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Hi, I'm Martin (@squidfunk)

I'm a freelance polyglot software engineer and entrepreneur from Cologne, Germany with more than 12 years of experience in full-stack web development and system programming.

Why another theme?

Some time ago I wanted to release a project to the open, but it was in need of user documentation. I checked out the available tools and stuck with MkDocs, because it was so simple and easy to use. However, none of the available themes convinced me.

I wanted to build something that was usable on all screen sizes from the ground up, something beautiful and practical at the same time. Google's Material Design appeared to be the perfect fit and this something became Material, a Material Design theme for MkDocs.

And I am Dirk Roorda (dirkroorda)

For more or less the same reasons I arrived at MkDocs, and my reason for customising Martin's Material theme is the need to apply the web styles of our institute (DANS)