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The numbers stand for lines of code. 1000 lines is ~ 20 typed A4 pages of text.

The statistics have been gathered by the cloc tool .





A simple plain-text way to convey structured data. What Markdown is to text, YAML is to XML-JSON. In this app we use YAML for configuration details.

Usage in this app


See Markdown.

A simple plain-text way to write formatted text. See it as a shortcut to writing HTML. It is handy for writing documentation without being distracted by too many formatting options and issues.

General usage

Markdown is usually converted to HTML, but even when it is not converted, it is still very readable.

If you use GitHub, one of the first things is to write a README file for your project. This must be a markdown file. If you use other documentation options on GitHub, such as Wiki or Pages, you will also write markdown.

Markdown has a sister: YAML , which is used for structured data.

Usage in this app
  • all documentation here is written in Markdown
  • the docstrings inside the Python code use Markdown
  • all big editable text fields in this app support Markdown.


See JavaScript.

The principal scripting language for web applications. It has evolved into a performant language with a beautiful syntax, capable of running on the server and in websites.

Usage in this app

This app uses JavaScript in the client only. A previous incarnation of this app has been written as a Single Page App which lead to an explosion of Javascript and techniques within Javascript, such as React and Redux.

That became too complex for our purposes, and we are back to simple, but modern Javascript and JQuery.


See Python.

A general purpose scripting language with excellent data processing facilities.

Usage in this app

This app uses python (version 3.6.1+) for the web server. The web server itself is Flask , a light-weight framework for handling http(s) requests.

We have added a set of controllers .


See CSS.

Styling the app has nightmarish overtones, because the concerns of style often cut right across the concerns of the components. There are several ways to control the resulting mess, and one of the best is to use the modern features of CSS.

General usage

Cascading style sheets are the ultimate way to paint the final look and feel of the website. By using flex boxes instead of tables we can make the app respond gracefully to changes in the size of the display without resorting to the bureaucracy of overdefining style properties. Note that our app does not use the HTML <table> element any more for aligning pieces of content.

Usage in this app

We use a lot of the CSS-3 features, including variables , and calc() .

This lessens our need for a style sheet preprocessor such as SASS to 0%.

Note especially how colour management has become easy:

  1. all colour definitions are in variables
  2. all colour definitions are in HSLA , which allows a very consistent definition of families of colours. Quote from Mozilla :

One advantage of HSLA over RGB is that it is more intuitive: you can guess

  at the color you want, and tweak it from there. It is also easier to create
a set of matching colors (e.g., by keeping the hue the same, while varying
the lightness/darkness and saturation).

This is exactly what we do. See vars.css .


See Shell.

The shell is the interpreter of system level commands.

Usage in this app

Our app does not use it, but we use it to develop the app. All the development tasks, such pushing code to GitHub, transporting databases to the production server are done by intricate commands with many options which are easily forgotten.

That's why we have a build script. You have to pass it just the name of a task, and the script executes that task with all the sophistication needed.



The core language of the web.

Usage in this app

Surprisingly, our code contains very little HTML.

Our server only sends a simple template page to the browser followed by one or more snippets to replace pieces of content by updated material.



A format to serialize JavaScript objects.

General usage

In web applications, the program logic happens at two separate places (at least): the server and the client. It is important that data can flow seamlessly from one programming context to the other. JSON achieves that.

Usage in this app
  • to send data from client to server

Keeping the code tidy

There are three progressive levels of caring for your code.

Level 1: code style

Adopt a style guide and meticulously keep to it. It is hard, especially if you work in two syntactically and culturally diverse languages such as JavaScript and Python. Add CSS, Markdown and YAML to the mix, and you can feel the need for a next step.

Yet this is the fundamental step, it cannot be skipped.

Level 2: linters

Linters are little programs that observe your code and check it for correctness and style, as far as that is possible without actually running the code. Usually, your editing environment runs them sneakily while you type or when you save, and give you unobtrusive but conspicuous feedback. It saves you a lot of round trips of compiling/building/running/staring at errors. Moreover, it gives you the feedback right where you are typing, so you do not have to lookup files and line numbers.

Sometimes linters give you so much feedback that your heart sinks at the thought of going through all those cases and fix them all, even if you have a splendid IDE.

That is where the next step comes in.

Level 3: formatters

Formatters have a lot in common with linters, but they fix the problems. Sometimes they parse your program with the parser of the language and then format the abstract syntax three they've got. That is the end of all style inconsistencies.

Where to put the documentation

Documentation aimed at programmers is best put as close to the code as possible. The Python code is now littered with docstrings which explain every quirk in the code. When writing docstrings I encountered a few stumbling blocks:

  • Docstrings are meant to be read in the code, but they are more readable when properly formatted.
  • Docstrings are more primitive than code: you have to repeat yourself quite a bit.
  • Soon your docstrings litter your code and detract from the terse beauty of it.
  • When you refactor, it is an extra burden to refactor the docstrings as well.

For some of these issues are solutions:

  • There are apidoc generators to that produce nice HTML formatted documentation out of them. They also apply inheritance of the code to the corresponding docstrings.
  • You can link from one identifier to another, which lessens the repetitions.
  • In your editor you can use folding to hide all docstrings with one keystroke, and then open them all again with another key stroke.
  • Do not do docstrings early on, wait till the code is more or less mature.
  • And then: good docstrings can help you to spot good refactorings.


Here is an overview of tools used in developing this app.

Formatters, Linters, API generators

Formatters are not perfect, sometimes they produce code at which the linter balks, especially yapf is doing that. Luckily, you can selectively suppress certain kinds of transformations.

language linter formatter API-generator
JavaScript eslint prettier ??
Python flake8 black pdoc3
Editor or IDE?

For projects like these, you need a good editing environment.


The good old ones like Eclipse are not really suited to the JavaScript and Python environments. There are interesting modern ones such as GitHub's Atom modernized ones such as Microsoft's Visual Studio Code and commercial ones such as Webstorm .


You can also choose to work with a text editor, such as the free Vim or the commercial Sublime Text .


My choice has been Vim, since I use it from its start in 1991. These are the key reasons for which Vim stands out:

  • it has a compositional command set, like Unix itself. By this you get all your (massive) editing chores done without much remembering and thinking.
  • it has a rich ecosystem of plugins. By this you can turn Vim into an IDE.
  • It is rock solid and performant. You can edit many small files and then some big ones, at the same time. You do not loose data.
My Vim setup

Just for the record, here is a piece of my .vimrc file (the configuration file, which draws in plugins, and customises the interface).

You can find out more about the plugins by clicking on them, they are all GitHub repos:

call plug#begin()
Plug 'vimjas/vim-python-pep8-indent'
" javascript
Plug 'jelera/vim-javascript-syntax'
Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
Plug 'othree/yajs.vim'
Plug 'othree/javascript-libraries-syntax.vim'
Plug 'mxw/vim-jsx'
" css
Plug 'hail2u/vim-css3-syntax'
Plug 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides'
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plug 'w0rp/ale'
Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox'
call plug#end()

An honourable mention for the ALE plugin. This is an asynchronous plugin that invokes linters for your files while you edit. The beauty is, that if you have installed the linters first outside Vim, ALE is smart enough to detect them and run them for you, asynchronously, and with zero configuration.

Then folding. First customize your Python syntax file very little: Make a new file ~/.vim/after/syntax/python.vim and fill it with

syn region  pythonString matchgroup=pythonTripleQuotes
      \ start=+[uU]\=\z('''\|"""\)+ end="\z1" keepend fold
      \ contains=pythonEscape,pythonSpaceError,pythonDoctest,@Spell

The only difference with the default is the word fold.

Now in your ~/vimrc say

set foldmethod=syntax
set foldnestmax=2
set foldenable
set foldcolumn=1
set foldlevel=2

" toggle fold under cursor
noremap <F6> za
inoremap <F6> za

" close all folds
noremap <S-F6> zM
inoremap <S-F6> zM

" open all folds
noremap <C-F6> zR
inoremap <C-F6> zR

Then you have keystrokes (based on <F6> in my case) to do simple but easy to remember folding.