Module test_40_assess30

Test scenario for assessments.


  • Users as in conftest, under players
  • Clean slate, see starters.
  • The user table
  • The country table
  • One contribution record
  • One assessment record


Filling out an assessment.

All users try to see the criteria entries. Only owner, editor and the power users succeed.
All users try to fill out the evidence for the first entry. Only some users succeed.
owner fills out the evidence for all entries.
owner tries to fill out a score.

owner tries to fill out a score that belongs to another criterion.

Not tested before

This is the first time that we use a value table where the possible values are constrained by another constraint:

Only those scores are eligible that have the same criteria master as the criteriaEntry record.

**owner tries to submit the assessment, but fails, because not all fields are filled out.
owner fills out the criteria. If not all fields are filled in, the status remains incomplete, and at the end the status is complete.
All users try to assign reviewers to this assessment, but they all fail. Most users fail because they do not have the right permission level. The office user fails because of a workflow condition: the assessment is complete, not yet submitted.
owner tries to withdraw the assessment, unsuccessfully, because it has not been submitted.
We check of the assessment is still private to owner.
owner tries to re-submit the assessment, unsuccessfully, because it has not been submitted.
owner tries to submit the assessment as revision, unsuccessfully.
owner tries to submit the assessment, successfully.

test_revokeDelay() There is a delay time during which the submission can be revoked. We'll test what happens when the delay time is past. We do this by updating the dateSubmitted field under water, directly in Mongo. We shift the time back 0.5 hours owner withdraws and succeeds and then submits again. We shift the time back 1.5 hours. owner withdraws and fails. We shift the time forward 1.5 hours again.

All users try to assign reviewers to this assessment. The office user succeeds because of a workflow condition: the assessment is submitted.
All users check the entries in the sidebar. The office user should now see an entrie for assessment needing reviewers.
We check of the assessment is still private to owner.
  • owner tries to submit the assessment, unsuccessfully, because it has already been submitted.
  • owner tries to withdraw the assessment, successfully.
  • owner tries to submit the assessment as revision, unsuccessfully.
  • owner tries to resubmit the assessment successfully.
  • We check of the assessment is still private to owner.
owner tries to withdraw the assessment, successfully.
All users check the entries in the sidebar. The office user should not not see any entrie for assessment needing reviewers.
All users try to assign reviewers to this assessment. The office user fails because of a workflow condition: the assessment is withdrawn.
owner cannot submit this assessment as a revision.
owner re-submits this assessment.
All users try to assign reviewers to this assessment. The office user succeeds because of a workflow condition: the assessment is submitted.
Expand source code
"""Test scenario for assessments.

## Domain

*   Users as in `conftest`, under *players*
*   Clean slate, see `starters`.
*   The user table
*   The country table
*   One contribution record
*   One assessment record

## Acts

Filling out an assessment.

:   All users try to see the criteria entries.
    Only **owner**, **editor** and the power users succeed.

:   All users try to fill out the evidence for the first entry.
    Only some users succeed.

:   **owner** fills out the evidence for all entries.

:   **owner** tries to fill out a score.

:   **owner** tries to fill out a score that belongs to another criterion.

    !!! note "Not tested before"
        This is the first time that we use a value table where the possible
        values are constrained by another constraint:

        Only those scores are eligible that have the same `criteria` master as
        the `criteriaEntry` record.

:   **owner tries to submit the assessment, but fails, because not all fields
    are filled out.

:   **owner** fills out the criteria.
    If not all fields are filled in, the status remains `incomplete`,
    and at the end the status is `complete`.

:   All users try to assign reviewers to this assessment, but they all fail.
    Most users fail because they do not have the right permission level.
    The office user fails because of a workflow condition:
    the assessment is complete, not yet submitted.

:   **owner** tries to withdraw the assessment, unsuccessfully,
    because it has not been submitted.

:   We check of the assessment is still private to **owner**.

:   **owner** tries to re-submit the assessment, unsuccessfully,
    because it has not been submitted.

:   **owner** tries to submit the assessment as revision, unsuccessfully.

:   **owner** tries to submit the assessment, successfully.

    There is a delay time during which the submission can be revoked.
    We'll test what happens when the delay time is past.
    We do this by updating the `dateSubmitted` field under water, directly
    in Mongo.
    We shift the time back 0.5 hours
    **owner** withdraws and succeeds and then submits again.
    We shift the time back 1.5 hours.
    **owner** withdraws and fails.
    We shift the time forward 1.5 hours again.

:   All users try to assign reviewers to this assessment.
    The office user succeeds because of a workflow condition:
    the assessment is submitted.

:   All users check the entries in the sidebar.
    The office user should now see an entrie for assessment needing reviewers.

:   We check of the assessment is still private to **owner**.

*   **owner** tries to submit the assessment, unsuccessfully,
    because it has already been submitted.
*   **owner** tries to withdraw the assessment, successfully.
*   **owner** tries to submit the assessment as revision, unsuccessfully.
*   **owner** tries to resubmit the assessment successfully.
*   We check of the assessment is still private to **owner**.

:   **owner** tries to withdraw the assessment, successfully.

:   All users check the entries in the sidebar.
    The office user should not not see any entrie for assessment needing reviewers.

:   All users try to assign reviewers to this assessment.
    The office user fails because of a workflow condition:
    the assessment is withdrawn.

:   **owner** cannot submit this assessment as a revision.

:   **owner** re-submits this assessment.

:   All users try to assign reviewers to this assessment.
    The office user succeeds because of a workflow condition:
    the assessment is submitted.

import pytest

import magic  # noqa
from control.utils import pick as G
from example import (
from helpers import findDetails, forall, getItem, getRelatedValues
from starters import start
from subtest import (

startInfo = {}

def test_start(clientOffice, clientOwner):

def test_criteriaEntries(clients):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)

    def assertIt(cl, exp):
        assessInfo = getItem(cl, ASSESS, aId)
        text = assessInfo["text"]
        criteriaEntries = findDetails(text, CRITERIA_ENTRY)
        nEntries = len(criteriaEntries)
        if exp:
            assert nEntries == CRITERIA_ENTRIES_N[TYPE1]
            for (cId, material) in criteriaEntries:
                assert ELLIPS_DIV in material
            assert nEntries == 0

    expect = {user: False for user in USERS}
    expect.update({user: True for user in RIGHTFUL_USERS})
    forall(clients, expect, assertIt)

def test_fillEvidenceAll(clients):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    clientOwner = clients[OWNER]
    assessInfo = assertStage(clientOwner, ASSESS, aId, INCOMPLETE)
    text = assessInfo["text"]
    criteriaEntries = findDetails(text, CRITERIA_ENTRY)
    cId = criteriaEntries[0][0]

    def assertIt(cl, exp):
        theEvidence = ["evidence for  1", "see the internet"]
        theEvidenceRep = ",".join(theEvidence)
            cl, CRITERIA_ENTRY, cId, EVIDENCE, (theEvidence, theEvidenceRep), exp

    expect = {user: False for user in USERS}
    expect.update({user: True for user in RIGHTFUL_USERS})
    forall(clients, expect, assertIt)

def test_fillEvidenceOwner(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)

    assessInfo = assertStage(clientOwner, ASSESS, aId, INCOMPLETE)
    text = assessInfo["text"]

    criteriaEntries = findDetails(text, CRITERIA_ENTRY)
    assert len(criteriaEntries) == CRITERIA_ENTRIES_N[TYPE1]

    cIds = []

    for (i, (cId, material)) in enumerate(criteriaEntries):
        assert ELLIPS_DIV in material
        theEvidence = [f"evidence for {i + 1}", "see the internet"]
        theEvidenceRep = ",".join(theEvidence)
            (theEvidence, theEvidenceRep),

    recordId[CRITERIA_ENTRY] = cIds

def test_fillScore(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    cId = recordId[CRITERIA_ENTRY][0]
    scores = getRelatedValues(clientOwner, CRITERIA_ENTRY, cId, SCORE)
    (scoreValue, scoreId) = sorted(scores.items())[0]
        clientOwner, CRITERIA_ENTRY, cId, SCORE, (scoreId, scoreValue), True

def test_fillScoreWrong(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    cIds = recordId[CRITERIA_ENTRY]
    cId = cIds[0]
    cIdx = cIds[1]
    scores = getRelatedValues(clientOwner, CRITERIA_ENTRY, cIdx, SCORE)
    (scoreValue, scoreId) = sorted(scores.items())[0]
        clientOwner, CRITERIA_ENTRY, cId, SCORE, (scoreId, scoreValue), False

def test_submitAssessment(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{SUBMIT_ASSESSMENT}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, False)

def test_complete(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    cIds = recordId[CRITERIA_ENTRY]
    nCId = len(cIds)

    for (i, cId) in enumerate(cIds):
        scores = getRelatedValues(clientOwner, CRITERIA_ENTRY, cId, SCORE)
        (scoreValue, scoreId) = sorted(scores.items())[1]
        if i == nCId - 1:
            assertStage(clientOwner, ASSESS, aId, INCOMPLETE)

            clientOwner, CRITERIA_ENTRY, cId, SCORE, (scoreId, scoreValue), True
    assertStage(clientOwner, ASSESS, aId, COMPLETE)

    ("field", USER), ((REVIEWER_E, EXPERT), (REVIEWER_F, FINAL),),
def test_assignReviewers(clients, field, user):
    valueTables = startInfo["valueTables"]
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    users = G(valueTables, USER)
    expect = {user: False for user in USERS}
    assignReviewers(clients, users, aId, field, user, False, expect)

def test_withdrawAssessment(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{WITHDRAW_ASSESSMENT}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, False)

def test_inspectTitleAll2(clients):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]
    recordInfo = startInfo["recordInfo"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    assessInfo = getItem(clients[OWNER], ASSESS, aId)
    fields = assessInfo["fields"]
    recordInfo[ASSESS] = assessInfo
    aTitle = G(fields, TITLE)
    expect = {user: None for user in USERS}
    expect.update({user: aTitle for user in RIGHTFUL_USERS})
    inspectTitleAll(clients, ASSESS, aId, expect)

def test_resubmitAssessment(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{RESUBMIT_ASSESSMENT}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, False)

def test_submitAssessmentRevised(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{SUBMIT_REVISED}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, False)

def test_submitAssessment2(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{SUBMIT_ASSESSMENT}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, True)

def test_revokeDelay(clientOwner, clientSystem):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]
    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)

    assertShiftDate(clientSystem, ASSESS, aId, DATE_SUBMITTED, -0.5)
    for url in (
        assertStatus(clientOwner, url, True)
    assertShiftDate(clientSystem, ASSESS, aId, DATE_SUBMITTED, -1.5)
    for url in (
        assertStatus(clientOwner, url, False)
    assertShiftDate(clientSystem, ASSESS, aId, DATE_SUBMITTED, 1.5)

    ("field", USER), ((REVIEWER_E, EXPERT), (REVIEWER_F, FINAL),),
def test_assignReviewers2(clients, field, user):
    valueTables = startInfo["valueTables"]
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    users = G(valueTables, USER)
    expect = {user: False for user in USERS}
    expect[OFFICE] = True
    assignReviewers(clients, users, aId, field, user, False, expect)

def test_sidebar(clients):
    amounts = {
        "All contributions": [1],
        "My contributions": [({OWNER, EDITOR}, 1)],
        f"{BELGIUM} contributions": [1],
        "Contributions to be selected": [({MYCOORD}, 1)],
        "Contributions I am assessing": [({OWNER, EDITOR}, 1)],
        "My assessments": [({OWNER, EDITOR}, 1)],
        "All assessments": [(POWER_USERS, 1)],
        "Assessments needing reviewers": [({OFFICE}, 1)],
    sidebar(clients, amounts)

def test_inspectTitleAll3(clients):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]
    recordInfo = startInfo["recordInfo"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    assessInfo = recordInfo[ASSESS]
    fields = assessInfo["fields"]
    aTitle = G(fields, TITLE)
    expect = {user: None for user in USERS}
    expect.update({user: aTitle for user in RIGHTFUL_USERS})
    expect.update({MYCOORD: aTitle})
    inspectTitleAll(clients, ASSESS, aId, expect)

def test_withdrawAssessment2(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{WITHDRAW_ASSESSMENT}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, True)

def test_sidebar2(clients):
    amounts = {
        "All contributions": [1],
        "My contributions": [({OWNER, EDITOR}, 1)],
        f"{BELGIUM} contributions": [1],
        "Contributions to be selected": [({MYCOORD}, 1)],
        "Contributions I am assessing": [({OWNER, EDITOR}, 0)],
        "My assessments": [({OWNER, EDITOR}, 1)],
        "All assessments": [(POWER_USERS, 1)],
    sidebar(clients, amounts)

    ("field", USER), ((REVIEWER_E, EXPERT), (REVIEWER_F, FINAL),),
def test_assignReviewers3(clients, field, user):
    valueTables = startInfo["valueTables"]
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    users = G(valueTables, USER)
    expect = {user: False for user in USERS}
    assignReviewers(clients, users, aId, field, user, False, expect)

def test_submitAssessmentRevised2(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{SUBMIT_REVISED}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, False)

def test_resubmitAssessment2(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{RESUBMIT_ASSESSMENT}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, True)

    ("field", USER), ((REVIEWER_E, EXPERT), (REVIEWER_F, FINAL),),
def test_assignReviewers4(clients, field, user):
    valueTables = startInfo["valueTables"]
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    users = G(valueTables, USER)
    expect = {user: False for user in USERS}
    expect[OFFICE] = True
    assignReviewers(clients, users, aId, field, user, True, expect)


def test_assignReviewers(clients, field, user)
Expand source code
    ("field", USER), ((REVIEWER_E, EXPERT), (REVIEWER_F, FINAL),),
def test_assignReviewers(clients, field, user):
    valueTables = startInfo["valueTables"]
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    users = G(valueTables, USER)
    expect = {user: False for user in USERS}
    assignReviewers(clients, users, aId, field, user, False, expect)
def test_assignReviewers2(clients, field, user)
Expand source code
    ("field", USER), ((REVIEWER_E, EXPERT), (REVIEWER_F, FINAL),),
def test_assignReviewers2(clients, field, user):
    valueTables = startInfo["valueTables"]
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    users = G(valueTables, USER)
    expect = {user: False for user in USERS}
    expect[OFFICE] = True
    assignReviewers(clients, users, aId, field, user, False, expect)
def test_assignReviewers3(clients, field, user)
Expand source code
    ("field", USER), ((REVIEWER_E, EXPERT), (REVIEWER_F, FINAL),),
def test_assignReviewers3(clients, field, user):
    valueTables = startInfo["valueTables"]
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    users = G(valueTables, USER)
    expect = {user: False for user in USERS}
    assignReviewers(clients, users, aId, field, user, False, expect)
def test_assignReviewers4(clients, field, user)
Expand source code
    ("field", USER), ((REVIEWER_E, EXPERT), (REVIEWER_F, FINAL),),
def test_assignReviewers4(clients, field, user):
    valueTables = startInfo["valueTables"]
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    users = G(valueTables, USER)
    expect = {user: False for user in USERS}
    expect[OFFICE] = True
    assignReviewers(clients, users, aId, field, user, True, expect)
def test_complete(clientOwner)
Expand source code
def test_complete(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    cIds = recordId[CRITERIA_ENTRY]
    nCId = len(cIds)

    for (i, cId) in enumerate(cIds):
        scores = getRelatedValues(clientOwner, CRITERIA_ENTRY, cId, SCORE)
        (scoreValue, scoreId) = sorted(scores.items())[1]
        if i == nCId - 1:
            assertStage(clientOwner, ASSESS, aId, INCOMPLETE)

            clientOwner, CRITERIA_ENTRY, cId, SCORE, (scoreId, scoreValue), True
    assertStage(clientOwner, ASSESS, aId, COMPLETE)
def test_criteriaEntries(clients)
Expand source code
def test_criteriaEntries(clients):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)

    def assertIt(cl, exp):
        assessInfo = getItem(cl, ASSESS, aId)
        text = assessInfo["text"]
        criteriaEntries = findDetails(text, CRITERIA_ENTRY)
        nEntries = len(criteriaEntries)
        if exp:
            assert nEntries == CRITERIA_ENTRIES_N[TYPE1]
            for (cId, material) in criteriaEntries:
                assert ELLIPS_DIV in material
            assert nEntries == 0

    expect = {user: False for user in USERS}
    expect.update({user: True for user in RIGHTFUL_USERS})
    forall(clients, expect, assertIt)
def test_fillEvidenceAll(clients)
Expand source code
def test_fillEvidenceAll(clients):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    clientOwner = clients[OWNER]
    assessInfo = assertStage(clientOwner, ASSESS, aId, INCOMPLETE)
    text = assessInfo["text"]
    criteriaEntries = findDetails(text, CRITERIA_ENTRY)
    cId = criteriaEntries[0][0]

    def assertIt(cl, exp):
        theEvidence = ["evidence for  1", "see the internet"]
        theEvidenceRep = ",".join(theEvidence)
            cl, CRITERIA_ENTRY, cId, EVIDENCE, (theEvidence, theEvidenceRep), exp

    expect = {user: False for user in USERS}
    expect.update({user: True for user in RIGHTFUL_USERS})
    forall(clients, expect, assertIt)
def test_fillEvidenceOwner(clientOwner)
Expand source code
def test_fillEvidenceOwner(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)

    assessInfo = assertStage(clientOwner, ASSESS, aId, INCOMPLETE)
    text = assessInfo["text"]

    criteriaEntries = findDetails(text, CRITERIA_ENTRY)
    assert len(criteriaEntries) == CRITERIA_ENTRIES_N[TYPE1]

    cIds = []

    for (i, (cId, material)) in enumerate(criteriaEntries):
        assert ELLIPS_DIV in material
        theEvidence = [f"evidence for {i + 1}", "see the internet"]
        theEvidenceRep = ",".join(theEvidence)
            (theEvidence, theEvidenceRep),

    recordId[CRITERIA_ENTRY] = cIds
def test_fillScore(clientOwner)
Expand source code
def test_fillScore(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    cId = recordId[CRITERIA_ENTRY][0]
    scores = getRelatedValues(clientOwner, CRITERIA_ENTRY, cId, SCORE)
    (scoreValue, scoreId) = sorted(scores.items())[0]
        clientOwner, CRITERIA_ENTRY, cId, SCORE, (scoreId, scoreValue), True
def test_fillScoreWrong(clientOwner)
Expand source code
def test_fillScoreWrong(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    cIds = recordId[CRITERIA_ENTRY]
    cId = cIds[0]
    cIdx = cIds[1]
    scores = getRelatedValues(clientOwner, CRITERIA_ENTRY, cIdx, SCORE)
    (scoreValue, scoreId) = sorted(scores.items())[0]
        clientOwner, CRITERIA_ENTRY, cId, SCORE, (scoreId, scoreValue), False
def test_inspectTitleAll2(clients)
Expand source code
def test_inspectTitleAll2(clients):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]
    recordInfo = startInfo["recordInfo"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    assessInfo = getItem(clients[OWNER], ASSESS, aId)
    fields = assessInfo["fields"]
    recordInfo[ASSESS] = assessInfo
    aTitle = G(fields, TITLE)
    expect = {user: None for user in USERS}
    expect.update({user: aTitle for user in RIGHTFUL_USERS})
    inspectTitleAll(clients, ASSESS, aId, expect)
def test_inspectTitleAll3(clients)
Expand source code
def test_inspectTitleAll3(clients):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]
    recordInfo = startInfo["recordInfo"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    assessInfo = recordInfo[ASSESS]
    fields = assessInfo["fields"]
    aTitle = G(fields, TITLE)
    expect = {user: None for user in USERS}
    expect.update({user: aTitle for user in RIGHTFUL_USERS})
    expect.update({MYCOORD: aTitle})
    inspectTitleAll(clients, ASSESS, aId, expect)
def test_resubmitAssessment(clientOwner)
Expand source code
def test_resubmitAssessment(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{RESUBMIT_ASSESSMENT}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, False)
def test_resubmitAssessment2(clientOwner)
Expand source code
def test_resubmitAssessment2(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{RESUBMIT_ASSESSMENT}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, True)
def test_revokeDelay(clientOwner, clientSystem)
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def test_revokeDelay(clientOwner, clientSystem):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]
    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)

    assertShiftDate(clientSystem, ASSESS, aId, DATE_SUBMITTED, -0.5)
    for url in (
        assertStatus(clientOwner, url, True)
    assertShiftDate(clientSystem, ASSESS, aId, DATE_SUBMITTED, -1.5)
    for url in (
        assertStatus(clientOwner, url, False)
    assertShiftDate(clientSystem, ASSESS, aId, DATE_SUBMITTED, 1.5)
def test_sidebar(clients)
Expand source code
def test_sidebar(clients):
    amounts = {
        "All contributions": [1],
        "My contributions": [({OWNER, EDITOR}, 1)],
        f"{BELGIUM} contributions": [1],
        "Contributions to be selected": [({MYCOORD}, 1)],
        "Contributions I am assessing": [({OWNER, EDITOR}, 1)],
        "My assessments": [({OWNER, EDITOR}, 1)],
        "All assessments": [(POWER_USERS, 1)],
        "Assessments needing reviewers": [({OFFICE}, 1)],
    sidebar(clients, amounts)
def test_sidebar2(clients)
Expand source code
def test_sidebar2(clients):
    amounts = {
        "All contributions": [1],
        "My contributions": [({OWNER, EDITOR}, 1)],
        f"{BELGIUM} contributions": [1],
        "Contributions to be selected": [({MYCOORD}, 1)],
        "Contributions I am assessing": [({OWNER, EDITOR}, 0)],
        "My assessments": [({OWNER, EDITOR}, 1)],
        "All assessments": [(POWER_USERS, 1)],
    sidebar(clients, amounts)
def test_start(clientOffice, clientOwner)
Expand source code
def test_start(clientOffice, clientOwner):
def test_submitAssessment(clientOwner)
Expand source code
def test_submitAssessment(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{SUBMIT_ASSESSMENT}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, False)
def test_submitAssessment2(clientOwner)
Expand source code
def test_submitAssessment2(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{SUBMIT_ASSESSMENT}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, True)
def test_submitAssessmentRevised(clientOwner)
Expand source code
def test_submitAssessmentRevised(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{SUBMIT_REVISED}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, False)
def test_submitAssessmentRevised2(clientOwner)
Expand source code
def test_submitAssessmentRevised2(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{SUBMIT_REVISED}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, False)
def test_withdrawAssessment(clientOwner)
Expand source code
def test_withdrawAssessment(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{WITHDRAW_ASSESSMENT}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, False)
def test_withdrawAssessment2(clientOwner)
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def test_withdrawAssessment2(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    aId = G(recordId, ASSESS)
    url = f"/api/task/{WITHDRAW_ASSESSMENT}/{aId}"
    assertStatus(clientOwner, url, True)