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We store the data in a MongoDB .

Data as documents

A MongoDB does not work with a fixed schema. A MongoDB collection consists of documents, which are essentially JSON-like structures, arbitrarily large and arbitrarily nested. That makes it easy to add new kinds of data to documents and collections when the need arises to do so. This will not break the existing code.

MongoDB is optimized to read quickly, at the cost of more expensive data manipulation operations. Its documentation favours storing related data inside the main document. This increases the redundancy of the data and may lead to consistency problems, unless the application tries to enforce consistency somehow.

In this app, with a limited amount of data, we use MongoDB primarily for its flexibility. We still adhere largely to SQL-like practices when we deal with related tables. So instead of storing the information of related documents directly inside the main document, we only store references to related documents inside the main documents.


Because our treatment of data is still very relational, we prefer wording derived from SQL databases, at least in the present documentation:

collection table
document record

Data model

This application uses configuration files in tables.yaml and those in tables to model tables and fields, with their permissions. It has base classes ( table, record, field, details ) to deal with most situations, but special tables may use their own derived classes.

classification of tables
user tables

The main tables that receive user content: contrib, assessment, review.

user entry tables

Tables that receive user content too, namely the entries users make in assessments and reviews: criteriaEntry and reviewEntry.


Tables that define the values for fields in other tables, such as discipline, keyword, tadirahObject. The user table is also a value table.


A subset of the value tables: decision and permissionGroup. Essential for the integrity of the business logic.


Details are records, usually in another table, having a field that points to their master record by means of an _id value.

Which tables act as details for which masters is specified in tables.yaml.


A record may have detail records associated with it. We call such a record a master record with respect to its details.


Whenever possible, the field in a detail table that points to a master is named after the master table.


When a master record is deleted, its details have a dangling reference to a non-existing master record. In some cases it is desirable to delete the detail records as well.


criteriaEntry records are deleted with their master: an assessment record.


criteria records are not deleted with their master record.

Deletion prohibited

In all cases where a record has dependencies, deletion of such a record is prohibited, unless all of its dependencies are marked for cascade-deletion.

In order to remove a contribution with assessments and reviews, you first have to delete all its assessments and reviews.


Fields for recording the edit history of a record.


Field specifications for the provenance fields.

We have these fields:


List of ids of non-owner users that may edit this record, even if their group permissions do not allow it.


Id of the user that created the record.


Datetime when the record was created.


Trail of modification events, each event has the name of the user who caused the change and the datetime when it happened. The trail will be weeded out over time.

The field "editors" may be changed by the owner of a record, and by people with higher powers such as the backoffice, not by the editors themselves (unless they also have higher power).

All other fields cannot be modified by users, not even by users with higher powers. Only the system itself will write and update these fields.


A person with access to the underlying Mongo DB can do with the data what (s)he wants.

This requires a direct interaction with the machine on which the database resides. Webaccess is not sufficient.

The individual table models consist of the specifications of the fields in that table. For each field there is a key under which some specs are written.


A user-friendly display name of the field.


The data type of the field. It can be a plain data type, or the name of a value table that contains the possible values of this field.

Possible plain types are:


A string of characters, usually just a one-liner. See text.


A syntactically valid URL: i.e. a string of text that can be interpreted as a URL. A validation routine will check this. See url.


A syntactically valid email address. A validation routine will check this. See email.


A string of characters, which may extend to several pages, formatted as Markdown text. See markdown.


true or false. See bool2.


true , null, or false. See bool3.


An integer number. See int.


An decimal number. See decimal.


An decimal number with an implicit monetary unit: €. See money.


A date time, mostly represented in its ISO 8601 format. See datetime.

Related values

When a field refers to other records, there is much more to specify. In this case type is the name of a value table. See related.


Whether there is only one value allowed for this field, or a list of values.


Who has read and edit access to this field?


The specification is greatly simplified by conventions. Only what deviates from the following conventions needs to be specified:

  • label: same as table name, first letter capitalized
  • type: text
  • multiple: false
  • public
  • perm.edit: edit, i.e. the creator and the editors of the record.
  • See below for more about permissions.

Permission model

The authorization system is built on the basis of groups and permission levels.

Users are assigned to groups, and things require permission levels.

When a user wants to act upon a thing, his/her group will be compared to the permission level of the thing, and based on the outcome of the comparison, the action will be allowed or forbidden.

The configuration of the permissions system as a whole is in perm .

The the table-specific permissions are under the perm keys of the table config files mentioned above.


Under the key roles the groups and pseudo groups are given. Here is a short description.

group is pseudo description
nobody no deliberately empty: no user is member of this group
public no user, not logged in
auth no authenticated user
edit yes authenticated user and editor of records in question
own yes authenticated user and creator of records in question
coord no national coordinator
office no back office user
system no system administrator
root no full control

Groups are attributes of users, as an indication of the power they have.

Informally, we need to distinguish between:


nobody is a group without users, and if there were users, they could not do anything.

Useful in cases where you want to state that something is not permitted to anybody.

The public

public is a group for unidentified an unauthenticated users.

They can only list/read public information and have no right to edit anything and can do no actions that change anything in the database.

Authenticated users

auth is the group of DARIAH users authenticated by the DARIAH Identity provider.

This is the default group for logged-in users.

They can see DARIAH internal information (within limits) an can add items and then modify/delete them, within limits.

National coordinators

coord is the group of National Coordinators. They are DARIAH users that coordinate the DARIAH outputs for an entire member country.

They can (de)select contributions and see their cost fields but only for contributions in the countries they coordinate.

Backoffice employees

office is the group of users that work for the DARIAH ERIC office.

They can modify records created by others (within limits), but cannot perform technical actions that affect the system.

System managers

sysadmin is the group of users that control the system, not only through the interface of the app, but also with low-level access to the database and the machine that serves the app.

Can modify system-technical records, within limits.


root is the one user that can bootstrap the system.

Complete rights. Still there are untouchable things, that would compromise the integrity of the system. Even root cannot modify those from within the system.

Root is the owner of the system, and can assign people to the roles of system managers and backoffice employees.

From there on, these latter groups can do everything that is needed for the day-to-day operation of the functions that the system is designed to fulfill.

Pseudo groups

In some cases, the identity of the user is relevant, namely when users have a special relationship to the records they want to modify, such as ownership, editorship, etc. When those relationships apply, users are put in a pseudo group such own or edit.


For deletion of records we have a convention without exceptions:

  • records in userEntry tables cannot be deleted directly, only as a result of deleting their master record.
  • Users that have created a record or are mentioned in its editors field may also delete that record if no workflow conditions forbid it.
  • Super users may delete records in user tables.
  • Nobody may delete records in value tables.
Assigning users to groups

Once users are in a group, their permissions are known. But there are also permissions to regulate who may assign groups to users.

Not yet implemented

These rules are not yet in force in the redesigned system

These permissions derive from the groups as well, with a few additional rules:

  • nobody can assign anybody to the group nobody;
  • a person can only add people to groups that have at most his/her own power;
  • a person can only assign groups to people that have less power than him/herself.
  • If you are office, you cannot promote yourself or anyone else to system or root.
  • If you are office, you cannot demote another member of office to the group auth.
  • You cannot demote/promote your peers, or the ones above you.
  • You can demote yourself, but not promote yourself.
  • You can demote people below you.
  • You can promote people below you, but only up to your own level.

Note that users in group nobody have no rights. There should be no users in that group, but if by misconfiguration there is a user in that group, (s)he can do nothing.


A consequence of the promotion/demotion rules is that if there is no user in the group root, nobody can be made root from within the system.

Likewise, if a user is root, nobody can take away his/her root status, except him/herself.

When importing data into the system by means of you can specify to make a specific user root. Which user that is, is specified in config.yaml , see rootUser.

The command is

./ -r

to be executed in the home directory on the server.

Alternatively, issuing

./ -R

will also convert all other root users on the system to office users.

Once the root user is in place, (s)he can assign system admins and back office people. Once those are in place, the daily governance of the system can take place.

Name handling

The problem

There are a lot of names in these yaml files. The most obvious way to use them in our programs (Python on the server, JavaScript on the client) is by just mentioning them as strings, e.g.:

title = DM['tables']['permissionGroup']['title']


title = DM.tables.permissionGroup.title


const { tables: { permissionGroup: { title } } } = DM

But then the question arises: how can we use these names in our programs in such a way that we are protected agains typos?

Partial solution

We tackle this problem in the server code, but not in the client code.


Well, we convert the .yaml model files to Python modules that expose the same model, but now as Python data structure. This is done by means of the script, just before starting the server. That enables us to collect the names and generate some code. Every part of the .yaml files that may act as a name, is collected. We then define a class Names that contains a member

name = 'name'

for each name.

So whenever we want to refer to a name in one of the models, we have a Python variable in our name space that is equal to that name prepended with N.. By consequently using instead of a plain string, we guard ourselves against typos, because the Python parser will complain about undefined variables.