a workflow task is permitted.

Note that the tasks are listed per kind of record they apply to: contrib, assessment, review. They are typically triggered by big workflow buttons on the interface.

When the request to execute such a task reaches the server, it will check whether the current user is allowed to execute this task on the records in question.


See above for explanation of the properties of the tasks.


If you try to run a task on a kind of record that it is not designed for, it will be detected and no permission will be given.


Some tasks are designed to set a field to a value. If that field already has that value, the task will not be permitted. This already rules out a lot of things and relieves the burden of prohibiting non-sensical tasks.

It may be that the task is only permitted for some limited time from now on. Then a timedelta object with the amount of time left is returned.

More precisely, the workflow configuration table (yaml/workflow.yaml) my specify a set of delays for a set of user roles.

  • all specifies the default for users whose role has not got a corresponding delay
  • coord is national coordinator of the relevant country
  • office is any office user
  • super is any super user, i.e. system or root

The value specified for each of these roles is either an integer, which is the amount of hours of the delay. Or it is false (no delay) or true (infinite delay).


table : string
In order to check permissions, we must specify the kind of record that the task acts on: contrib, assessment, or review.
task : string
An string consisting of the name of a task.
kind : string {expert, final}, optional None
Only if we want review attributes


boolean | timedelta | string
Expand source code
def permission(self, task, kind=None):
    """Checks whether a workflow task is permitted.

    Note that the tasks are listed per kind of record they apply to:
    contrib, assessment, review.
    They are typically triggered by big workflow buttons on the interface.

    When the request to execute such a task reaches the server, it will
    check whether the current user is allowed to execute this task
    on the records in question.

    !!! hint
        See above for explanation of the properties of the tasks.

    !!! note
        If you try to run a task on a kind of record that it is not
        designed for, it will be detected and no permission will be given.

    !!! note
        Some tasks are designed to set a field to a value.
        If that field already has that value, the task will not be permitted.
        This already rules out a lot of things and relieves the burden of
        prohibiting non-sensical tasks.

    It may be that the task is only permitted for some limited time from now on.
    Then a timedelta object with the amount of time left is returned.

    More precisely, the workflow configuration table (yaml/workflow.yaml)
    my specify a set of delays for a set of user roles.

    *   `all` specifies the default for users
        whose role has not got a corresponding delay
    *   `coord` is national coordinator of the relevant country
    *   `office` is any office user
    *   `super` is any super user, i.e. `system` or `root`

    The value specified for each of these roles is either an integer,
    which is the amount of hours of the delay.
    Or it is `false` (no delay) or `true` (infinite delay).

    table: string
        In order to check permissions, we must specify the kind of record that
        the task acts on: contrib, assessment, or review.
    task: string
        An string consisting of the name of a task.
    kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
        Only if we want review attributes

    boolean | timedelta | string

    db = self.db
    auth = self.auth
    uid = self.uid

    if task not in TASKS:
        return False

    taskInfo = TASKS[task]
    table = G(taskInfo, N.table)

    if uid is None or table not in USER_TABLES:
        return False

    taskField = (
        if table == N.contrib
        else N.submitted
        if table == N.assessment
        else N.decision
        if table ==
        else None
    myKind = self.myKind

    ) =

    operator = G(taskInfo, N.operator)
    value = G(taskInfo, N.value)
    if operator == N.set:
        if taskField == N.decision:
            value = G(db.decisionInv, value)

    (contribId,) =, N._id)

    isOwn = creators and uid in creators
    isCoord = countryId and auth.coordinator(countryId=countryId)
    isSuper = auth.superuser()
    isOffice = auth.officeuser()
    isSysadmin = auth.sysadmin()

    decisionDelay = G(taskInfo, N.delay, False)
    if decisionDelay:
        if type(decisionDelay) is int:
            decisionDelay = timedelta(hours=decisionDelay)
        elif type(decisionDelay) is dict:
            defaultDecisionDelay = G(decisionDelay, N.all, False)
            decisionDelay = (
                G(decisionDelay, N.coord, defaultDecisionDelay)
                if isCoord
                else G(decisionDelay, N.sysadmin, defaultDecisionDelay)
                if isSysadmin
                else G(decisionDelay,, defaultDecisionDelay)
                if isOffice
                else defaultDecisionDelay
            if type(decisionDelay) is int:
                decisionDelay = timedelta(hours=decisionDelay)
        elif type(decisionDelay) is not bool:
            decisionDelay = False

    justNow = now()
    remaining = False
    if decisionDelay and stageDate:
        if type(decisionDelay) is bool:
            remaining = True
            remaining = stageDate + decisionDelay - justNow
            if remaining <= timedelta(hours=0):
                remaining = False

    forbidden = frozen or done

    if forbidden:
        if (
            task == N.unselectContrib
            and table == N.contrib
            if remaining is True:
                return "as intervention"
            if remaining:
                return remaining
        if not remaining:
            return False

    if table == N.contrib:
        if not isOwn and not isCoord and not isSuper:
            return False

        if task == N.startAssessment:
            return not forbidden and isOwn and mayAdd

        if value == taskValue:
            return False

        if not isCoord:
            return False

        answer = not frozen or remaining

        if task == N.selectContrib:
            return stage != N.selectYes and answer

        if task == N.deselectContrib:
            return stage != N.selectNo and answer

        if task == N.unselectContrib:
            return stage != N.selectNone and answer

        return False

    if table == N.assessment:
        forbidden = frozen or done
        if forbidden:
            return False

        if task == N.startReview:
            return not forbidden and G(mayAdd, myKind)

        if value == taskValue:
            return False

        if uid not in creators:
            return False

        answer = not locked or remaining
        if not answer:
            return False

        if task == N.submitAssessment:
            return stage == N.complete and answer

        if task == N.resubmitAssessment:
            return stage == N.completeWithdrawn and answer

        if task == N.submitRevised:
            return stage == N.completeRevised and answer

        if task == N.withdrawAssessment:
            return (
                stage in {N.submitted, N.submittedRevised}
                and stage not in {N.incompleteWithdrawn, N.completeWithdrawn}
                and answer

        return False

    if table ==
        if frozen:
            return False

        if done and not remaining:
            return False

        taskKind = G(taskInfo, N.kind)
        if not kind or kind != taskKind or kind != myKind:
            return False

        answer = remaining or not done or remaining
        if not answer:
            return False

        (aStage, aStageDate) =, N.stage, N.stageDate)
        (finalStage,) =, N.stage,
        (expertStage, expertStageDate) =
            table, N.stage, N.stageDate,
        xExpertStage = N.expertReviewRevoke if expertStage is None else expertStage
        xFinalStage = N.finalReviewRevoke if finalStage is None else finalStage
        revision = finalStage == N.reviewRevise
        zFinalStage = finalStage and not revision
        submitted = aStage == N.submitted
        submittedRevised = aStage == N.submittedRevised
        mayDecideExpert = (
            submitted and not finalStage or submittedRevised and revision

        if value == taskValue:
            if not revision:
                return False

        if (
            in {
            - {xExpertStage}
            return (
                kind == and not zFinalStage and mayDecideExpert and answer

        if (
            in {
            - {xFinalStage}
            return (
                kind ==
                and not not expertStage
                and (not aStageDate or expertStageDate > aStageDate)
                and (
                        (not finalStage and submitted)
                        or (revision and submittedRevised)
                    or remaining
                and answer

        return False

    return False
def stage(self, table, kind=None)

Find the workflow stage that a record is in.


See above for a description of the stages.


table : string
We must specify the kind of record for which we want to see the stage: contrib, assessment, or review.
kind : string {expert, final}, optional None
Only if we want review attributes


string {selectYes, submittedRevised, reviewAccept, …} See above for the complete list.

Expand source code
def stage(self, table, kind=None):
    """Find the workflow stage that a record is in.

    !!! hint
        See above for a description of the stages.

    table: string
        We must specify the kind of record for which we want to see the stage:
        contrib, assessment, or review.
    kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
        Only if we want review attributes

    string {`selectYes`, `submittedRevised`, `reviewAccept`, ...}
        See above for the complete list.

    return list(, N.stage, kind=kind))[0]
def status(self, table, kind=None)

Present all workflow info and controls relevant to the record.


table : string
We must specify the kind of record for which we want to see the status: contrib, assessment, or review.
kind : string {expert, final}, optional None
Only if we want review attributes


Expand source code
def status(self, table, kind=None):
    """Present all workflow info and controls relevant to the record.

    table: string
        We must specify the kind of record for which we want to see the status:
        contrib, assessment, or review.
    kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
        Only if we want review attributes


    eid = list(, N._id, kind=kind))[0]
    itemKey = f"""{table}/{eid}"""
    rButton = H.iconr(itemKey, "#workflow", msg=N.status)

    return H.div(
            self.statusOverview(table, kind=kind),
            self.tasks(table, kind=kind),
def statusOverview(self, table, kind=None)

Present the current status of a record on the interface.


table : string
We must specify the kind of record for which we want to present the stage: contrib, assessment, or review.
kind : string {expert, final}, optional None
Only if we want review attributes


Expand source code
def statusOverview(self, table, kind=None):
    """Present the current status of a record on the interface.

    table: string
        We must specify the kind of record for which we want to present the stage:
        contrib, assessment, or review.
    kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
        Only if we want review attributes


    (stage, stageDate, locked, done, frozen, score, eid) =
    stageInfo = G(STAGE_ATTS, stage)
    statusCls = G(stageInfo, N.cls)
    stageOn = (
        H.span(f""" on {datetime.toDisplay(stageDate)}""", cls="date")
        if stageDate
        else E
    statusMsg = H.span(
        [G(stageInfo, N.msg) or E, stageOn], cls=f"large status {statusCls}"
    lockedCls = N.locked if locked else E
    lockedMsg = (
        H.span(G(STATUS_REP, N.locked), cls=f"large status {lockedCls}")
        if locked
        else E
    doneCls = N.done if done else E
    doneMsg = (
        H.span(G(STATUS_REP, N.done), cls=f"large status {doneCls}") if done else E
    frozenCls = N.frozen if frozen else E
    frozenMsg = (
        H.span(G(STATUS_REP, N.frozen), cls="large status info") if frozen else E

    statusRep = f"<!-- stage:{stage} -->" + H.div(
        [statusMsg, lockedMsg, doneMsg, frozenMsg], cls=frozenCls

    scorePart = E
    if table == N.assessment:
        scoreParts = presentScore(score, eid)
        scorePart = (
            if table == N.assessment
            else (scoreParts[0] if scoreParts else E)
            if table == N.contrib
            else E

    return H.div([statusRep, scorePart], cls="workflow-line")
def tasks(self, table, kind=None)

Present the currently available tasks as buttons on the interface.

easy comments

We also include a comment ` for the ease of testing.


table : string
We must specify the table for which we want to present the tasks: contrib, assessment, or review.
kind : string {expert, final}, optional None
Only if we want review attributes


Expand source code
def tasks(self, table, kind=None):
    """Present the currently available tasks as buttons on the interface.

    !!! hint "easy comments"
        We also include a comment `<!-- task~!taskName:eid -->
        for the ease of testing.

    table: string
        We must specify the table for which we want to present the
        tasks: contrib, assessment, or review.
    kind: string {`expert`, `final`}, optional `None`
        Only if we want review attributes


    uid = self.uid

    if not uid or table not in USER_TABLES:
        return E

    eid = list(, N._id, kind=kind))[0]
    taskParts = []

    allowedTasks = sorted(
        (task, taskInfo)
        for (task, taskInfo) in TASKS.items()
        if G(taskInfo, N.table) == table
    justNow = now()

    for (task, taskInfo) in allowedTasks:
        permitted = self.permission(task, kind=kind)
        if not permitted:

        remaining = type(permitted) is timedelta and permitted
        remark = type(permitted) is str and permitted
        taskExtra = E
        if remaining:
            remainingRep = datetime.toDisplay(justNow + remaining)
            taskExtra = H.span(f""" before {remainingRep}""", cls="datex")
        elif remark:
            taskExtra = H.span(f""" {remark}""", cls="datex")
        taskMsg = G(taskInfo, N.msg)
        taskCls = G(taskInfo, N.cls)

        taskPart = (
                [taskMsg, taskExtra],
                cls=f"large task {taskCls}",
            + f"""<!-- task!{task}:{eid} -->"""

    return H.join(taskParts)