Module test_30_contrib10

Test scenario for contributions.



Getting started with contributions.

office consults the list of users.
All users check the entries in the sidebar. They check whether they see exactly the ones they expect, and they check what happens when they follow the link.
All users try to add a contribution. Only some succeed, and they delete it again.
owner adds contribution and stores details for later tests.
All users check the entries in the sidebar. All users should see 1 contribution now.
owner sees that year, country and some other fields are pre-filled with appropriate values
All users try to make editor editor of this contribution. Only some succeed, and remove editor again.
owner makes editor editor of this contribution.
All users check the entries in the sidebar. The editor should now also see the contribution is mylist.
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"""Test scenario for contributions.

## Domain

*   Users as in `conftest`, under *players*
*   Clean slate, see `starters`.
*   The user table

## Acts

Getting started with contributions.

:   **office** consults the list of users.

:   All users check the entries in the sidebar.
    They check whether they see exactly the ones they expect, and
    they check what happens when they follow the link.

:   All users try to add a contribution. Only some succeed, and they delete it again.

:   **owner** adds contribution and stores details for later tests.

:   All users check the entries in the sidebar.
    All users should see 1 contribution now.

:   **owner** sees that year, country and some
    other fields are pre-filled with appropriate values

:   All users try to make **editor** editor of this contribution.
    Only some succeed, and remove **editor** again.

:   **owner** makes **editor** editor of this contribution.

:   All users check the entries in the sidebar.
    The editor should now also see the contribution is `mylist`.


import pytest

import magic  # noqa
from control.utils import pick as G, now
from conftest import USERS
from example import (
from helpers import forall, getItem
from starters import start
from subtest import assertAddItem, assertDelItem, assertEditor, sidebar

startInfo = {}

def test_start(clientOffice):
    startInfo.update(start(clientOffice=clientOffice, users=True))

def test_sidebar(clients):
    amounts = {}
    sidebar(clients, amounts)

def test_addDelAll(clients):
    def assertIt(cl, exp):
        eid = assertAddItem(cl, CONTRIB, exp)
        if exp:
            assertDelItem(cl, CONTRIB, eid, True)

    expect = {user: True for user in USERS}
    expect["public"] = False
    forall(clients, expect, assertIt)

def test_addOwner(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]
    recordInfo = startInfo["recordInfo"]

    eid = assertAddItem(clientOwner, CONTRIB, True)
    recordId[CONTRIB] = eid
    recordInfo[CONTRIB] = getItem(clientOwner, CONTRIB, eid)

def test_sidebar2(clients):
    amounts = {
        "All contributions": [1],
        "My contributions": [({OWNER}, 1)],
        f"{BELGIUM} contributions": [1],
        "Contributions to be selected": [({MYCOORD}, 1)],
    sidebar(clients, amounts)

    ("field", "value"),
        (TITLE, TITLE1),
        (YEAR, str(now().year)),
def test_fields(clientOwner, field, value):
    recordInfo = startInfo["recordInfo"]
    contribInfo = recordInfo[CONTRIB]
    fields = G(contribInfo, "fields")

    assert G(fields, field) == value

def test_makeEditorAll(clients):
    valueTables = startInfo["valueTables"]
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    eid = G(recordId, CONTRIB)

    def assertIt(cl, exp):
        assertEditor(cl, CONTRIB, eid, valueTables, exp)
        if exp:
            assertEditor(cl, CONTRIB, eid, valueTables, exp, clear=True)

    expect = {user: False for user in USERS}
    expect.update({user: True for user in {OWNER, OFFICE, SYSTEM, ROOT}})
    forall(clients, expect, assertIt)

def test_makeEditorOwner(clientOwner):
    valueTables = startInfo["valueTables"]
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    eid = G(recordId, CONTRIB)
    assertEditor(clientOwner, CONTRIB, eid, valueTables, True)

def test_sidebar3(clients):
    amounts = {
        "All contributions": [1],
        "My contributions": [({OWNER, EDITOR}, 1)],
        f"{BELGIUM} contributions": [1],
        "Contributions to be selected": [({MYCOORD}, 1)],
    sidebar(clients, amounts)


def test_addDelAll(clients)
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def test_addDelAll(clients):
    def assertIt(cl, exp):
        eid = assertAddItem(cl, CONTRIB, exp)
        if exp:
            assertDelItem(cl, CONTRIB, eid, True)

    expect = {user: True for user in USERS}
    expect["public"] = False
    forall(clients, expect, assertIt)
def test_addOwner(clientOwner)
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def test_addOwner(clientOwner):
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]
    recordInfo = startInfo["recordInfo"]

    eid = assertAddItem(clientOwner, CONTRIB, True)
    recordId[CONTRIB] = eid
    recordInfo[CONTRIB] = getItem(clientOwner, CONTRIB, eid)
def test_fields(clientOwner, field, value)
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    ("field", "value"),
        (TITLE, TITLE1),
        (YEAR, str(now().year)),
def test_fields(clientOwner, field, value):
    recordInfo = startInfo["recordInfo"]
    contribInfo = recordInfo[CONTRIB]
    fields = G(contribInfo, "fields")

    assert G(fields, field) == value
def test_makeEditorAll(clients)
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def test_makeEditorAll(clients):
    valueTables = startInfo["valueTables"]
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    eid = G(recordId, CONTRIB)

    def assertIt(cl, exp):
        assertEditor(cl, CONTRIB, eid, valueTables, exp)
        if exp:
            assertEditor(cl, CONTRIB, eid, valueTables, exp, clear=True)

    expect = {user: False for user in USERS}
    expect.update({user: True for user in {OWNER, OFFICE, SYSTEM, ROOT}})
    forall(clients, expect, assertIt)
def test_makeEditorOwner(clientOwner)
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def test_makeEditorOwner(clientOwner):
    valueTables = startInfo["valueTables"]
    recordId = startInfo["recordId"]

    eid = G(recordId, CONTRIB)
    assertEditor(clientOwner, CONTRIB, eid, valueTables, True)
def test_sidebar(clients)
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def test_sidebar(clients):
    amounts = {}
    sidebar(clients, amounts)
def test_sidebar2(clients)
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def test_sidebar2(clients):
    amounts = {
        "All contributions": [1],
        "My contributions": [({OWNER}, 1)],
        f"{BELGIUM} contributions": [1],
        "Contributions to be selected": [({MYCOORD}, 1)],
    sidebar(clients, amounts)
def test_sidebar3(clients)
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def test_sidebar3(clients):
    amounts = {
        "All contributions": [1],
        "My contributions": [({OWNER, EDITOR}, 1)],
        f"{BELGIUM} contributions": [1],
        "Contributions to be selected": [({MYCOORD}, 1)],
    sidebar(clients, amounts)
def test_start(clientOffice)
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def test_start(clientOffice):
    startInfo.update(start(clientOffice=clientOffice, users=True))