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3* The current user 

4* Login/out buttons 

5* Logo and link to docs 



8from config import Config as C, Names as N 

9from control.html import HtmlElements as H 

10from control.utils import pick as G, E 


12CW = C.web 



15URLS = CW.urls 

16LOGIN = URLS[N.login] 

17LOGOUT = URLS[N.logout] 

18SLOGOUT = URLS[N.slogout] 

19LOGO = URLS[N.logo] 

20HELP = URLS[N.help] 

21TECH = URLS[N.tech] 



24class Topbar: 

25 """Present the topbar on the interface. 


27 It shows the current user, buttons to log in/out and a logo. 

28 """ 


30 def __init__(self, context): 

31 """## Initialization 


33 Store the incoming information. 


35 Parameters 

36 ---------- 

37 context: object 

38 See below. 

39 """ 


41 self.context = context 

42 """*object* A `control.context.Context` singleton. 

43 """ 


45 def wrap(self): 

46 """Wrap it all up.""" 


48 context = self.context 

49 auth = context.auth 

50 eppn = G(auth.user, N.eppn) if auth.authenticated() else N.public 

51 eppnRep = H.span(eppn, cls="mono") 


53 (identityRep, accessRep) = auth.credentials() 

54 login = ( 

55 E 

56 if auth.authenticated() 

57 else ( 

58 auth.wrapTestUsers() 

59 if auth.isDevel 

60 else H.a(G(LOGIN, N.text), G(LOGIN, N.url), cls="button small loginout") 

61 ) 

62 ) 

63 logout = ( 

64 H.join( 

65 [ 

66 H.a( 

67 G(LOGOUT, N.text), G(LOGOUT, N.url), cls="button small loginout" 

68 ), 

69 H.a( 

70 G(SLOGOUT, N.text), 

71 G(SLOGOUT, N.url), 

72 cls="button small loginout", 

73 title=G(SLOGOUT, N.title), 

74 ), 

75 ] 

76 ) 

77 if auth.authenticated() 

78 else E 

79 ) 

80 techdoc = ( 

81 H.a( 

82 G(TECH, N.text), 

83 G(TECH, N.url), 

84 target=N._blank, 

85 cls="button medium help", 

86 title=G(TECH, N.title), 

87 ) 

88 ) 

89 userhelp = ( 

90 H.a( 

91 G(HELP, N.text), 

92 G(HELP, N.url), 

93 target=N._blank, 

94 cls="button medium help", 

95 title=G(HELP, N.title), 

96 ) 

97 ) 

98 return H.div( 

99 [ 

100 H.div( 

101 [ 

102 H.icon(N.devel) if auth.isDevel else E, 

103 H.details(identityRep, eppnRep, "usereppn", cls="user"), 

104 H.div(accessRep, cls="access"), 

105 login, 

106 logout, 

107 ], 

108 cls="headlinestart", 

109 ), 

110 H.div( 

111 [ 

112 techdoc, 

113 userhelp, 

114 ], 

115 cls="headlineend", 

116 ), 

117 H.img( 

118 G(LOGO, N.src), 

119 href=G(LOGO, N.url), 

120 target=N._blank, 

121 title=G(LOGO, N.text), 

122 imgAtts=dict(height=G(LOGO, N.height)), 

123 id="logo", 

124 ), 

125 ], 

126 cls="headline", 

127 )