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Tables with custom logic

Here are the particulars of our tables.



Contributions can be selected by National Coordinators. Or they can be rejected. After a selection decision, the contribution and itts associated assessments and reviews become frozen. Nobody can modify them anymore.

Stray material

There might be stray assessment and reviews associated with a contribution, in the sense that they do not belong to the workflow. These stray records are not frozen, and may be deleted if the owner wishes to do so.


In particular the current score of the assessment is presented here. The score is computed workflow function computeScore and presented by presentScore . Not only the score is presented, but also its derivation.


It is presented whether the assessment currently counts as submitted for review, and if yes, also the date-time of the last submission. In this case there is also a button to withdraw the assessment from review.

If the assessment does not count as submitted, a submit button is presented.


This is not the whole truth, the presence of these action buttons is dependent on additional constraints, such as whether the current user has rights to submit, and whether the assessment is completen and whether the contribution is not frozen.

It can also be the case that the assessment has been reviewed with outcome revise. In that case, the submit button changes into an Enter revisions button, and later to Submit for review (again).


If the contribution has received an other type since the creation of this assessment, this assessment will count as stalled, and cannot be used for review.

In this case, the criteria of the assessment are not the criteria by which the contribution should be assessed. So the system stalls this assessment. It is doomed, it can never be submitted. Unless you decide to change back the type of the contribution. If that is not an option, the best thing to do is to copy the worthwhile material from this assessment into a fresh assessment.


These records are meant to be shown as detail records of an assessment. As such, they are part of a big form. Each record is a row in that form in which the user can enter a score and state evidence for that score.

The display of the rows is such that completed entries are clearly differentiated from incomplete ones.


The biggest task for review templates is to show the reviews of both reviewers side by side, and to make the review editable for the corresponding reviewer.

In doing so, the app needs to know the exact stage the review process is in, to be able to temporarily lock reviews when they are considered by the final reviewer.

This is responsible to present the reviewers with controls to make their decisions, and present to other users the effects of those decisions.


These records are meant to be shown as detail records of a review. As such, they are part of a big form. Each record is a row in that form in which the user can enter review comments.