Module control.typ.datetime

The datetime type.

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"""The datetime type."""

import re
from datetime import datetime as dt

from config import Config as C, Names as N
from control.utils import now, E
from control.html import HtmlElements as H
from control.typ.base import TypeBase

CW = C.web

QQ = H.icon(CW.unknown[N.generic])
Qq = H.icon(CW.unknown[N.generic], asChar=True)

dtTrim = re.compile(r"""[^0-9  T/:.-]+""")
dtSep = re.compile(r"""[ T/:.-]+""")

def getDefaultDate():
    today = now()
    return (

DATETIME_FORMAT = """{:>04}-{:>02}-{:>02} {:>02}:{:>02}:{:>02}"""

def genDatetimePattern():
    s = """[ /:.-]"""
    t = """[T /:.-]"""
    yr = """([12][0-9][0-9][0-9])"""
    mth = """((0[1-9])|(1[0-2])|[1-9])"""
    d = """((0[1-9])|([12][0-9])|(3[01])|[1-9])"""
    hr = """(([0-5][0-9])|[0-9])"""
    m = hr
    sec = hr
    return (

DATETIME_PATTERN = genDatetimePattern()

class Datetime(TypeBase):
    """Type class for date-time values"""
    rawType = dt
    widgetType = N.text
    pattern = DATETIME_PATTERN

    def partition(self, strVal):
        """Split a datetime string into 3 date components and 3 time components.

        !!! note
            The fraction part of seconds is ignored.

        !!! warning
            If there are missing components, they will be taken from the default date,
            which is `now`.

        strVal: string
        normalVal = dtTrim.sub(E, strVal)
        if not normalVal:
            return None

        normalParts = [int(p) for p in dtSep.split(normalVal)]
        if len(normalParts) == 0:
            return None

        if not 1900 <= normalParts[0] <= 2100:
            return None

        defaultDate = getDefaultDate()
        if len(normalParts) > 6:
            normalParts = normalParts[0:6]
        if len(normalParts) < 6:
            normalParts = [
                normalParts[i] if i < len(normalParts) else defaultDate[i]
                for i in range(6)
            dt(*normalParts)  # only for checking
        except Exception:
            normalParts = defaultDate
        return normalParts

    def normalize(self, strVal):
        normalParts = self.partition(strVal)
        if normalParts is None:
            return E
        return DATETIME_FORMAT.format(*normalParts)

    def fromStr(self, editVal):
        if not editVal:
            return None
        if editVal ==
            return now()
        normalParts = self.partition(editVal)
        if normalParts is None:
            return None
        cast = self.rawType
        return cast(*normalParts)

    def toDisplay(self, val, markup=True):
        if val is None:
            return None if markup is None else QQ if markup else Qq
        valBare = self.normalize(val.isoformat())
        return H.span(valBare) if markup else valBare

    def toEdit(self, val):
        return E if val is None else self.normalize(val.isoformat())

    def toOrig(self, val):
        if val is None:
            return None
        return self.normalize(val.isoformat())


def genDatetimePattern()
Expand source code
def genDatetimePattern():
    s = """[ /:.-]"""
    t = """[T /:.-]"""
    yr = """([12][0-9][0-9][0-9])"""
    mth = """((0[1-9])|(1[0-2])|[1-9])"""
    d = """((0[1-9])|([12][0-9])|(3[01])|[1-9])"""
    hr = """(([0-5][0-9])|[0-9])"""
    m = hr
    sec = hr
    return (
def getDefaultDate()
Expand source code
def getDefaultDate():
    today = now()
    return (


class Datetime

Type class for date-time values

Expand source code
class Datetime(TypeBase):
    """Type class for date-time values"""
    rawType = dt
    widgetType = N.text
    pattern = DATETIME_PATTERN

    def partition(self, strVal):
        """Split a datetime string into 3 date components and 3 time components.

        !!! note
            The fraction part of seconds is ignored.

        !!! warning
            If there are missing components, they will be taken from the default date,
            which is `now`.

        strVal: string
        normalVal = dtTrim.sub(E, strVal)
        if not normalVal:
            return None

        normalParts = [int(p) for p in dtSep.split(normalVal)]
        if len(normalParts) == 0:
            return None

        if not 1900 <= normalParts[0] <= 2100:
            return None

        defaultDate = getDefaultDate()
        if len(normalParts) > 6:
            normalParts = normalParts[0:6]
        if len(normalParts) < 6:
            normalParts = [
                normalParts[i] if i < len(normalParts) else defaultDate[i]
                for i in range(6)
            dt(*normalParts)  # only for checking
        except Exception:
            normalParts = defaultDate
        return normalParts

    def normalize(self, strVal):
        normalParts = self.partition(strVal)
        if normalParts is None:
            return E
        return DATETIME_FORMAT.format(*normalParts)

    def fromStr(self, editVal):
        if not editVal:
            return None
        if editVal ==
            return now()
        normalParts = self.partition(editVal)
        if normalParts is None:
            return None
        cast = self.rawType
        return cast(*normalParts)

    def toDisplay(self, val, markup=True):
        if val is None:
            return None if markup is None else QQ if markup else Qq
        valBare = self.normalize(val.isoformat())
        return H.span(valBare) if markup else valBare

    def toEdit(self, val):
        return E if val is None else self.normalize(val.isoformat())

    def toOrig(self, val):
        if val is None:
            return None
        return self.normalize(val.isoformat())


Class variables

var pattern
var rawType

datetime(year, month, day[, hour[, minute[, second[, microsecond[,tzinfo]]]]])

The year, month and day arguments are required. tzinfo may be None, or an instance of a tzinfo subclass. The remaining arguments may be ints.

var widgetType


def partition(self, strVal)

Split a datetime string into 3 date components and 3 time components.


The fraction part of seconds is ignored.


If there are missing components, they will be taken from the default date, which is now.


strVal : string
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def partition(self, strVal):
    """Split a datetime string into 3 date components and 3 time components.

    !!! note
        The fraction part of seconds is ignored.

    !!! warning
        If there are missing components, they will be taken from the default date,
        which is `now`.

    strVal: string
    normalVal = dtTrim.sub(E, strVal)
    if not normalVal:
        return None

    normalParts = [int(p) for p in dtSep.split(normalVal)]
    if len(normalParts) == 0:
        return None

    if not 1900 <= normalParts[0] <= 2100:
        return None

    defaultDate = getDefaultDate()
    if len(normalParts) > 6:
        normalParts = normalParts[0:6]
    if len(normalParts) < 6:
        normalParts = [
            normalParts[i] if i < len(normalParts) else defaultDate[i]
            for i in range(6)
        dt(*normalParts)  # only for checking
    except Exception:
        normalParts = defaultDate
    return normalParts

Inherited members