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1from config import Names as N 

2from control.details import Details 

3from control.html import HtmlElements as H 

4from control.utils import pick as G, cap1, E 



7class CriteriaEntryD(Details): 

8 """Logic for detail records of criteria entries. 


10 The main point of departure from the standard behaviour is that 

11 we sort and present the `reviewEntry` detail records into two columns: 

12 those of the `expert` reviewer and those of the `final` reviewer. 


14 !!! hint 

15 If the `criteriaEntry` record is not part of the workflow, the behaviour 

16 of this class falls back to the base class `control.details.Details`. 

17 """ 


19 def __init__(self, recordObj): 

20 super().__init__(recordObj) 


22 def wrap(self, *args, **kwargs): 

23 wfitem = self.wfitem 

24 if not wfitem: 24 ↛ 25line 24 didn't jump to line 25, because the condition on line 24 was never true

25 return super().wrap(*args, **kwargs) 


27 details = self.details 


29 (reviewer,) = wfitem.info(N.assessment, N.reviewer) 


31 self.fetchDetails( 

32 N.reviewEntry, sortKey=lambda r: G(r, N.dateCreated, default=0), 

33 ) 

34 (tableObj, records) = G(details, N.reviewEntry, default=(None, [])) 

35 if not tableObj: 35 ↛ 36line 35 didn't jump to line 36, because the condition on line 35 was never true

36 return E 


38 byReviewer = {N.expert: E, N.final: E} 


40 for dest in (N.expert, N.final): 

41 byReviewer[dest] = self.wrapDetail( 

42 N.reviewEntry, 

43 filterFunc=lambda r: G(r, N.creator) == G(reviewer, dest), 

44 bodyMethod=N.compact, 

45 expanded=True, 

46 withProv=False, 

47 withN=False, 

48 inner=False, 

49 ) 


51 if not byReviewer[dest]: 

52 byReviewer[dest] = H.span("""No review comment yet""", cls="info small") 


54 return H.div( 

55 [ 

56 f"""<!-- begin reviewer {dest} -->""" 

57 + H.div( 

58 [H.div(cap1(dest), cls="head"), G(byReviewer, dest)], 

59 cls=f"reviewentries {dest}", 

60 ) 

61 + f"""<!-- end reviewer {dest} -->""" 

62 for dest in reviewer 

63 ], 

64 cls="reviewers", 

65 )