Module control.typ.text

Types of text.

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"""Types of text."""

import re

from markdown import markdown

from config import Config as C, Names as N
from control.html import HtmlElements as H
from control.utils import E, DOT
from control.typ.base import TypeBase

CW = C.web

QQ = H.icon(CW.unknown[N.generic])
Qq = H.icon(CW.unknown[N.generic], asChar=True)

urlStart = re.compile(r"""^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)[:/]+(.*)""", re.I)

class Text(TypeBase):
    """Base class for text types: String, Url, Email, Markdown."""
    widgetType = N.text

class Url(Text):
    """Type class for url strings."""

    pattern = (

    def normalize(cls, strVal):
        normalVal = str(strVal).strip()
        if not normalVal:
            return E
        match = urlStart.match(normalVal)
        if match:
            protocol =
            rest =
            if protocol not in {N.http, N.https}:
                protocol = N.https
            normalVal = f"{protocol}://{rest}"
            normalVal = f"https://{normalVal}"
        if DOT not in normalVal:
            normalVal += f"""{DOT}{}"""
        return normalVal

    def toDisplay(self, val, markup=True):
        if val is None:
            return None if markup is None else QQ if markup else Qq
        valBare = self.normalize(str(val))
        if markup is not None:
            valBare = H.he(valBare)
        return H.a(valBare, valBare) if markup else valBare

class Email(Text):
    """Type class for email strings."""

    pattern = """^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_.-]*@[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+$"""

    def normalize(self, strVal):
        normalVal = str(strVal).strip()
        if not normalVal:
            return E
        return normalVal

    def toDisplay(self, val, markup=True):
        if val is None:
            return None if markup is None else QQ if markup else Qq
        valBare = self.normalize(str(val))
        if markup is not None:
            valBare = H.he(valBare)
        return H.a(valBare, valBare) if markup else valBare

class Markdown(TypeBase):
    """Type class for markdown text.

    The `toDisplay` method will convert the markdown to HTML.

    widgetType = N.markdown

    def normalize(self, strVal):
        return strVal.strip()

    def fromStr(self, editVal):
        return self.normalize(editVal)

    def toDisplay(self, val, markup=True):
        if val is None:
            return None if markup is None else QQ if markup else Qq
        return H.div(markdown(val)) if markup is True else val

    def toEdit(self, val):
        return val

    def widget(self, val):
        return H.textarea(val or E, cls="wvalue")


class Email

Type class for email strings.

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class Email(Text):
    """Type class for email strings."""

    pattern = """^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_.-]*@[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+$"""

    def normalize(self, strVal):
        normalVal = str(strVal).strip()
        if not normalVal:
            return E
        return normalVal

    def toDisplay(self, val, markup=True):
        if val is None:
            return None if markup is None else QQ if markup else Qq
        valBare = self.normalize(str(val))
        if markup is not None:
            valBare = H.he(valBare)
        return H.a(valBare, valBare) if markup else valBare


Class variables

var pattern

Inherited members

class Markdown

Type class for markdown text.

The toDisplay method will convert the markdown to HTML.

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class Markdown(TypeBase):
    """Type class for markdown text.

    The `toDisplay` method will convert the markdown to HTML.

    widgetType = N.markdown

    def normalize(self, strVal):
        return strVal.strip()

    def fromStr(self, editVal):
        return self.normalize(editVal)

    def toDisplay(self, val, markup=True):
        if val is None:
            return None if markup is None else QQ if markup else Qq
        return H.div(markdown(val)) if markup is True else val

    def toEdit(self, val):
        return val

    def widget(self, val):
        return H.textarea(val or E, cls="wvalue")


Class variables

var widgetType

Inherited members

class Text

Base class for text types: String, Url, Email, Markdown.

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class Text(TypeBase):
    """Base class for text types: String, Url, Email, Markdown."""
    widgetType = N.text



Class variables

var widgetType

Inherited members

class Url

Type class for url strings.

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class Url(Text):
    """Type class for url strings."""

    pattern = (

    def normalize(cls, strVal):
        normalVal = str(strVal).strip()
        if not normalVal:
            return E
        match = urlStart.match(normalVal)
        if match:
            protocol =
            rest =
            if protocol not in {N.http, N.https}:
                protocol = N.https
            normalVal = f"{protocol}://{rest}"
            normalVal = f"https://{normalVal}"
        if DOT not in normalVal:
            normalVal += f"""{DOT}{}"""
        return normalVal

    def toDisplay(self, val, markup=True):
        if val is None:
            return None if markup is None else QQ if markup else Qq
        valBare = self.normalize(str(val))
        if markup is not None:
            valBare = H.he(valBare)
        return H.a(valBare, valBare) if markup else valBare


Class variables

var pattern

Inherited members