Module control.workflow.compute

Computing workflow.

  • Initialize the workflow table
  • Adjust workflow after user actions
Expand source code
"""Computing workflow.

*   Initialize the workflow table
*   Adjust workflow after user actions

import sys

from config import Config as C, Names as N
from control.utils import getLast, pick as G, serverprint, creators

CB = C.base
CT = C.tables
CF = C.workflow
CM = C.mongo

DEBUG = CB.debug
DETAILS = CT.details
WORKFLOW_TABLES_LIST = CT.userTables + CT.userEntryTables


DEBUG = "5a1690a32179c013250d932a"

class Workflow:
    """Manages workflow information.

    Workflow is the concept that contributions, assessments and reviews
    undergo steps in a certain order, and that their treatment is dependent on
    the stage they are in. See the workflow.yaml config file.

    Workflow information is represented in records that correspond to contrib records
    in that the contrib record and the workflow record have one and the same id.

    A workflow record for a contrib contains all the relevant info (as far as workflow
    is concerned) of the contrib record and its (valid) assessment and their (valid)
    reviews. See `control.workflow.apply.WorkflowItem`.
    There it is defined how workflow information is *applied*.

    At startup time, the workflow information is computed from scratch and stored
    in the database.

    This class is about computing and managing the workflow information.

    ## Fixity

    Due to workflow, records may become fixed, temporarily or permanently.
    The following workflow attributes will be computed:

    :   permananently fixed due to a selection decision on the contrib.

        *   extends from contribs to assessments and reviews.
        *   workflow tasks: all forbidden

    :   permanently fixed due to a final review decision.

        *   extends from review to assessment to contrib
        *   workflow tasks: only selection decisions allowed

    :   temporarily fixed due to review in progress.

        *   extends from assessment to contrib.
        *   workflow tasks: all allowed as far as they make sense
        *   also used to let final reviewer wait for expert reviewe

    Any record that carries one of these fixity attributes cannot be edited
    or deleted, except for the fields that get modified when an allowed
    workflow task is executed.

    def __init__(self, db):
        """## Initialization

        Several pieces of data that will be used many times in workflow computations
        are fetched and stored as attributes.

        The previous workflow table is dropped and replaced by a freshly computed one.

        db: object
            See below.

        self.db = db
        """*object* The `control.db.Db` singleton

        The database is needed to store computed workflow information, so we store
        the Db singleton as attribute `db`.

        decisionRecords = db.getValueRecords(N.decision)
        self.decisions = {
            G(record, N._id): G(record, N.rep) for record in decisionRecords
        """*dict* Mapping of decision ids to decision verbs.

        !!! hint
            Think of `Accept`, `Reject`

        self.decisionParticiple = {
            G(record, N._id): G(record, N.participle) for record in decisionRecords
        """*dict* Mapping of decision ids to decision participles.

        !!! hint
            Think of `Accepted`, `Rejected`

        scoreData = db.getValueRecords(N.score)
        self.scoreMapping = {
            G(record, N._id): G(record, N.score)
            for record in scoreData
            if N.score in record
        """*dict* Mapping of score ids to numeric scores.

        maxScoreByCrit = {}
        for record in scoreData:
            criteriaId = G(record, N.criteria)
            if criteriaId is None:
            score = G(record, N.score, default=0)
            prevMax = maxScoreByCrit.setdefault(criteriaId, None)
            if prevMax is None or score > prevMax:
                maxScoreByCrit[criteriaId] = score

        self.maxScoreByCrit = maxScoreByCrit
        """*dict* Mapping of criteria ids to the maximum score for that criterion.

        !!! note
            We collect the maximum score that can be given for a criteria,
            irrespective of any concrete assessment.

            We need the maximum to present a given score as a percentage.

    def initWorkflow(self, drop=False):
        """(Re)fills the workflow table.

        !!! caution
            This is not needed if the workflow table stays in sync
            with the other data in the database.
            So, normally, it is best not to carry out this step, because
            when workers start and restart, we do not want a big table
            operation to happen that is visible across workers.

            When the server starts, we carry out this function once.

        !!! hint "Gunicorn"
            On `gunicorn`, we start the server with `--preload`,
            hence the workflow init happens before any worker starts.

        !!! hint "Build script"
            You can manually trigger the workflow initialization by means
            of the build script, whether or not the webserver runs.

        !!! hint "Sysadmin"
            System administrators can trigger the workflow initialization
            by means of a button in the sidebar, only visible and executable by them.

        drop: boolean
            If True, the complete table will first be dropped and then
            Otherwise, the table will merely be cleared.

        The number of workflow records stored.

        db = self.db

        if drop:
            if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
                serverprint("WORKFLOW: Drop exisiting table")
            if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
                serverprint("WORKFLOW: Clear exisiting table")

        entries = {}
        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint("WORKFLOW: Read user (entry) tables")
        for table in WORKFLOW_TABLES:
            entries[table] = db.entries(table)

        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint("WORKFLOW: Link masters and details")

        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint("WORKFLOW: Compute workflow info")
        wfRecords = []
        for mainRecord in G(entries, MAIN_TABLE, default={}).values():
            info = self.computeWorkflow(record=mainRecord)
            if info:

        nWf = len(wfRecords)
        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint(f"WORKFLOW: Store {nWf} workflow records")
        # check whether the wfRecords are distinct objects, otherwise we'll
        # get a bulk-write error
        wfIds = {}
        for record in wfRecords:
            wfIds.setdefault(id(record), []).append(record)
        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint("WORKFLOW: CHECKING DUPLICATES: ...")
        good = True
        for (wfId, records) in wfIds.items():
            if len(records) > 1:
                if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
                        f"WORKFLOW: DUPLICATE OBJECTS TO BE INSERTED ({len(records)} x:"
                good = False
        if good:
            if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
                serverprint("WORKFLOW: NO DUPLICATES")

        if wfRecords:
        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint("WORKFLOW: Initialization done")
        return nWf

    def insert(self, contribId):
        """Computes and stores workflow for a single contribution.

        contribId: ObjectId
            The contrib for which to compute workflow.

        db = self.db

        info = self.computeWorkflow(contribId=contribId)
        info[N._id] = contribId
        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint(f"WORKFLOW: New workflow info {contribId}")

    def recompute(self, contribId):
        """Recomputes and replaces workflow for a single contribution.

        contribId: ObjectId
            The contrib for which to compute workflow.

        db = self.db

        info = self.computeWorkflow(contribId=contribId)
        db.updateWorkflow(contribId, info)

    def delete(self, contribId):
        """Deletes workflow for a single contribution.

        contribId: ObjectId
            The contrib for which to delete workflow.

        db = self.db

        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint(f"WORKFLOW: Delete workflow info {contribId}")

    def computeWorkflow(self, record=None, contribId=None):
        """Computes workflow for a single contribution.

        Part of the work will be delegated to functions that
        retrieve workflow info off assessment and review records.

        record: dict
            The full contrib record for which to compute workflow.
            If not given, the record will be retrieved on the basis
            of `contribId` parameter.
        contribId: ObjectId
            The id of the contrib for which to compute workflow.

            Workflow attributes.

        if record is None:
            record = self.getFullItem(contribId)

        contribId = G(record, N._id)
        if contribId is None:
            return {}

        contribType = G(record, N.typeContribution)
        selected = G(record, N.selected)
        dateDecided = G(record, N.dateDecided)

        stage = (
            if selected
            else N.selectNone
            if selected is None
            else N.selectNo
        frozen = stage != N.selectNone

        assessmentValid = getLast(
                for aRecord in G(record, N.assessment, default=[])
                if contribType is not None
                and G(aRecord, N.assessmentType) == contribType
        if str(contribId) == DEBUG:
        assessmentWf = (
            self.computeWorkflowAssessment(assessmentValid, frozen)
            if assessmentValid
            else {}

        locked = G(assessmentWf, N.locked, default=False)
        done = G(assessmentWf, N.done, default=False)
        mayAdd = not done and not locked and not frozen and not assessmentValid

        return {
            N._id: contribId,
            N.creators: creators(record, N.creator, N.editors),
            N.type: contribType,
            N.title: G(record, N.title),
            N.selected: G(record, N.selected),
            N.assessment: assessmentWf,
            N.stage: stage,
            N.stageDate: dateDecided,
            N.frozen: frozen,
            N.locked: locked,
            N.done: done,
            N.mayAdd: mayAdd,

    def computeWorkflowAssessment(self, record, frozen):
        """Computes workflow info derived from an assessment record.

        This includes workflow information associated with the reviews
        of this assessment. However, that will be delegated to another function.

        record: dict
            The assessment record that is the information source for the
            workflow information.
        frozen: boolean
            This is an  attribute of the workflow, derived from the
            contribution record.
            It should be inherited by the associated assessment and review records.
            Hence it is passed down.

        Key attributes that will be computed are:

        locked: boolean
            Workflow attribute that derives from the assessment.
            It is set to `True` when an assessment is currently under review.
            It is also important for the contribution, hence it will
            be passed upwards to it.
        done: boolean
            Workflow attribute that derives from the reviews.
            It is also important for the contribution, hence it will
            be passed upwards to it.
            It is set to `True` when the final reviewer has decided other than `Revise`.
            If `done`, also the assessment and the contribution
            count as `done`.

        attributes: dict
            Workflow attributes

        db = self.db
        typeCriteria = db.typeCriteria

        assessmentId = G(record, N._id)
        assessmentType = G(record, N.assessmentType)
        nCriteria = len(G(typeCriteria, assessmentType, default=[]))

        centries = [
            for rec in G(record, N.criteriaEntry, default=[])
            if (
                assessmentId is not None
                and G(rec, N.criteria) is not None
                and G(rec, N.assessment) == assessmentId
        complete = len(centries) == nCriteria and all(
            G(rec, N.score) and G(rec, N.evidence) for rec in centries
        submitted = G(record, N.submitted)
        dateSubmitted = G(record, N.dateSubmitted)
        dateWithdrawn = G(record, N.dateWithdrawn)
        withdrawn = not submitted and dateWithdrawn

        score = self.computeScore(centries)

        reviewer = {
   G(record, N.reviewerE),
   G(record, N.reviewerF),
        reviewers = sorted(set(reviewer.values()) - {None})

        reviewsWf = {}

        for (kind, theReviewer) in reviewer.items():
            reviewValid = getLast(
                    for rec in G(record,, default=[])
                    if G(rec, N.creator) == theReviewer
                    and G(rec, N.reviewType) == assessmentType
            reviewWf = self.computeWorkflowReview(kind, reviewValid, frozen)
            reviewsWf[kind] = reviewWf

        finalReviewStage = None

        expertReviewWf = G(reviewsWf,
        finalReviewWf = G(reviewsWf,
        finalReviewStage = G(finalReviewWf, N.stage)

        finalReviewDate = G(finalReviewWf, N.stageDate)
        revisedProgress = (
            and finalReviewStage == N.reviewRevise
            and finalReviewDate > dateSubmitted
        revisedDone = (
            and finalReviewStage == N.reviewRevise
            and finalReviewDate < dateSubmitted

        stage = (
            (N.completeWithdrawn if complete else N.incompleteWithdrawn)
            if withdrawn
            else (N.completeRevised if complete else N.incompleteRevised)
            if revisedProgress
            else N.submittedRevised
            if revisedDone
            else (
                N.submitted if submitted else N.complete if complete else N.incomplete
        stageDate = dateWithdrawn if withdrawn else dateSubmitted

        locked = stage in {N.submitted, N.submittedRevised}

        done = not not finalReviewStage and finalReviewStage != N.reviewRevise

        if done:
            if expertReviewWf:
                expertReviewWf[N.done] = True
            if finalReviewWf:
                finalReviewWf[N.done] = True

        mayAdd = {
            kind: not frozen and not done and not G(reviewsWf, kind)
            for kind in (,

        return {
            N._id: assessmentId,
            N.creators: creators(record, N.creator, N.editors),
            N.title: G(record, N.title),
            N.submitted: G(record, N.submitted),
            N.reviewer: reviewer,
            N.reviewers: reviewers,
            N.score: score,
            N.stage: stage,
            N.stageDate: stageDate,
            N.frozen: frozen,
            N.locked: locked,
            N.done: done,
            N.mayAdd: mayAdd,

    def computeWorkflowReview(self, kind, record, frozen):
        """Computes workflow info derived from a review record.

        !!! note
            Nothing in the review itself indicates what kind a review is.
            But the associated assessment specifies an expert reviewer and a
            final reviewer.
            Hence the creator of a review will tell what kind of review it is.

        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}
            The kind of review.
        record: dict
            The review record that is the information source for the
            workflow information.
        frozen: boolean
            This is an  attribute of the workflow, derived from the
            contribution record.
            It should be inherited by the associated assessment and review records.
            Hence it is passed from there to here.

        if record is None:
            return {}

        decisions = self.decisions

        decision = G(decisions, G(record, N.decision))

        stage = (
                if decision == N.Accept
                else N.reviewAdviseReject
                if decision == N.Reject
                else N.reviewAdviseRevise
                if decision == N.Revise
                else None
            if kind ==
            else (
                if decision == N.Accept
                else N.reviewReject
                if decision == N.Reject
                else N.reviewRevise
                if decision == N.Revise
                else None

        return {
            N._id: G(record, N._id),
            N.creators: creators(record, N.creator, N.editors),
            N.title: G(record, N.title),
            N.decision: G(record, N.decision),
            N.kind: kind,
            N.stage: stage,
            N.stageDate: G(record, N.dateDecided),
            N.frozen: frozen,

    def computeScore(self, criteriaEntries):
        """Computes the score of an assessment.

        The assessment an average of the score given by the assessor to his/her

        criteriaEntries: iterable of dict
            The records in which an assessor enters his/her evalutation.
            Each record gets a score.
            The overall score is a simple average of all scores.
            However, some criteria are not required, and a zero score for them
            does not add to the average.

            Overall score plus other quantities that serve to present a
            derivation of the overall score.

        scoreMapping = self.scoreMapping
        maxScoreByCrit = self.maxScoreByCrit
        theseScores = [
                G(cEntry, N.criteria),
                G(scoreMapping, G(cEntry, N.score)) or 0,
                G(maxScoreByCrit, G(cEntry, N.criteria)) or 0,
            for cEntry in criteriaEntries

        allMax = sum(x[2] for x in theseScores)
        allN = len(theseScores)

        relevantCriteriaEntries = [x for x in theseScores if x[1] >= 0]
        relevantMax = sum(x[2] for x in relevantCriteriaEntries)
        relevantScore = sum(x[1] for x in relevantCriteriaEntries)
        relevantN = len(relevantCriteriaEntries)
        overall = 0 if relevantMax == 0 else (round(relevantScore * 100 / relevantMax))
        return dict(

    def getFullItem(self, contribId):
        """Collect a contribution with all relevant assessments and reviews.

        contribId: ObjectId
            The contrib whose information we want to gather.

            The contrib record and its dependent records.

        db = self.db

        entries = {}
        for table in WORKFLOW_TABLES_LIST:
            crit = (
                {N._id: contribId}
                if table == MAIN_TABLE
                else {N.contrib: contribId}
                if table in CT.userTables
                else {INTER_TABLE: db.inCrit(G(entries, INTER_TABLE, default={}))}
            entries[table] = db.entries(table, crit)

        return G(G(entries, MAIN_TABLE), contribId)

    def aggregate(entries):
        """Aggregates details records in the record of their master.

        entries: dict
            a dict keyed by table name and valued by lists of records of that table.

            This fuction works in place, in `entries`.
            For every item `(detailTable, detailRecords)` in entries, where
            detailTable is relevant to the workflow,
            a possibly new key masterTable will be made in entries, and the
            detailRecords will be put under that key as a dict keyed by id.

        for (masterTable, detailTables) in DETAILS.items():
            if masterTable in WORKFLOW_TABLES:
                detailTablesWf = [
                    for detailTable in detailTables
                    if detailTable in WORKFLOW_TABLES
                for detailTable in detailTablesWf:
                    if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
                            f"WORKFLOW: {masterTable}: lookup details from {detailTable}"
                    for record in sorted(
                        G(entries, detailTable, default={}).values(),
                        key=lambda r: G(r, N.dateCreated, default=0),
                        masterId = G(record, masterTable)
                        if masterId:
                            entries.setdefault(masterTable, {}).setdefault(
                                masterId, {}
                            ).setdefault(detailTable, []).append(record)


class Workflow (db)

Manages workflow information.

Workflow is the concept that contributions, assessments and reviews undergo steps in a certain order, and that their treatment is dependent on the stage they are in. See the workflow.yaml config file.

Workflow information is represented in records that correspond to contrib records in that the contrib record and the workflow record have one and the same id.

A workflow record for a contrib contains all the relevant info (as far as workflow is concerned) of the contrib record and its (valid) assessment and their (valid) reviews. See WorkflowItem. There it is defined how workflow information is applied.

At startup time, the workflow information is computed from scratch and stored in the database.

This class is about computing and managing the workflow information.


Due to workflow, records may become fixed, temporarily or permanently. The following workflow attributes will be computed:


permananently fixed due to a selection decision on the contrib.

  • extends from contribs to assessments and reviews.
  • workflow tasks: all forbidden

permanently fixed due to a final review decision.

  • extends from review to assessment to contrib
  • workflow tasks: only selection decisions allowed

temporarily fixed due to review in progress.

  • extends from assessment to contrib.
  • workflow tasks: all allowed as far as they make sense
  • also used to let final reviewer wait for expert reviewe

Any record that carries one of these fixity attributes cannot be edited or deleted, except for the fields that get modified when an allowed workflow task is executed.


Several pieces of data that will be used many times in workflow computations are fetched and stored as attributes.

The previous workflow table is dropped and replaced by a freshly computed one.


db : object
See below.
Expand source code
class Workflow:
    """Manages workflow information.

    Workflow is the concept that contributions, assessments and reviews
    undergo steps in a certain order, and that their treatment is dependent on
    the stage they are in. See the workflow.yaml config file.

    Workflow information is represented in records that correspond to contrib records
    in that the contrib record and the workflow record have one and the same id.

    A workflow record for a contrib contains all the relevant info (as far as workflow
    is concerned) of the contrib record and its (valid) assessment and their (valid)
    reviews. See `control.workflow.apply.WorkflowItem`.
    There it is defined how workflow information is *applied*.

    At startup time, the workflow information is computed from scratch and stored
    in the database.

    This class is about computing and managing the workflow information.

    ## Fixity

    Due to workflow, records may become fixed, temporarily or permanently.
    The following workflow attributes will be computed:

    :   permananently fixed due to a selection decision on the contrib.

        *   extends from contribs to assessments and reviews.
        *   workflow tasks: all forbidden

    :   permanently fixed due to a final review decision.

        *   extends from review to assessment to contrib
        *   workflow tasks: only selection decisions allowed

    :   temporarily fixed due to review in progress.

        *   extends from assessment to contrib.
        *   workflow tasks: all allowed as far as they make sense
        *   also used to let final reviewer wait for expert reviewe

    Any record that carries one of these fixity attributes cannot be edited
    or deleted, except for the fields that get modified when an allowed
    workflow task is executed.

    def __init__(self, db):
        """## Initialization

        Several pieces of data that will be used many times in workflow computations
        are fetched and stored as attributes.

        The previous workflow table is dropped and replaced by a freshly computed one.

        db: object
            See below.

        self.db = db
        """*object* The `control.db.Db` singleton

        The database is needed to store computed workflow information, so we store
        the Db singleton as attribute `db`.

        decisionRecords = db.getValueRecords(N.decision)
        self.decisions = {
            G(record, N._id): G(record, N.rep) for record in decisionRecords
        """*dict* Mapping of decision ids to decision verbs.

        !!! hint
            Think of `Accept`, `Reject`

        self.decisionParticiple = {
            G(record, N._id): G(record, N.participle) for record in decisionRecords
        """*dict* Mapping of decision ids to decision participles.

        !!! hint
            Think of `Accepted`, `Rejected`

        scoreData = db.getValueRecords(N.score)
        self.scoreMapping = {
            G(record, N._id): G(record, N.score)
            for record in scoreData
            if N.score in record
        """*dict* Mapping of score ids to numeric scores.

        maxScoreByCrit = {}
        for record in scoreData:
            criteriaId = G(record, N.criteria)
            if criteriaId is None:
            score = G(record, N.score, default=0)
            prevMax = maxScoreByCrit.setdefault(criteriaId, None)
            if prevMax is None or score > prevMax:
                maxScoreByCrit[criteriaId] = score

        self.maxScoreByCrit = maxScoreByCrit
        """*dict* Mapping of criteria ids to the maximum score for that criterion.

        !!! note
            We collect the maximum score that can be given for a criteria,
            irrespective of any concrete assessment.

            We need the maximum to present a given score as a percentage.

    def initWorkflow(self, drop=False):
        """(Re)fills the workflow table.

        !!! caution
            This is not needed if the workflow table stays in sync
            with the other data in the database.
            So, normally, it is best not to carry out this step, because
            when workers start and restart, we do not want a big table
            operation to happen that is visible across workers.

            When the server starts, we carry out this function once.

        !!! hint "Gunicorn"
            On `gunicorn`, we start the server with `--preload`,
            hence the workflow init happens before any worker starts.

        !!! hint "Build script"
            You can manually trigger the workflow initialization by means
            of the build script, whether or not the webserver runs.

        !!! hint "Sysadmin"
            System administrators can trigger the workflow initialization
            by means of a button in the sidebar, only visible and executable by them.

        drop: boolean
            If True, the complete table will first be dropped and then
            Otherwise, the table will merely be cleared.

        The number of workflow records stored.

        db = self.db

        if drop:
            if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
                serverprint("WORKFLOW: Drop exisiting table")
            if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
                serverprint("WORKFLOW: Clear exisiting table")

        entries = {}
        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint("WORKFLOW: Read user (entry) tables")
        for table in WORKFLOW_TABLES:
            entries[table] = db.entries(table)

        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint("WORKFLOW: Link masters and details")

        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint("WORKFLOW: Compute workflow info")
        wfRecords = []
        for mainRecord in G(entries, MAIN_TABLE, default={}).values():
            info = self.computeWorkflow(record=mainRecord)
            if info:

        nWf = len(wfRecords)
        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint(f"WORKFLOW: Store {nWf} workflow records")
        # check whether the wfRecords are distinct objects, otherwise we'll
        # get a bulk-write error
        wfIds = {}
        for record in wfRecords:
            wfIds.setdefault(id(record), []).append(record)
        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint("WORKFLOW: CHECKING DUPLICATES: ...")
        good = True
        for (wfId, records) in wfIds.items():
            if len(records) > 1:
                if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
                        f"WORKFLOW: DUPLICATE OBJECTS TO BE INSERTED ({len(records)} x:"
                good = False
        if good:
            if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
                serverprint("WORKFLOW: NO DUPLICATES")

        if wfRecords:
        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint("WORKFLOW: Initialization done")
        return nWf

    def insert(self, contribId):
        """Computes and stores workflow for a single contribution.

        contribId: ObjectId
            The contrib for which to compute workflow.

        db = self.db

        info = self.computeWorkflow(contribId=contribId)
        info[N._id] = contribId
        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint(f"WORKFLOW: New workflow info {contribId}")

    def recompute(self, contribId):
        """Recomputes and replaces workflow for a single contribution.

        contribId: ObjectId
            The contrib for which to compute workflow.

        db = self.db

        info = self.computeWorkflow(contribId=contribId)
        db.updateWorkflow(contribId, info)

    def delete(self, contribId):
        """Deletes workflow for a single contribution.

        contribId: ObjectId
            The contrib for which to delete workflow.

        db = self.db

        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint(f"WORKFLOW: Delete workflow info {contribId}")

    def computeWorkflow(self, record=None, contribId=None):
        """Computes workflow for a single contribution.

        Part of the work will be delegated to functions that
        retrieve workflow info off assessment and review records.

        record: dict
            The full contrib record for which to compute workflow.
            If not given, the record will be retrieved on the basis
            of `contribId` parameter.
        contribId: ObjectId
            The id of the contrib for which to compute workflow.

            Workflow attributes.

        if record is None:
            record = self.getFullItem(contribId)

        contribId = G(record, N._id)
        if contribId is None:
            return {}

        contribType = G(record, N.typeContribution)
        selected = G(record, N.selected)
        dateDecided = G(record, N.dateDecided)

        stage = (
            if selected
            else N.selectNone
            if selected is None
            else N.selectNo
        frozen = stage != N.selectNone

        assessmentValid = getLast(
                for aRecord in G(record, N.assessment, default=[])
                if contribType is not None
                and G(aRecord, N.assessmentType) == contribType
        if str(contribId) == DEBUG:
        assessmentWf = (
            self.computeWorkflowAssessment(assessmentValid, frozen)
            if assessmentValid
            else {}

        locked = G(assessmentWf, N.locked, default=False)
        done = G(assessmentWf, N.done, default=False)
        mayAdd = not done and not locked and not frozen and not assessmentValid

        return {
            N._id: contribId,
            N.creators: creators(record, N.creator, N.editors),
            N.type: contribType,
            N.title: G(record, N.title),
            N.selected: G(record, N.selected),
            N.assessment: assessmentWf,
            N.stage: stage,
            N.stageDate: dateDecided,
            N.frozen: frozen,
            N.locked: locked,
            N.done: done,
            N.mayAdd: mayAdd,

    def computeWorkflowAssessment(self, record, frozen):
        """Computes workflow info derived from an assessment record.

        This includes workflow information associated with the reviews
        of this assessment. However, that will be delegated to another function.

        record: dict
            The assessment record that is the information source for the
            workflow information.
        frozen: boolean
            This is an  attribute of the workflow, derived from the
            contribution record.
            It should be inherited by the associated assessment and review records.
            Hence it is passed down.

        Key attributes that will be computed are:

        locked: boolean
            Workflow attribute that derives from the assessment.
            It is set to `True` when an assessment is currently under review.
            It is also important for the contribution, hence it will
            be passed upwards to it.
        done: boolean
            Workflow attribute that derives from the reviews.
            It is also important for the contribution, hence it will
            be passed upwards to it.
            It is set to `True` when the final reviewer has decided other than `Revise`.
            If `done`, also the assessment and the contribution
            count as `done`.

        attributes: dict
            Workflow attributes

        db = self.db
        typeCriteria = db.typeCriteria

        assessmentId = G(record, N._id)
        assessmentType = G(record, N.assessmentType)
        nCriteria = len(G(typeCriteria, assessmentType, default=[]))

        centries = [
            for rec in G(record, N.criteriaEntry, default=[])
            if (
                assessmentId is not None
                and G(rec, N.criteria) is not None
                and G(rec, N.assessment) == assessmentId
        complete = len(centries) == nCriteria and all(
            G(rec, N.score) and G(rec, N.evidence) for rec in centries
        submitted = G(record, N.submitted)
        dateSubmitted = G(record, N.dateSubmitted)
        dateWithdrawn = G(record, N.dateWithdrawn)
        withdrawn = not submitted and dateWithdrawn

        score = self.computeScore(centries)

        reviewer = {
   G(record, N.reviewerE),
   G(record, N.reviewerF),
        reviewers = sorted(set(reviewer.values()) - {None})

        reviewsWf = {}

        for (kind, theReviewer) in reviewer.items():
            reviewValid = getLast(
                    for rec in G(record,, default=[])
                    if G(rec, N.creator) == theReviewer
                    and G(rec, N.reviewType) == assessmentType
            reviewWf = self.computeWorkflowReview(kind, reviewValid, frozen)
            reviewsWf[kind] = reviewWf

        finalReviewStage = None

        expertReviewWf = G(reviewsWf,
        finalReviewWf = G(reviewsWf,
        finalReviewStage = G(finalReviewWf, N.stage)

        finalReviewDate = G(finalReviewWf, N.stageDate)
        revisedProgress = (
            and finalReviewStage == N.reviewRevise
            and finalReviewDate > dateSubmitted
        revisedDone = (
            and finalReviewStage == N.reviewRevise
            and finalReviewDate < dateSubmitted

        stage = (
            (N.completeWithdrawn if complete else N.incompleteWithdrawn)
            if withdrawn
            else (N.completeRevised if complete else N.incompleteRevised)
            if revisedProgress
            else N.submittedRevised
            if revisedDone
            else (
                N.submitted if submitted else N.complete if complete else N.incomplete
        stageDate = dateWithdrawn if withdrawn else dateSubmitted

        locked = stage in {N.submitted, N.submittedRevised}

        done = not not finalReviewStage and finalReviewStage != N.reviewRevise

        if done:
            if expertReviewWf:
                expertReviewWf[N.done] = True
            if finalReviewWf:
                finalReviewWf[N.done] = True

        mayAdd = {
            kind: not frozen and not done and not G(reviewsWf, kind)
            for kind in (,

        return {
            N._id: assessmentId,
            N.creators: creators(record, N.creator, N.editors),
            N.title: G(record, N.title),
            N.submitted: G(record, N.submitted),
            N.reviewer: reviewer,
            N.reviewers: reviewers,
            N.score: score,
            N.stage: stage,
            N.stageDate: stageDate,
            N.frozen: frozen,
            N.locked: locked,
            N.done: done,
            N.mayAdd: mayAdd,

    def computeWorkflowReview(self, kind, record, frozen):
        """Computes workflow info derived from a review record.

        !!! note
            Nothing in the review itself indicates what kind a review is.
            But the associated assessment specifies an expert reviewer and a
            final reviewer.
            Hence the creator of a review will tell what kind of review it is.

        kind: string {`expert`, `final`}
            The kind of review.
        record: dict
            The review record that is the information source for the
            workflow information.
        frozen: boolean
            This is an  attribute of the workflow, derived from the
            contribution record.
            It should be inherited by the associated assessment and review records.
            Hence it is passed from there to here.

        if record is None:
            return {}

        decisions = self.decisions

        decision = G(decisions, G(record, N.decision))

        stage = (
                if decision == N.Accept
                else N.reviewAdviseReject
                if decision == N.Reject
                else N.reviewAdviseRevise
                if decision == N.Revise
                else None
            if kind ==
            else (
                if decision == N.Accept
                else N.reviewReject
                if decision == N.Reject
                else N.reviewRevise
                if decision == N.Revise
                else None

        return {
            N._id: G(record, N._id),
            N.creators: creators(record, N.creator, N.editors),
            N.title: G(record, N.title),
            N.decision: G(record, N.decision),
            N.kind: kind,
            N.stage: stage,
            N.stageDate: G(record, N.dateDecided),
            N.frozen: frozen,

    def computeScore(self, criteriaEntries):
        """Computes the score of an assessment.

        The assessment an average of the score given by the assessor to his/her

        criteriaEntries: iterable of dict
            The records in which an assessor enters his/her evalutation.
            Each record gets a score.
            The overall score is a simple average of all scores.
            However, some criteria are not required, and a zero score for them
            does not add to the average.

            Overall score plus other quantities that serve to present a
            derivation of the overall score.

        scoreMapping = self.scoreMapping
        maxScoreByCrit = self.maxScoreByCrit
        theseScores = [
                G(cEntry, N.criteria),
                G(scoreMapping, G(cEntry, N.score)) or 0,
                G(maxScoreByCrit, G(cEntry, N.criteria)) or 0,
            for cEntry in criteriaEntries

        allMax = sum(x[2] for x in theseScores)
        allN = len(theseScores)

        relevantCriteriaEntries = [x for x in theseScores if x[1] >= 0]
        relevantMax = sum(x[2] for x in relevantCriteriaEntries)
        relevantScore = sum(x[1] for x in relevantCriteriaEntries)
        relevantN = len(relevantCriteriaEntries)
        overall = 0 if relevantMax == 0 else (round(relevantScore * 100 / relevantMax))
        return dict(

    def getFullItem(self, contribId):
        """Collect a contribution with all relevant assessments and reviews.

        contribId: ObjectId
            The contrib whose information we want to gather.

            The contrib record and its dependent records.

        db = self.db

        entries = {}
        for table in WORKFLOW_TABLES_LIST:
            crit = (
                {N._id: contribId}
                if table == MAIN_TABLE
                else {N.contrib: contribId}
                if table in CT.userTables
                else {INTER_TABLE: db.inCrit(G(entries, INTER_TABLE, default={}))}
            entries[table] = db.entries(table, crit)

        return G(G(entries, MAIN_TABLE), contribId)

    def aggregate(entries):
        """Aggregates details records in the record of their master.

        entries: dict
            a dict keyed by table name and valued by lists of records of that table.

            This fuction works in place, in `entries`.
            For every item `(detailTable, detailRecords)` in entries, where
            detailTable is relevant to the workflow,
            a possibly new key masterTable will be made in entries, and the
            detailRecords will be put under that key as a dict keyed by id.

        for (masterTable, detailTables) in DETAILS.items():
            if masterTable in WORKFLOW_TABLES:
                detailTablesWf = [
                    for detailTable in detailTables
                    if detailTable in WORKFLOW_TABLES
                for detailTable in detailTablesWf:
                    if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
                            f"WORKFLOW: {masterTable}: lookup details from {detailTable}"
                    for record in sorted(
                        G(entries, detailTable, default={}).values(),
                        key=lambda r: G(r, N.dateCreated, default=0),
                        masterId = G(record, masterTable)
                        if masterId:
                            entries.setdefault(masterTable, {}).setdefault(
                                masterId, {}
                            ).setdefault(detailTable, []).append(record)

Static methods

def aggregate(entries)

Aggregates details records in the record of their master.


entries : dict
a dict keyed by table name and valued by lists of records of that table.


This fuction works in place, in entries. For every item (detailTable, detailRecords) in entries, where detailTable is relevant to the workflow, a possibly new key masterTable will be made in entries, and the detailRecords will be put under that key as a dict keyed by id.
Expand source code
def aggregate(entries):
    """Aggregates details records in the record of their master.

    entries: dict
        a dict keyed by table name and valued by lists of records of that table.

        This fuction works in place, in `entries`.
        For every item `(detailTable, detailRecords)` in entries, where
        detailTable is relevant to the workflow,
        a possibly new key masterTable will be made in entries, and the
        detailRecords will be put under that key as a dict keyed by id.

    for (masterTable, detailTables) in DETAILS.items():
        if masterTable in WORKFLOW_TABLES:
            detailTablesWf = [
                for detailTable in detailTables
                if detailTable in WORKFLOW_TABLES
            for detailTable in detailTablesWf:
                if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
                        f"WORKFLOW: {masterTable}: lookup details from {detailTable}"
                for record in sorted(
                    G(entries, detailTable, default={}).values(),
                    key=lambda r: G(r, N.dateCreated, default=0),
                    masterId = G(record, masterTable)
                    if masterId:
                        entries.setdefault(masterTable, {}).setdefault(
                            masterId, {}
                        ).setdefault(detailTable, []).append(record)

Instance variables

var db

object The Db singleton

The database is needed to store computed workflow information, so we store the Db singleton as attribute db.

var decisionParticiple

dict Mapping of decision ids to decision participles.


Think of Accepted, Rejected

var decisions

dict Mapping of decision ids to decision verbs.


Think of Accept, Reject

var maxScoreByCrit

dict Mapping of criteria ids to the maximum score for that criterion.


We collect the maximum score that can be given for a criteria, irrespective of any concrete assessment.

We need the maximum to present a given score as a percentage.

var scoreMapping

dict Mapping of score ids to numeric scores.


def computeScore(self, criteriaEntries)

Computes the score of an assessment.

The assessment an average of the score given by the assessor to his/her criteriaEntries.


criteriaEntries : iterable of dict
The records in which an assessor enters his/her evalutation. Each record gets a score. The overall score is a simple average of all scores. However, some criteria are not required, and a zero score for them does not add to the average.


Overall score plus other quantities that serve to present a derivation of the overall score.
Expand source code
def computeScore(self, criteriaEntries):
    """Computes the score of an assessment.

    The assessment an average of the score given by the assessor to his/her

    criteriaEntries: iterable of dict
        The records in which an assessor enters his/her evalutation.
        Each record gets a score.
        The overall score is a simple average of all scores.
        However, some criteria are not required, and a zero score for them
        does not add to the average.

        Overall score plus other quantities that serve to present a
        derivation of the overall score.

    scoreMapping = self.scoreMapping
    maxScoreByCrit = self.maxScoreByCrit
    theseScores = [
            G(cEntry, N.criteria),
            G(scoreMapping, G(cEntry, N.score)) or 0,
            G(maxScoreByCrit, G(cEntry, N.criteria)) or 0,
        for cEntry in criteriaEntries

    allMax = sum(x[2] for x in theseScores)
    allN = len(theseScores)

    relevantCriteriaEntries = [x for x in theseScores if x[1] >= 0]
    relevantMax = sum(x[2] for x in relevantCriteriaEntries)
    relevantScore = sum(x[1] for x in relevantCriteriaEntries)
    relevantN = len(relevantCriteriaEntries)
    overall = 0 if relevantMax == 0 else (round(relevantScore * 100 / relevantMax))
    return dict(
def computeWorkflow(self, record=None, contribId=None)

Computes workflow for a single contribution.

Part of the work will be delegated to functions that retrieve workflow info off assessment and review records.


record : dict
The full contrib record for which to compute workflow. If not given, the record will be retrieved on the basis of contribId parameter.
contribId : ObjectId
The id of the contrib for which to compute workflow.


Workflow attributes.
Expand source code
def computeWorkflow(self, record=None, contribId=None):
    """Computes workflow for a single contribution.

    Part of the work will be delegated to functions that
    retrieve workflow info off assessment and review records.

    record: dict
        The full contrib record for which to compute workflow.
        If not given, the record will be retrieved on the basis
        of `contribId` parameter.
    contribId: ObjectId
        The id of the contrib for which to compute workflow.

        Workflow attributes.

    if record is None:
        record = self.getFullItem(contribId)

    contribId = G(record, N._id)
    if contribId is None:
        return {}

    contribType = G(record, N.typeContribution)
    selected = G(record, N.selected)
    dateDecided = G(record, N.dateDecided)

    stage = (
        if selected
        else N.selectNone
        if selected is None
        else N.selectNo
    frozen = stage != N.selectNone

    assessmentValid = getLast(
            for aRecord in G(record, N.assessment, default=[])
            if contribType is not None
            and G(aRecord, N.assessmentType) == contribType
    if str(contribId) == DEBUG:
    assessmentWf = (
        self.computeWorkflowAssessment(assessmentValid, frozen)
        if assessmentValid
        else {}

    locked = G(assessmentWf, N.locked, default=False)
    done = G(assessmentWf, N.done, default=False)
    mayAdd = not done and not locked and not frozen and not assessmentValid

    return {
        N._id: contribId,
        N.creators: creators(record, N.creator, N.editors), G(record,,
        N.type: contribType,
        N.title: G(record, N.title),
        N.selected: G(record, N.selected),
        N.assessment: assessmentWf,
        N.stage: stage,
        N.stageDate: dateDecided,
        N.frozen: frozen,
        N.locked: locked,
        N.done: done,
        N.mayAdd: mayAdd,
def computeWorkflowAssessment(self, record, frozen)

Computes workflow info derived from an assessment record.

This includes workflow information associated with the reviews of this assessment. However, that will be delegated to another function.


record : dict
The assessment record that is the information source for the workflow information.
frozen : boolean
This is an attribute of the workflow, derived from the contribution record. It should be inherited by the associated assessment and review records. Hence it is passed down.

Key attributes that will be computed are:


locked : boolean
Workflow attribute that derives from the assessment. It is set to True when an assessment is currently under review. It is also important for the contribution, hence it will be passed upwards to it.
done : boolean
Workflow attribute that derives from the reviews. It is also important for the contribution, hence it will be passed upwards to it. It is set to True when the final reviewer has decided other than Revise. If done, also the assessment and the contribution count as done.


attributes : dict
Workflow attributes
Expand source code
def computeWorkflowAssessment(self, record, frozen):
    """Computes workflow info derived from an assessment record.

    This includes workflow information associated with the reviews
    of this assessment. However, that will be delegated to another function.

    record: dict
        The assessment record that is the information source for the
        workflow information.
    frozen: boolean
        This is an  attribute of the workflow, derived from the
        contribution record.
        It should be inherited by the associated assessment and review records.
        Hence it is passed down.

    Key attributes that will be computed are:

    locked: boolean
        Workflow attribute that derives from the assessment.
        It is set to `True` when an assessment is currently under review.
        It is also important for the contribution, hence it will
        be passed upwards to it.
    done: boolean
        Workflow attribute that derives from the reviews.
        It is also important for the contribution, hence it will
        be passed upwards to it.
        It is set to `True` when the final reviewer has decided other than `Revise`.
        If `done`, also the assessment and the contribution
        count as `done`.

    attributes: dict
        Workflow attributes

    db = self.db
    typeCriteria = db.typeCriteria

    assessmentId = G(record, N._id)
    assessmentType = G(record, N.assessmentType)
    nCriteria = len(G(typeCriteria, assessmentType, default=[]))

    centries = [
        for rec in G(record, N.criteriaEntry, default=[])
        if (
            assessmentId is not None
            and G(rec, N.criteria) is not None
            and G(rec, N.assessment) == assessmentId
    complete = len(centries) == nCriteria and all(
        G(rec, N.score) and G(rec, N.evidence) for rec in centries
    submitted = G(record, N.submitted)
    dateSubmitted = G(record, N.dateSubmitted)
    dateWithdrawn = G(record, N.dateWithdrawn)
    withdrawn = not submitted and dateWithdrawn

    score = self.computeScore(centries)

    reviewer = { G(record, N.reviewerE), G(record, N.reviewerF),
    reviewers = sorted(set(reviewer.values()) - {None})

    reviewsWf = {}

    for (kind, theReviewer) in reviewer.items():
        reviewValid = getLast(
                for rec in G(record,, default=[])
                if G(rec, N.creator) == theReviewer
                and G(rec, N.reviewType) == assessmentType
        reviewWf = self.computeWorkflowReview(kind, reviewValid, frozen)
        reviewsWf[kind] = reviewWf

    finalReviewStage = None

    expertReviewWf = G(reviewsWf,
    finalReviewWf = G(reviewsWf,
    finalReviewStage = G(finalReviewWf, N.stage)

    finalReviewDate = G(finalReviewWf, N.stageDate)
    revisedProgress = (
        and finalReviewStage == N.reviewRevise
        and finalReviewDate > dateSubmitted
    revisedDone = (
        and finalReviewStage == N.reviewRevise
        and finalReviewDate < dateSubmitted

    stage = (
        (N.completeWithdrawn if complete else N.incompleteWithdrawn)
        if withdrawn
        else (N.completeRevised if complete else N.incompleteRevised)
        if revisedProgress
        else N.submittedRevised
        if revisedDone
        else (
            N.submitted if submitted else N.complete if complete else N.incomplete
    stageDate = dateWithdrawn if withdrawn else dateSubmitted

    locked = stage in {N.submitted, N.submittedRevised}

    done = not not finalReviewStage and finalReviewStage != N.reviewRevise

    if done:
        if expertReviewWf:
            expertReviewWf[N.done] = True
        if finalReviewWf:
            finalReviewWf[N.done] = True

    mayAdd = {
        kind: not frozen and not done and not G(reviewsWf, kind)
        for kind in (,

    return {
        N._id: assessmentId,
        N.creators: creators(record, N.creator, N.editors),
        N.title: G(record, N.title),
        N.submitted: G(record, N.submitted),
        N.reviewer: reviewer,
        N.reviewers: reviewers, reviewsWf,
        N.score: score,
        N.stage: stage,
        N.stageDate: stageDate,
        N.frozen: frozen,
        N.locked: locked,
        N.done: done,
        N.mayAdd: mayAdd,
def computeWorkflowReview(self, kind, record, frozen)

Computes workflow info derived from a review record.


Nothing in the review itself indicates what kind a review is. But the associated assessment specifies an expert reviewer and a final reviewer. Hence the creator of a review will tell what kind of review it is.


kind : string {expert, final}
The kind of review.
record : dict
The review record that is the information source for the workflow information.
frozen : boolean
This is an attribute of the workflow, derived from the contribution record. It should be inherited by the associated assessment and review records. Hence it is passed from there to here.
Expand source code
def computeWorkflowReview(self, kind, record, frozen):
    """Computes workflow info derived from a review record.

    !!! note
        Nothing in the review itself indicates what kind a review is.
        But the associated assessment specifies an expert reviewer and a
        final reviewer.
        Hence the creator of a review will tell what kind of review it is.

    kind: string {`expert`, `final`}
        The kind of review.
    record: dict
        The review record that is the information source for the
        workflow information.
    frozen: boolean
        This is an  attribute of the workflow, derived from the
        contribution record.
        It should be inherited by the associated assessment and review records.
        Hence it is passed from there to here.

    if record is None:
        return {}

    decisions = self.decisions

    decision = G(decisions, G(record, N.decision))

    stage = (
            if decision == N.Accept
            else N.reviewAdviseReject
            if decision == N.Reject
            else N.reviewAdviseRevise
            if decision == N.Revise
            else None
        if kind ==
        else (
            if decision == N.Accept
            else N.reviewReject
            if decision == N.Reject
            else N.reviewRevise
            if decision == N.Revise
            else None

    return {
        N._id: G(record, N._id),
        N.creators: creators(record, N.creator, N.editors),
        N.title: G(record, N.title),
        N.decision: G(record, N.decision),
        N.kind: kind,
        N.stage: stage,
        N.stageDate: G(record, N.dateDecided),
        N.frozen: frozen,
def delete(self, contribId)

Deletes workflow for a single contribution.


contribId : ObjectId
The contrib for which to delete workflow.
Expand source code
def delete(self, contribId):
    """Deletes workflow for a single contribution.

    contribId: ObjectId
        The contrib for which to delete workflow.

    db = self.db

        serverprint(f"WORKFLOW: Delete workflow info {contribId}")
def getFullItem(self, contribId)

Collect a contribution with all relevant assessments and reviews.


contribId : ObjectId
The contrib whose information we want to gather.


The contrib record and its dependent records.
Expand source code
def getFullItem(self, contribId):
    """Collect a contribution with all relevant assessments and reviews.

    contribId: ObjectId
        The contrib whose information we want to gather.

        The contrib record and its dependent records.

    db = self.db

    entries = {}
    for table in WORKFLOW_TABLES_LIST:
        crit = (
            {N._id: contribId}
            if table == MAIN_TABLE
            else {N.contrib: contribId}
            if table in CT.userTables
            else {INTER_TABLE: db.inCrit(G(entries, INTER_TABLE, default={}))}
        entries[table] = db.entries(table, crit)

    return G(G(entries, MAIN_TABLE), contribId)
def initWorkflow(self, drop=False)

(Re)fills the workflow table.


This is not needed if the workflow table stays in sync with the other data in the database. So, normally, it is best not to carry out this step, because when workers start and restart, we do not want a big table operation to happen that is visible across workers.

When the server starts, we carry out this function once.


On gunicorn, we start the server with --preload, hence the workflow init happens before any worker starts.

Build script

You can manually trigger the workflow initialization by means of the build script, whether or not the webserver runs.


System administrators can trigger the workflow initialization by means of a button in the sidebar, only visible and executable by them.


drop : boolean
If True, the complete table will first be dropped and then recreated. Otherwise, the table will merely be cleared.


The number of workflow records stored.

Expand source code
def initWorkflow(self, drop=False):
    """(Re)fills the workflow table.

    !!! caution
        This is not needed if the workflow table stays in sync
        with the other data in the database.
        So, normally, it is best not to carry out this step, because
        when workers start and restart, we do not want a big table
        operation to happen that is visible across workers.

        When the server starts, we carry out this function once.

    !!! hint "Gunicorn"
        On `gunicorn`, we start the server with `--preload`,
        hence the workflow init happens before any worker starts.

    !!! hint "Build script"
        You can manually trigger the workflow initialization by means
        of the build script, whether or not the webserver runs.

    !!! hint "Sysadmin"
        System administrators can trigger the workflow initialization
        by means of a button in the sidebar, only visible and executable by them.

    drop: boolean
        If True, the complete table will first be dropped and then
        Otherwise, the table will merely be cleared.

    The number of workflow records stored.

    db = self.db

    if drop:
        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint("WORKFLOW: Drop exisiting table")
        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint("WORKFLOW: Clear exisiting table")

    entries = {}
        serverprint("WORKFLOW: Read user (entry) tables")
    for table in WORKFLOW_TABLES:
        entries[table] = db.entries(table)

        serverprint("WORKFLOW: Link masters and details")

        serverprint("WORKFLOW: Compute workflow info")
    wfRecords = []
    for mainRecord in G(entries, MAIN_TABLE, default={}).values():
        info = self.computeWorkflow(record=mainRecord)
        if info:

    nWf = len(wfRecords)
        serverprint(f"WORKFLOW: Store {nWf} workflow records")
    # check whether the wfRecords are distinct objects, otherwise we'll
    # get a bulk-write error
    wfIds = {}
    for record in wfRecords:
        wfIds.setdefault(id(record), []).append(record)
        serverprint("WORKFLOW: CHECKING DUPLICATES: ...")
    good = True
    for (wfId, records) in wfIds.items():
        if len(records) > 1:
            if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
                    f"WORKFLOW: DUPLICATE OBJECTS TO BE INSERTED ({len(records)} x:"
            good = False
    if good:
        if DEBUG_WORKFLOW:
            serverprint("WORKFLOW: NO DUPLICATES")

    if wfRecords:
        serverprint("WORKFLOW: Initialization done")
    return nWf
def insert(self, contribId)

Computes and stores workflow for a single contribution.


contribId : ObjectId
The contrib for which to compute workflow.
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def insert(self, contribId):
    """Computes and stores workflow for a single contribution.

    contribId: ObjectId
        The contrib for which to compute workflow.

    db = self.db

    info = self.computeWorkflow(contribId=contribId)
    info[N._id] = contribId
        serverprint(f"WORKFLOW: New workflow info {contribId}")
def recompute(self, contribId)

Recomputes and replaces workflow for a single contribution.


contribId : ObjectId
The contrib for which to compute workflow.
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def recompute(self, contribId):
    """Recomputes and replaces workflow for a single contribution.

    contribId: ObjectId
        The contrib for which to compute workflow.

    db = self.db

    info = self.computeWorkflow(contribId=contribId)
    db.updateWorkflow(contribId, info)