Module control.auth


  • User management
  • Identity provider attribute handling
  • Authorization
Expand source code

*   User management
*   Identity provider attribute handling
*   Authorization

from flask import request, session, abort
from control.utils import (
    pick as G,
from config import Config as C, Names as N
from control.html import HtmlElements as H
from control.perm import (

CB = C.base
CW = C.web
CP = C.perm

DEBUG = CB.debug
TRANSPORT_ATTRIBUTES = CB.transportAttributes
SHIB_KEY = CB.shibKey
ATTRIBUTES = CB.attributes

LIMIT_JSON = CW.limitJson

Qc = H.icon(CW.unknown[], asChar=True)
Qu = H.icon(CW.unknown[N.user], asChar=True)
Qg = H.icon(CW.unknown[], asChar=True)

class Auth:
    """Deal with user Authentication.

    Facilitates the login/logout process of users.
    Maintains the attributes that the DARIAH Identity Provider supplies about users.

    def __init__(self, db, regime):
        """## Initialization

        Include a handle to `control.db.Db` into the

        db: object
            See below.

        self.db = db
        """*object* The `control.db.Db` singleton

        Provides methods to retrieve user
        info from the database and store user info there.

        permissionGroupInv = db.permissionGroupInv

        # determine production or devel
        self.isDevel = regime == N.development
        """*boolean* Whether the server runs in production or in development.

        In production we use the DARIAH Identity provider,
        while in development we use a simple, console-based way of
        logging a few test users in.

        self.authority = N.local if self.isDevel else N.DARIAH
        """*string* The name of the authority that identifies users.

        In production it is "DARIAH", which stands for the DARIAH Identity Provider.
        In development it is "local".

        self.authId = G(permissionGroupInv, AUTH)
        """*string* The groupId of the `auth` permission group.

        self.authUser = { self.authId}
        """*string* Info of the `auth` permission group.

        self.unauthId = G(permissionGroupInv, UNAUTH)
        """*string* The groupId of the `public` permission group.

        self.unauthUser = { self.unauthId}
        """*string* Info of the `public` permission group.

        self.user = {}
        """*dict* The attributes of the currently logged in user."""

    def clearUser(self):
        """Forgets the currently logged in user.

        The attributes in the `user` attribute will be cleared and attributes
        for an unauthenticated user will take their place.

        user = self.user

    def getUser(self, eppn, email=None, mayCreate=False):
        """Find a user in the database.

        This is called to get extra information for an authenticated user
        from the database.
        The resulting data will be stored in the `user` attribute of Auth.

        !!! caution
            Even if the user can be found, the attribute `mayLogin`
            might be false, in which case it will be prevented to log in that user.

        !!! tip
            When assigning reviewers, office users may select people who are not yet
            known to the contrib tool by specifying their email address.
            When such users log in for the first time, their `eppn` and other
            attributes become known, and are merged into a record in the user table.

        eppn: string
            The unique identifier of a user as assigned by the DARIAH identity provider.
        email: string, optional `None`
            New users may not have an eppn, but might already be present in the
            user table by their email.
            If so, the email address can be used to look up the user.
        mayCreate: boolean, optional `False`
            If a user cannot be found, they will be created if this flag is `True`.
            This is relevant for situation where a new user has been authenticated
            by the identity provider.

            Whether a user was authenticated and logged in.
            The attributes retrieved from the database will be merged into
            the `user` attribute.
            If no user was logged in, the `user` attribute will be filled with
            info that says that the current user is the public and nothing more.

        user = self.user
        db = self.db
        authority = self.authority
        authId = self.authId

        userFound = [
            for record in db.user.values()
            if (
                G(record, N.authority) == authority
                and (
                    (eppn is not None and G(record, N.eppn) == eppn)
                    or (
                        eppn is None
                        and email is not None
                        and G(record, N.eppn) is None
                        and G(record, == email
        if len(userFound) > 1:
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: multiple matches in user DB: {eppn} / {email}")
            return False

        if len(userFound) == 1:
            if not G(userFound[0], N.mayLogin, default=True):
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint(f"LOGIN: existing user may not login: {eppn} / {email}")
                return False

        user.update({N.eppn: eppn, N.authority: authority})
        if email:
            user[] = email

        if len(userFound) == 0:
            if mayCreate:
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint(f"LOGIN: new user: {eppn} / {email}")
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint(f"LOGIN: may not create new user: {eppn} / {email}")
                return False
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: existing user: {eppn} / {email}")

        # new users do not have yet group information
        group = user[] if in user else authId
        if not in user:
            user[] = group

        groupRep = G(G(db.permissionGroup, group), N.rep)
        result = groupRep != UNAUTH
        if DEBUG_AUTH:
            if result:
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: user authenticated: {eppn} / {email}")
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: user not authenticated: {eppn} / {email}")
        return result

    def wrapTestUsers(self):
        """Present a widget to select a test user for login.

        !!! caution
            In production this will do nothing.
            Only in development mode one can select a test user.
        if not self.isDevel:
            return E

        db = self.db

        testUsers = {
            record[N.eppn]: record
            for record in db.user.values()
            if N.eppn in record and G(record, N.authority) == N.local
        return H.join(
                H.div(H.a(u, href=f"/login?eppn={u}", cls="button small"))
                for u in testUsers
            + [

    def checkLogin(self):
        """Checks for a currently logged in user and sets `user` accordingly.

        This happens after a login action and is meant to adapt the `user` attribute
        to a newly logged-in user.

        Whether an authenticated user has just logged in.

        db = self.db
        user = self.user
        isDevel = self.isDevel
        unauthUser = self.unauthUser

        contentLength = request.content_length
        if contentLength is not None and contentLength > LIMIT_JSON:
        authEnv = (
                k[4:].lower(): utf8FromLatin1(v)
                for (k, v) in request.environ.items()
                if k.startswith("""AJP_""")
            if TRANSPORT_ATTRIBUTES == N.ajp
            else {k.lower(): utf8FromLatin1(v) for (k, v) in request.headers}
            if TRANSPORT_ATTRIBUTES == N.http
            else {k.lower(): utf8FromLatin1(v) for (k, v) in request.environ.items()}
        if DEBUG_AUTH:
            serverprint("LOGIN: auth environment/headers")
            for (k, v) in authEnv.items():
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: ATTRIBUTE {k} = {v}")
        if isDevel:
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint("LOGIN: start authentication in development mode")
            eppn = G(request.args, N.eppn)
            email = None
            if eppn is None:
                email = G(request.args, or E
                if AT in email:
                    eppn = email.split(AT, maxsplit=1)[0]
                    if eppn:
                        if DEBUG_AUTH:
                                f"LOGIN: authentication succeeded: {eppn} / {email}"
                        return self.getUser(eppn, email=email, mayCreate=True)
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed: no eppn, no email")
                return False
            result = self.getUser(eppn, mayCreate=False)
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                if result:
                    serverprint("LOGIN: authentication successful")
                    serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed")
            return result
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint("LOGIN: start authentication with shibboleth")
            authenticated = G(authEnv, SHIB_KEY)
            if authenticated:
                eppn = G(authEnv, N.eppn)
                email = G(authEnv, N.mail)
                isUser = self.getUser(eppn, email=email, mayCreate=True)
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint("""LOGIN: shibboleth session found:""")
                    serverprint(f"""LOGIN: eppn   = "{eppn}" """)
                    serverprint(f"""LOGIN: email  = "{email}" """)
                    serverprint(f"""LOGIN: isUser = "{isUser}" """)
                if not isUser:
                    # the user is refused because the database says (s)he may not login
                    if DEBUG_AUTH:
                        serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed")
                    return False

                # process the attributes provided by the identity server
                # they may have been changed after the last login
                attributes = {
                    toolKey: G(authEnv, envKey, default=E)
                    for (envKey, toolKey) in ATTRIBUTES.items()
                    if envKey in authEnv
                dirty = False
                for (att, val) in attributes.items():
                    currentVal = G(user, att)
                    if currentVal != val:
                        user[att] = val
                        dirty = True
                if dirty:
                    if DEBUG_AUTH:
                        serverprint(f"LOGIN: user data updated for {eppn}/{email}")
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint("LOGIN: authentication successful")
                return True

            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint("LOGIN: No shibboleth session found:")
                serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed")
            return False

    def countryRep(self, user=None):
        """Provide a short representation of the country of a user.

        user: dict, optional `None`
            The user whose country must be represented.
            If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.

            The representation consists of the 2-letter country code plus
            a derived two letter unicode character combination that will
            be turned into a flag of that country.

        db = self.db
        country =

        if user is None:
            user = self.user

        countryId = G(user,
        countryInfo = G(country, countryId)
        iso = G(countryInfo, N.iso, default=E)
        flag = shiftRegional(iso) if iso else Qc
        countryShort = iso + flag
        return countryShort

    def groupRep(self, user=None):
        """Provide a string representation of the permission group of a user.

        user: dict, optional `None`
            The user whose group must be represented.
            If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.


        if user is None:
            user = self.user

        group = G(user,
        if group is None:
            return UNAUTH

        db = self.db
        return G(G(db.permissionGroup, group), N.rep) or UNAUTH

    def identity(self, user=None, markup=True, withRole=False):
        """Provide a string representation of the identity of a user.

        !!! note
            Care will be taken that to unauthenticated users only
            limited information about users will be shown.

        user: dict, optional `None`
            The user whose identity must be represented.
            If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.


        if user is None:
            user = self.user

        db = self.db
        # if self.isDevel:
        if db.test:
            return G(
                default=G(user,, default=(E if markup is None else Qu)),

        name = G(user, or E
        if not name:
            firstName = G(user, N.firstName) or E
            lastName = G(user, N.lastName) or E
            name = firstName + (BLANK if firstName and lastName else E) + lastName
        group = self.groupRep()  # the power of the currently logged in user!
        isAuth = group != UNAUTH
        org = G(user, or E
        orgRep = f""" ({org})""" if org else E
        email = (G(user, or E) if isAuth else E
        authority = (G(user, N.authority) or E) if isAuth else E
        authorityRep = f"""{WHYPHEN}{authority}""" if authority else E
        eppn = (G(user, N.eppn) or E) if isAuth else E

        countryShort = self.countryRep(user=user)

        permGroupRep = E
        if isAuth and withRole:
            userGroup = self.groupRep(user=user)
            permGroupRep = G(CP.roles, userGroup, E)
            if permGroupRep:
                permGroupRep = f"{permGroupRep}: "

        identityRep = (
            + (
                if name
                else f"""{email}{orgRep}"""
                if email
                else f"""{eppn}{authorityRep}"""
                if eppn
                else Qu
            + """ from """
            + (countryShort)
        return identityRep

    def credentials(self):
        """Provide a string representation of the identity and permissions of a user.

        This is used to present the currently logged in user on the interface.

        !!! note
            Care will be taken that to unauthenticated users only
            limited information about users will be shown.

            group description

        db = self.db
        user = self.user

        group = self.groupRep()
        permissionGroupDesc = db.permissionGroupDesc
        groupDesc = G(permissionGroupDesc, group) or Qg
        if group == COORD:
            country = self.countryRep()
            groupDesc += f"-{country}"

        if group == UNAUTH:
            return (N.Guest, groupDesc)

        identityRep = self.identity(user)

        return (identityRep, groupDesc)

    def nameEmail(self, user=None):
        """Provide a string representation of the name and email of the user.

        !!! note
            Care will be taken that to unauthenticated users only
            limited information about users will be shown.

        user: dict, optional `None`
            The user whose identity must be represented.
            If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.


        if user is None:
            user = self.user

        name = G(user, or E
        if not name:
            firstName = G(user, N.firstName) or E
            lastName = G(user, N.lastName) or E
            name = firstName + (BLANK if firstName and lastName else E) + lastName
        group = self.groupRep(user=user)
        isAuth = group != UNAUTH
        email = (G(user, or E) if isAuth else E
        return (name, email)

    def authenticate(self, login=False):
        """Verify the authenticated status of the current user.

        This function is called for every request that requires authentication.
        Whether a user is authenticated or not depends on whether a session for
        that user is present. And that depends on whether the identity provider
        has sent attributes (eppn and others) to the server.

        The data in the `user` attribute will be cleared if there is
        an authenticated user. Subsequent methods that ask for the uid of
        the currennt user will get nothing if there is no authenticated user.
        If there is an authenticated user, and `login=False`, his/her data
        are not loaded into the `user` attribute.

        login: boolean, optional `False`
            Pass `True` in order to verify/update a user that has just logged in.
            The data in the `user` attribute will be updated with his/her
            data. The user table in the database will be updated if the
            identity provider has given updated attributed for that user.

            Whether the current user is authenticated.

        user = self.user

        # if login=True we want to log the user in
        # if login=False we only want the current user information

        if login:
            session.pop(N.eppn, None)
            if self.checkLogin():
                # in this case there is an eppn
                session[N.eppn] = G(user, N.eppn)
                return True
            return False

        eppn = G(session, N.eppn)
        if eppn:
            if not self.getUser(eppn, mayCreate=False):
                return False
            return True

        return False

    def deauthenticate(self):
        """Log out the current user.

            If there is a logged in authenticated user, his/her data will be
            cleared and the session will be deleted.

        session.pop(N.eppn, None)

    def authenticated(self):
        """Is the current user authenticated?


        groupRep = self.groupRep()
        return groupRep != UNAUTH

    def coordinator(self, countryId=None):
        """Is the current user a national coordinator?

        !!! note
            On the overview page, we display contributions of many countries.
            If a National Coordinator is logged in, (s)he will see the coutributions
            of his/her country in greater detail, but not those of other countries.

        countryId: dict, optional `None`
            If passed, it is the country of which the currently logged in
            user is supposed to be National Coordinator.
            Otherwise, the country of the logged in user will be used.


        groupRep = self.groupRep()
        user = self.user
        uCountry = G(user,
        isCoord = groupRep == COORD
        return isCoord and (countryId is None or uCountry == countryId)

    def officeuser(self):
        """Is the current user a backoffice user?


        groupRep = self.groupRep()
        return groupRep == OFFICE

    def superuser(self):
        """Is the current user a super user?

        Superusers are backoffice users, sysadmins and root.


        groupRep = self.groupRep()
        return groupRep in {OFFICE, SYSTEM, ROOT}

    def sysadmin(self):
        """Is the current user a system administrator?


        groupRep = self.groupRep()
        return groupRep in {SYSTEM, ROOT}

    def country(self):
        """The full country record of the currently logged in user.

        !!! hint
            This function is used to get the country on the Sidebar.


        db = self.db
        user = self.user
        country =

        countryId = G(user,
        return G(country, countryId, default={})


class Auth (db, regime)

Deal with user Authentication.

Facilitates the login/logout process of users. Maintains the attributes that the DARIAH Identity Provider supplies about users.


Include a handle to Db into the attributes.


db : object
See below.
Expand source code
class Auth:
    """Deal with user Authentication.

    Facilitates the login/logout process of users.
    Maintains the attributes that the DARIAH Identity Provider supplies about users.

    def __init__(self, db, regime):
        """## Initialization

        Include a handle to `control.db.Db` into the

        db: object
            See below.

        self.db = db
        """*object* The `control.db.Db` singleton

        Provides methods to retrieve user
        info from the database and store user info there.

        permissionGroupInv = db.permissionGroupInv

        # determine production or devel
        self.isDevel = regime == N.development
        """*boolean* Whether the server runs in production or in development.

        In production we use the DARIAH Identity provider,
        while in development we use a simple, console-based way of
        logging a few test users in.

        self.authority = N.local if self.isDevel else N.DARIAH
        """*string* The name of the authority that identifies users.

        In production it is "DARIAH", which stands for the DARIAH Identity Provider.
        In development it is "local".

        self.authId = G(permissionGroupInv, AUTH)
        """*string* The groupId of the `auth` permission group.

        self.authUser = { self.authId}
        """*string* Info of the `auth` permission group.

        self.unauthId = G(permissionGroupInv, UNAUTH)
        """*string* The groupId of the `public` permission group.

        self.unauthUser = { self.unauthId}
        """*string* Info of the `public` permission group.

        self.user = {}
        """*dict* The attributes of the currently logged in user."""

    def clearUser(self):
        """Forgets the currently logged in user.

        The attributes in the `user` attribute will be cleared and attributes
        for an unauthenticated user will take their place.

        user = self.user

    def getUser(self, eppn, email=None, mayCreate=False):
        """Find a user in the database.

        This is called to get extra information for an authenticated user
        from the database.
        The resulting data will be stored in the `user` attribute of Auth.

        !!! caution
            Even if the user can be found, the attribute `mayLogin`
            might be false, in which case it will be prevented to log in that user.

        !!! tip
            When assigning reviewers, office users may select people who are not yet
            known to the contrib tool by specifying their email address.
            When such users log in for the first time, their `eppn` and other
            attributes become known, and are merged into a record in the user table.

        eppn: string
            The unique identifier of a user as assigned by the DARIAH identity provider.
        email: string, optional `None`
            New users may not have an eppn, but might already be present in the
            user table by their email.
            If so, the email address can be used to look up the user.
        mayCreate: boolean, optional `False`
            If a user cannot be found, they will be created if this flag is `True`.
            This is relevant for situation where a new user has been authenticated
            by the identity provider.

            Whether a user was authenticated and logged in.
            The attributes retrieved from the database will be merged into
            the `user` attribute.
            If no user was logged in, the `user` attribute will be filled with
            info that says that the current user is the public and nothing more.

        user = self.user
        db = self.db
        authority = self.authority
        authId = self.authId

        userFound = [
            for record in db.user.values()
            if (
                G(record, N.authority) == authority
                and (
                    (eppn is not None and G(record, N.eppn) == eppn)
                    or (
                        eppn is None
                        and email is not None
                        and G(record, N.eppn) is None
                        and G(record, == email
        if len(userFound) > 1:
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: multiple matches in user DB: {eppn} / {email}")
            return False

        if len(userFound) == 1:
            if not G(userFound[0], N.mayLogin, default=True):
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint(f"LOGIN: existing user may not login: {eppn} / {email}")
                return False

        user.update({N.eppn: eppn, N.authority: authority})
        if email:
            user[] = email

        if len(userFound) == 0:
            if mayCreate:
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint(f"LOGIN: new user: {eppn} / {email}")
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint(f"LOGIN: may not create new user: {eppn} / {email}")
                return False
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: existing user: {eppn} / {email}")

        # new users do not have yet group information
        group = user[] if in user else authId
        if not in user:
            user[] = group

        groupRep = G(G(db.permissionGroup, group), N.rep)
        result = groupRep != UNAUTH
        if DEBUG_AUTH:
            if result:
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: user authenticated: {eppn} / {email}")
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: user not authenticated: {eppn} / {email}")
        return result

    def wrapTestUsers(self):
        """Present a widget to select a test user for login.

        !!! caution
            In production this will do nothing.
            Only in development mode one can select a test user.
        if not self.isDevel:
            return E

        db = self.db

        testUsers = {
            record[N.eppn]: record
            for record in db.user.values()
            if N.eppn in record and G(record, N.authority) == N.local
        return H.join(
                H.div(H.a(u, href=f"/login?eppn={u}", cls="button small"))
                for u in testUsers
            + [

    def checkLogin(self):
        """Checks for a currently logged in user and sets `user` accordingly.

        This happens after a login action and is meant to adapt the `user` attribute
        to a newly logged-in user.

        Whether an authenticated user has just logged in.

        db = self.db
        user = self.user
        isDevel = self.isDevel
        unauthUser = self.unauthUser

        contentLength = request.content_length
        if contentLength is not None and contentLength > LIMIT_JSON:
        authEnv = (
                k[4:].lower(): utf8FromLatin1(v)
                for (k, v) in request.environ.items()
                if k.startswith("""AJP_""")
            if TRANSPORT_ATTRIBUTES == N.ajp
            else {k.lower(): utf8FromLatin1(v) for (k, v) in request.headers}
            if TRANSPORT_ATTRIBUTES == N.http
            else {k.lower(): utf8FromLatin1(v) for (k, v) in request.environ.items()}
        if DEBUG_AUTH:
            serverprint("LOGIN: auth environment/headers")
            for (k, v) in authEnv.items():
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: ATTRIBUTE {k} = {v}")
        if isDevel:
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint("LOGIN: start authentication in development mode")
            eppn = G(request.args, N.eppn)
            email = None
            if eppn is None:
                email = G(request.args, or E
                if AT in email:
                    eppn = email.split(AT, maxsplit=1)[0]
                    if eppn:
                        if DEBUG_AUTH:
                                f"LOGIN: authentication succeeded: {eppn} / {email}"
                        return self.getUser(eppn, email=email, mayCreate=True)
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed: no eppn, no email")
                return False
            result = self.getUser(eppn, mayCreate=False)
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                if result:
                    serverprint("LOGIN: authentication successful")
                    serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed")
            return result
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint("LOGIN: start authentication with shibboleth")
            authenticated = G(authEnv, SHIB_KEY)
            if authenticated:
                eppn = G(authEnv, N.eppn)
                email = G(authEnv, N.mail)
                isUser = self.getUser(eppn, email=email, mayCreate=True)
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint("""LOGIN: shibboleth session found:""")
                    serverprint(f"""LOGIN: eppn   = "{eppn}" """)
                    serverprint(f"""LOGIN: email  = "{email}" """)
                    serverprint(f"""LOGIN: isUser = "{isUser}" """)
                if not isUser:
                    # the user is refused because the database says (s)he may not login
                    if DEBUG_AUTH:
                        serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed")
                    return False

                # process the attributes provided by the identity server
                # they may have been changed after the last login
                attributes = {
                    toolKey: G(authEnv, envKey, default=E)
                    for (envKey, toolKey) in ATTRIBUTES.items()
                    if envKey in authEnv
                dirty = False
                for (att, val) in attributes.items():
                    currentVal = G(user, att)
                    if currentVal != val:
                        user[att] = val
                        dirty = True
                if dirty:
                    if DEBUG_AUTH:
                        serverprint(f"LOGIN: user data updated for {eppn}/{email}")
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint("LOGIN: authentication successful")
                return True

            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint("LOGIN: No shibboleth session found:")
                serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed")
            return False

    def countryRep(self, user=None):
        """Provide a short representation of the country of a user.

        user: dict, optional `None`
            The user whose country must be represented.
            If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.

            The representation consists of the 2-letter country code plus
            a derived two letter unicode character combination that will
            be turned into a flag of that country.

        db = self.db
        country =

        if user is None:
            user = self.user

        countryId = G(user,
        countryInfo = G(country, countryId)
        iso = G(countryInfo, N.iso, default=E)
        flag = shiftRegional(iso) if iso else Qc
        countryShort = iso + flag
        return countryShort

    def groupRep(self, user=None):
        """Provide a string representation of the permission group of a user.

        user: dict, optional `None`
            The user whose group must be represented.
            If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.


        if user is None:
            user = self.user

        group = G(user,
        if group is None:
            return UNAUTH

        db = self.db
        return G(G(db.permissionGroup, group), N.rep) or UNAUTH

    def identity(self, user=None, markup=True, withRole=False):
        """Provide a string representation of the identity of a user.

        !!! note
            Care will be taken that to unauthenticated users only
            limited information about users will be shown.

        user: dict, optional `None`
            The user whose identity must be represented.
            If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.


        if user is None:
            user = self.user

        db = self.db
        # if self.isDevel:
        if db.test:
            return G(
                default=G(user,, default=(E if markup is None else Qu)),

        name = G(user, or E
        if not name:
            firstName = G(user, N.firstName) or E
            lastName = G(user, N.lastName) or E
            name = firstName + (BLANK if firstName and lastName else E) + lastName
        group = self.groupRep()  # the power of the currently logged in user!
        isAuth = group != UNAUTH
        org = G(user, or E
        orgRep = f""" ({org})""" if org else E
        email = (G(user, or E) if isAuth else E
        authority = (G(user, N.authority) or E) if isAuth else E
        authorityRep = f"""{WHYPHEN}{authority}""" if authority else E
        eppn = (G(user, N.eppn) or E) if isAuth else E

        countryShort = self.countryRep(user=user)

        permGroupRep = E
        if isAuth and withRole:
            userGroup = self.groupRep(user=user)
            permGroupRep = G(CP.roles, userGroup, E)
            if permGroupRep:
                permGroupRep = f"{permGroupRep}: "

        identityRep = (
            + (
                if name
                else f"""{email}{orgRep}"""
                if email
                else f"""{eppn}{authorityRep}"""
                if eppn
                else Qu
            + """ from """
            + (countryShort)
        return identityRep

    def credentials(self):
        """Provide a string representation of the identity and permissions of a user.

        This is used to present the currently logged in user on the interface.

        !!! note
            Care will be taken that to unauthenticated users only
            limited information about users will be shown.

            group description

        db = self.db
        user = self.user

        group = self.groupRep()
        permissionGroupDesc = db.permissionGroupDesc
        groupDesc = G(permissionGroupDesc, group) or Qg
        if group == COORD:
            country = self.countryRep()
            groupDesc += f"-{country}"

        if group == UNAUTH:
            return (N.Guest, groupDesc)

        identityRep = self.identity(user)

        return (identityRep, groupDesc)

    def nameEmail(self, user=None):
        """Provide a string representation of the name and email of the user.

        !!! note
            Care will be taken that to unauthenticated users only
            limited information about users will be shown.

        user: dict, optional `None`
            The user whose identity must be represented.
            If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.


        if user is None:
            user = self.user

        name = G(user, or E
        if not name:
            firstName = G(user, N.firstName) or E
            lastName = G(user, N.lastName) or E
            name = firstName + (BLANK if firstName and lastName else E) + lastName
        group = self.groupRep(user=user)
        isAuth = group != UNAUTH
        email = (G(user, or E) if isAuth else E
        return (name, email)

    def authenticate(self, login=False):
        """Verify the authenticated status of the current user.

        This function is called for every request that requires authentication.
        Whether a user is authenticated or not depends on whether a session for
        that user is present. And that depends on whether the identity provider
        has sent attributes (eppn and others) to the server.

        The data in the `user` attribute will be cleared if there is
        an authenticated user. Subsequent methods that ask for the uid of
        the currennt user will get nothing if there is no authenticated user.
        If there is an authenticated user, and `login=False`, his/her data
        are not loaded into the `user` attribute.

        login: boolean, optional `False`
            Pass `True` in order to verify/update a user that has just logged in.
            The data in the `user` attribute will be updated with his/her
            data. The user table in the database will be updated if the
            identity provider has given updated attributed for that user.

            Whether the current user is authenticated.

        user = self.user

        # if login=True we want to log the user in
        # if login=False we only want the current user information

        if login:
            session.pop(N.eppn, None)
            if self.checkLogin():
                # in this case there is an eppn
                session[N.eppn] = G(user, N.eppn)
                return True
            return False

        eppn = G(session, N.eppn)
        if eppn:
            if not self.getUser(eppn, mayCreate=False):
                return False
            return True

        return False

    def deauthenticate(self):
        """Log out the current user.

            If there is a logged in authenticated user, his/her data will be
            cleared and the session will be deleted.

        session.pop(N.eppn, None)

    def authenticated(self):
        """Is the current user authenticated?


        groupRep = self.groupRep()
        return groupRep != UNAUTH

    def coordinator(self, countryId=None):
        """Is the current user a national coordinator?

        !!! note
            On the overview page, we display contributions of many countries.
            If a National Coordinator is logged in, (s)he will see the coutributions
            of his/her country in greater detail, but not those of other countries.

        countryId: dict, optional `None`
            If passed, it is the country of which the currently logged in
            user is supposed to be National Coordinator.
            Otherwise, the country of the logged in user will be used.


        groupRep = self.groupRep()
        user = self.user
        uCountry = G(user,
        isCoord = groupRep == COORD
        return isCoord and (countryId is None or uCountry == countryId)

    def officeuser(self):
        """Is the current user a backoffice user?


        groupRep = self.groupRep()
        return groupRep == OFFICE

    def superuser(self):
        """Is the current user a super user?

        Superusers are backoffice users, sysadmins and root.


        groupRep = self.groupRep()
        return groupRep in {OFFICE, SYSTEM, ROOT}

    def sysadmin(self):
        """Is the current user a system administrator?


        groupRep = self.groupRep()
        return groupRep in {SYSTEM, ROOT}

    def country(self):
        """The full country record of the currently logged in user.

        !!! hint
            This function is used to get the country on the Sidebar.


        db = self.db
        user = self.user
        country =

        countryId = G(user,
        return G(country, countryId, default={})

Instance variables

var authId

string The groupId of the auth permission group.

var authUser

string Info of the auth permission group.

var authority

string The name of the authority that identifies users.

In production it is "DARIAH", which stands for the DARIAH Identity Provider. In development it is "local".

var db

object The Db singleton

Provides methods to retrieve user info from the database and store user info there.

var isDevel

boolean Whether the server runs in production or in development.

In production we use the DARIAH Identity provider, while in development we use a simple, console-based way of logging a few test users in.

var unauthId

string The groupId of the public permission group.

var unauthUser

string Info of the public permission group.

var user

dict The attributes of the currently logged in user.


def authenticate(self, login=False)

Verify the authenticated status of the current user.

This function is called for every request that requires authentication. Whether a user is authenticated or not depends on whether a session for that user is present. And that depends on whether the identity provider has sent attributes (eppn and others) to the server.

The data in the user attribute will be cleared if there is an authenticated user. Subsequent methods that ask for the uid of the currennt user will get nothing if there is no authenticated user. If there is an authenticated user, and login=False, his/her data are not loaded into the user attribute.


login : boolean, optional False
Pass True in order to verify/update a user that has just logged in. The data in the user attribute will be updated with his/her data. The user table in the database will be updated if the identity provider has given updated attributed for that user.


Whether the current user is authenticated.
Expand source code
def authenticate(self, login=False):
    """Verify the authenticated status of the current user.

    This function is called for every request that requires authentication.
    Whether a user is authenticated or not depends on whether a session for
    that user is present. And that depends on whether the identity provider
    has sent attributes (eppn and others) to the server.

    The data in the `user` attribute will be cleared if there is
    an authenticated user. Subsequent methods that ask for the uid of
    the currennt user will get nothing if there is no authenticated user.
    If there is an authenticated user, and `login=False`, his/her data
    are not loaded into the `user` attribute.

    login: boolean, optional `False`
        Pass `True` in order to verify/update a user that has just logged in.
        The data in the `user` attribute will be updated with his/her
        data. The user table in the database will be updated if the
        identity provider has given updated attributed for that user.

        Whether the current user is authenticated.

    user = self.user

    # if login=True we want to log the user in
    # if login=False we only want the current user information

    if login:
        session.pop(N.eppn, None)
        if self.checkLogin():
            # in this case there is an eppn
            session[N.eppn] = G(user, N.eppn)
            return True
        return False

    eppn = G(session, N.eppn)
    if eppn:
        if not self.getUser(eppn, mayCreate=False):
            return False
        return True

    return False
def authenticated(self)

Is the current user authenticated?


Expand source code
def authenticated(self):
    """Is the current user authenticated?


    groupRep = self.groupRep()
    return groupRep != UNAUTH
def checkLogin(self)

Checks for a currently logged in user and sets user accordingly.

This happens after a login action and is meant to adapt the user attribute to a newly logged-in user.


Whether an authenticated user has just logged in.

Expand source code
def checkLogin(self):
    """Checks for a currently logged in user and sets `user` accordingly.

    This happens after a login action and is meant to adapt the `user` attribute
    to a newly logged-in user.

    Whether an authenticated user has just logged in.

    db = self.db
    user = self.user
    isDevel = self.isDevel
    unauthUser = self.unauthUser

    contentLength = request.content_length
    if contentLength is not None and contentLength > LIMIT_JSON:
    authEnv = (
            k[4:].lower(): utf8FromLatin1(v)
            for (k, v) in request.environ.items()
            if k.startswith("""AJP_""")
        if TRANSPORT_ATTRIBUTES == N.ajp
        else {k.lower(): utf8FromLatin1(v) for (k, v) in request.headers}
        if TRANSPORT_ATTRIBUTES == N.http
        else {k.lower(): utf8FromLatin1(v) for (k, v) in request.environ.items()}
    if DEBUG_AUTH:
        serverprint("LOGIN: auth environment/headers")
        for (k, v) in authEnv.items():
            serverprint(f"LOGIN: ATTRIBUTE {k} = {v}")
    if isDevel:
        if DEBUG_AUTH:
            serverprint("LOGIN: start authentication in development mode")
        eppn = G(request.args, N.eppn)
        email = None
        if eppn is None:
            email = G(request.args, or E
            if AT in email:
                eppn = email.split(AT, maxsplit=1)[0]
                if eppn:
                    if DEBUG_AUTH:
                            f"LOGIN: authentication succeeded: {eppn} / {email}"
                    return self.getUser(eppn, email=email, mayCreate=True)
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed: no eppn, no email")
            return False
        result = self.getUser(eppn, mayCreate=False)
        if DEBUG_AUTH:
            if result:
                serverprint("LOGIN: authentication successful")
                serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed")
        return result
        if DEBUG_AUTH:
            serverprint("LOGIN: start authentication with shibboleth")
        authenticated = G(authEnv, SHIB_KEY)
        if authenticated:
            eppn = G(authEnv, N.eppn)
            email = G(authEnv, N.mail)
            isUser = self.getUser(eppn, email=email, mayCreate=True)
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint("""LOGIN: shibboleth session found:""")
                serverprint(f"""LOGIN: eppn   = "{eppn}" """)
                serverprint(f"""LOGIN: email  = "{email}" """)
                serverprint(f"""LOGIN: isUser = "{isUser}" """)
            if not isUser:
                # the user is refused because the database says (s)he may not login
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed")
                return False

            # process the attributes provided by the identity server
            # they may have been changed after the last login
            attributes = {
                toolKey: G(authEnv, envKey, default=E)
                for (envKey, toolKey) in ATTRIBUTES.items()
                if envKey in authEnv
            dirty = False
            for (att, val) in attributes.items():
                currentVal = G(user, att)
                if currentVal != val:
                    user[att] = val
                    dirty = True
            if dirty:
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint(f"LOGIN: user data updated for {eppn}/{email}")
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint("LOGIN: authentication successful")
            return True

        if DEBUG_AUTH:
            serverprint("LOGIN: No shibboleth session found:")
            serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed")
        return False
def clearUser(self)

Forgets the currently logged in user.

The attributes in the user attribute will be cleared and attributes for an unauthenticated user will take their place.

Expand source code
def clearUser(self):
    """Forgets the currently logged in user.

    The attributes in the `user` attribute will be cleared and attributes
    for an unauthenticated user will take their place.

    user = self.user
def coordinator(self, countryId=None)

Is the current user a national coordinator?


On the overview page, we display contributions of many countries. If a National Coordinator is logged in, (s)he will see the coutributions of his/her country in greater detail, but not those of other countries.


countryId : dict, optional None
If passed, it is the country of which the currently logged in user is supposed to be National Coordinator. Otherwise, the country of the logged in user will be used.


Expand source code
def coordinator(self, countryId=None):
    """Is the current user a national coordinator?

    !!! note
        On the overview page, we display contributions of many countries.
        If a National Coordinator is logged in, (s)he will see the coutributions
        of his/her country in greater detail, but not those of other countries.

    countryId: dict, optional `None`
        If passed, it is the country of which the currently logged in
        user is supposed to be National Coordinator.
        Otherwise, the country of the logged in user will be used.


    groupRep = self.groupRep()
    user = self.user
    uCountry = G(user,
    isCoord = groupRep == COORD
    return isCoord and (countryId is None or uCountry == countryId)
def country(self)

The full country record of the currently logged in user.


This function is used to get the country on the Sidebar.


Expand source code
def country(self):
    """The full country record of the currently logged in user.

    !!! hint
        This function is used to get the country on the Sidebar.


    db = self.db
    user = self.user
    country =

    countryId = G(user,
    return G(country, countryId, default={})
def countryRep(self, user=None)

Provide a short representation of the country of a user.


user : dict, optional None
The user whose country must be represented. If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.


The representation consists of the 2-letter country code plus a derived two letter unicode character combination that will be turned into a flag of that country.
Expand source code
def countryRep(self, user=None):
    """Provide a short representation of the country of a user.

    user: dict, optional `None`
        The user whose country must be represented.
        If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.

        The representation consists of the 2-letter country code plus
        a derived two letter unicode character combination that will
        be turned into a flag of that country.

    db = self.db
    country =

    if user is None:
        user = self.user

    countryId = G(user,
    countryInfo = G(country, countryId)
    iso = G(countryInfo, N.iso, default=E)
    flag = shiftRegional(iso) if iso else Qc
    countryShort = iso + flag
    return countryShort
def credentials(self)

Provide a string representation of the identity and permissions of a user.

This is used to present the currently logged in user on the interface.


Care will be taken that to unauthenticated users only limited information about users will be shown.


group description
Expand source code
def credentials(self):
    """Provide a string representation of the identity and permissions of a user.

    This is used to present the currently logged in user on the interface.

    !!! note
        Care will be taken that to unauthenticated users only
        limited information about users will be shown.

        group description

    db = self.db
    user = self.user

    group = self.groupRep()
    permissionGroupDesc = db.permissionGroupDesc
    groupDesc = G(permissionGroupDesc, group) or Qg
    if group == COORD:
        country = self.countryRep()
        groupDesc += f"-{country}"

    if group == UNAUTH:
        return (N.Guest, groupDesc)

    identityRep = self.identity(user)

    return (identityRep, groupDesc)
def deauthenticate(self)

Log out the current user.


If there is a logged in authenticated user, his/her data will be cleared and the session will be deleted.
Expand source code
def deauthenticate(self):
    """Log out the current user.

        If there is a logged in authenticated user, his/her data will be
        cleared and the session will be deleted.

    session.pop(N.eppn, None)
def getUser(self, eppn, email=None, mayCreate=False)

Find a user in the database.

This is called to get extra information for an authenticated user from the database. The resulting data will be stored in the user attribute of Auth.


Even if the user can be found, the attribute mayLogin might be false, in which case it will be prevented to log in that user.


When assigning reviewers, office users may select people who are not yet known to the contrib tool by specifying their email address. When such users log in for the first time, their eppn and other attributes become known, and are merged into a record in the user table.


eppn : string
The unique identifier of a user as assigned by the DARIAH identity provider.
email : string, optional None
New users may not have an eppn, but might already be present in the user table by their email. If so, the email address can be used to look up the user.
mayCreate : boolean, optional False
If a user cannot be found, they will be created if this flag is True. This is relevant for situation where a new user has been authenticated by the identity provider.


Whether a user was authenticated and logged in. The attributes retrieved from the database will be merged into the user attribute. If no user was logged in, the user attribute will be filled with info that says that the current user is the public and nothing more.
Expand source code
def getUser(self, eppn, email=None, mayCreate=False):
    """Find a user in the database.

    This is called to get extra information for an authenticated user
    from the database.
    The resulting data will be stored in the `user` attribute of Auth.

    !!! caution
        Even if the user can be found, the attribute `mayLogin`
        might be false, in which case it will be prevented to log in that user.

    !!! tip
        When assigning reviewers, office users may select people who are not yet
        known to the contrib tool by specifying their email address.
        When such users log in for the first time, their `eppn` and other
        attributes become known, and are merged into a record in the user table.

    eppn: string
        The unique identifier of a user as assigned by the DARIAH identity provider.
    email: string, optional `None`
        New users may not have an eppn, but might already be present in the
        user table by their email.
        If so, the email address can be used to look up the user.
    mayCreate: boolean, optional `False`
        If a user cannot be found, they will be created if this flag is `True`.
        This is relevant for situation where a new user has been authenticated
        by the identity provider.

        Whether a user was authenticated and logged in.
        The attributes retrieved from the database will be merged into
        the `user` attribute.
        If no user was logged in, the `user` attribute will be filled with
        info that says that the current user is the public and nothing more.

    user = self.user
    db = self.db
    authority = self.authority
    authId = self.authId

    userFound = [
        for record in db.user.values()
        if (
            G(record, N.authority) == authority
            and (
                (eppn is not None and G(record, N.eppn) == eppn)
                or (
                    eppn is None
                    and email is not None
                    and G(record, N.eppn) is None
                    and G(record, == email
    if len(userFound) > 1:
        if DEBUG_AUTH:
            serverprint(f"LOGIN: multiple matches in user DB: {eppn} / {email}")
        return False

    if len(userFound) == 1:
        if not G(userFound[0], N.mayLogin, default=True):
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: existing user may not login: {eppn} / {email}")
            return False

    user.update({N.eppn: eppn, N.authority: authority})
    if email:
        user[] = email

    if len(userFound) == 0:
        if mayCreate:
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: new user: {eppn} / {email}")
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: may not create new user: {eppn} / {email}")
            return False
        if DEBUG_AUTH:
            serverprint(f"LOGIN: existing user: {eppn} / {email}")

    # new users do not have yet group information
    group = user[] if in user else authId
    if not in user:
        user[] = group

    groupRep = G(G(db.permissionGroup, group), N.rep)
    result = groupRep != UNAUTH
    if DEBUG_AUTH:
        if result:
            serverprint(f"LOGIN: user authenticated: {eppn} / {email}")
            serverprint(f"LOGIN: user not authenticated: {eppn} / {email}")
    return result
def groupRep(self, user=None)

Provide a string representation of the permission group of a user.


user : dict, optional None
The user whose group must be represented. If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.


Expand source code
def groupRep(self, user=None):
    """Provide a string representation of the permission group of a user.

    user: dict, optional `None`
        The user whose group must be represented.
        If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.


    if user is None:
        user = self.user

    group = G(user,
    if group is None:
        return UNAUTH

    db = self.db
    return G(G(db.permissionGroup, group), N.rep) or UNAUTH
def identity(self, user=None, markup=True, withRole=False)

Provide a string representation of the identity of a user.


Care will be taken that to unauthenticated users only limited information about users will be shown.


user : dict, optional None
The user whose identity must be represented. If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.


Expand source code
def identity(self, user=None, markup=True, withRole=False):
    """Provide a string representation of the identity of a user.

    !!! note
        Care will be taken that to unauthenticated users only
        limited information about users will be shown.

    user: dict, optional `None`
        The user whose identity must be represented.
        If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.


    if user is None:
        user = self.user

    db = self.db
    # if self.isDevel:
    if db.test:
        return G(
            default=G(user,, default=(E if markup is None else Qu)),

    name = G(user, or E
    if not name:
        firstName = G(user, N.firstName) or E
        lastName = G(user, N.lastName) or E
        name = firstName + (BLANK if firstName and lastName else E) + lastName
    group = self.groupRep()  # the power of the currently logged in user!
    isAuth = group != UNAUTH
    org = G(user, or E
    orgRep = f""" ({org})""" if org else E
    email = (G(user, or E) if isAuth else E
    authority = (G(user, N.authority) or E) if isAuth else E
    authorityRep = f"""{WHYPHEN}{authority}""" if authority else E
    eppn = (G(user, N.eppn) or E) if isAuth else E

    countryShort = self.countryRep(user=user)

    permGroupRep = E
    if isAuth and withRole:
        userGroup = self.groupRep(user=user)
        permGroupRep = G(CP.roles, userGroup, E)
        if permGroupRep:
            permGroupRep = f"{permGroupRep}: "

    identityRep = (
        + (
            if name
            else f"""{email}{orgRep}"""
            if email
            else f"""{eppn}{authorityRep}"""
            if eppn
            else Qu
        + """ from """
        + (countryShort)
    return identityRep
def nameEmail(self, user=None)

Provide a string representation of the name and email of the user.


Care will be taken that to unauthenticated users only limited information about users will be shown.


user : dict, optional None
The user whose identity must be represented. If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.


Expand source code
def nameEmail(self, user=None):
    """Provide a string representation of the name and email of the user.

    !!! note
        Care will be taken that to unauthenticated users only
        limited information about users will be shown.

    user: dict, optional `None`
        The user whose identity must be represented.
        If absent, the currently logged in user will be taken.


    if user is None:
        user = self.user

    name = G(user, or E
    if not name:
        firstName = G(user, N.firstName) or E
        lastName = G(user, N.lastName) or E
        name = firstName + (BLANK if firstName and lastName else E) + lastName
    group = self.groupRep(user=user)
    isAuth = group != UNAUTH
    email = (G(user, or E) if isAuth else E
    return (name, email)
def officeuser(self)

Is the current user a backoffice user?


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def officeuser(self):
    """Is the current user a backoffice user?


    groupRep = self.groupRep()
    return groupRep == OFFICE
def superuser(self)

Is the current user a super user?

Superusers are backoffice users, sysadmins and root.


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def superuser(self):
    """Is the current user a super user?

    Superusers are backoffice users, sysadmins and root.


    groupRep = self.groupRep()
    return groupRep in {OFFICE, SYSTEM, ROOT}
def sysadmin(self)

Is the current user a system administrator?


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def sysadmin(self):
    """Is the current user a system administrator?


    groupRep = self.groupRep()
    return groupRep in {SYSTEM, ROOT}
def wrapTestUsers(self)

Present a widget to select a test user for login.


In production this will do nothing. Only in development mode one can select a test user.

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def wrapTestUsers(self):
    """Present a widget to select a test user for login.

    !!! caution
        In production this will do nothing.
        Only in development mode one can select a test user.
    if not self.isDevel:
        return E

    db = self.db

    testUsers = {
        record[N.eppn]: record
        for record in db.user.values()
        if N.eppn in record and G(record, N.authority) == N.local
    return H.join(
            H.div(H.a(u, href=f"/login?eppn={u}", cls="button small"))
            for u in testUsers
        + [