Module test_10_factory10

Test the set-up of the Flask app.



How the app is set up, difference between production and development

In development the testing attribute of the Flask app is False.
In development we can login all test users.
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"""Test the set-up of the Flask app.

## Domain

*   Clean slate, see `starters`.

## Acts

How the app is set up, difference between production and development

:   In development the `testing` attribute of the Flask app is False.

:   In development we can login all test users.


import pytest

import magic  # noqa
from starters import start
from subtest import assertStatus
from example import PUBLIC

def test_start():

def test_test(app):
    assert app.testing

def test_login(clientPublic, clients):
    for user in clients:
        assertStatus(clientPublic, f"/login?eppn={user}", user != PUBLIC)


def test_login(clientPublic, clients)
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def test_login(clientPublic, clients):
    for user in clients:
        assertStatus(clientPublic, f"/login?eppn={user}", user != PUBLIC)
def test_start()
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def test_start():
def test_test(app)
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def test_test(app):
    assert app.testing